Reviews of new Onkyo TX 8030 2Ch amp


Active Member
Mar 4, 2011
Hi there..

Pleased to start a new thread. Been a while, but was stuck up in work. Now that my flat renovation is about to get completed, I'm in process of placing order for my choice of speakers Paradigm Monitor 7 V 6. For amp, the dealer has now suggested new TX 8030 in place of 8256 or 8555. Specs wise, I found 8030 to be on better side and am planning to have an audition before placing the final order. Has anyone from here had any experience about the model I'm discussing?

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Specs are all right, but do audition the amp with the same material you used before.

In terms of speakers, always buy what your ears like.

The 8030 is too new and I do not see any review on the Net. If it is absolutely essential, a few of us could audition the amplifier in Onkyo showrooms and see how they sound.

Dear sir

Thanks very much for the reply. And i am very pleased and honored when a veteran like you offers to do an audition on my behalf. I just SMS ed the dealer, who said he does not have the amp for audition rout now. So ill have to wait till it reaches him.

How about the speakers? The dealer has informed me about the new version which is made in china while he said he would prefer the older one which are completely made in canada.

Thanks again for offering the help. I'm really glad to have well wishers like you. I will let you know if the need be. I'm truely honored.

Do reply regarding the speakers. Do you they will be very much different from the older version.

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