Saga of my Home Theatre Build


I can understand your long wait for the private theatre to get done, sometimes it takes a lot of time in making especially when it is a DIY, the main issue is that one should not compromise during the making, after all such rooms are made once a life time. It is good that you took the suggestion from forum member's, i always say one thing that forum is the best place to seek help because there will be host of suggestion from members without any vested interest etc.

If you will keep the room open twice daily for a few minutes the air and related issues will be automatically resolved. A dedicated entertainment room will always be great without a window. You can consider this idea for the future.

It is a great that you are considering a universal remote, this will do wonders for your room.


It has been quite a long wait,infact its been a saga, building my first of a kind home theatre room with acoustic treatment et al.

I was setting up my house interiors at same time and never thought of building the HT room so elaborately. Thanks to this forum as well as after talking to Aloklala, and tips from Vinay, Pandu, Manoj - I took the decision to go ahead with acoustic treatment.

I have a window that is not not going to be opened 98% of the time - probably once in a while to let some air in. Since I didn't want to remove the window and needed to keep a thin curtain, I opted for black out blinds curtain which will ensure no sunlight shadow enters the room as well as cover the window. Fortunately I could get a curtain matching wall color as well :)

Hope folks find this useful and can provide their comments.

My next project is to setup universal remote as well as remotely control the lights - waiting for next budget to get sanctioned :D
Thanks a lot Vinay for your comments.

I did think about what needs to be done for the door from the inside, but could not finalize the options. I first thought of packing it up with rockwool but my carpenter mentioned its a challenge to put a frame on the wooden door and fix it. So my last thought was to put some kind of foam/sponge on the door and add the same cloth material on top of the foam/sponge which is on the door.

I've already ordered some frames for two movie posters (3'x2' dimension) which I plan to hang one on the door and other on side wall. Maybe I can just use the frames perhaps? But I agree with the part that the same cloth has to be there on the door to attain symmetry.

Regarding the switches, this too is a novel idea Vinay, thanks. I will explore this option too.


I too had the same problem with my Mini Theatre's door so i took a second opinion from another carpenter and he was able to do the job, if you will see the pictures of my theatre door, it is having the fabric as per my walled fabric.


I did think about what needs to be done for the door from the inside, but could not finalize the options. I first thought of packing it up with rockwool but my carpenter mentioned its a challenge to put a frame on the wooden door and fix it. So my last thought was to put some kind of foam/sponge on the door and add the same cloth material on top of the foam/sponge which is on the door.

It seems to be a good idea however if it can be done cheaper by other means that also would be great as you are aiming to fabric the door with a soft feel to enhance the room's interior.

So how is your over all experience with watching movie in your personal theatre?

I think the one's who have a well planned theatre at home should cut down at least 51% of watching movies in a multiplex and watch them at home.

Sorry for the late reply Vinay, I've been extremely occupied with work side to do anything else.

However, I'm stuck with one issue, I've tried to reach out to several carpenters in Pune and none of them are able to provide a solution for the door - meaning, putting some kind of thin frame which will have the rockwool inside.

The kind of response I'm getting is that the door will not be able to sustain the ply / frame etc.

I would like to request if there is anyone in Pune who can suggest any acoustic foam experts from whom I can purchase and try to stick them on the door. And then on top of it I can cover with a cloth.

Regarding your question Vinay about entire experience, it is indeed wonderful and awesome feeling to watch movies in your own home theatre and I'm seeing the advantage of watching in your own space - one is you dont need to spend a lot of money watching in theatres :D ( movie experience in any multiplex for a couple comes to near about 1000 Rs including popcorn/food etc), and secondly you can avoid the jeering and unnecessary interuption from some people in the theatre complex.

But there is one aspect which I would like to share about home theatre experience. I'm used to watching hi def movie content. Since the time I've been exposed to blu ray I cannot reconcile with any other medium. I can easily make out the difference when I'm watching DVD format movies.

The problem is latest movies blu rays are not available easily and they get released some 5-6 months down the line,so mostly end up either watching the dvd version or in some cases a good blu ray rip - which in totality cannot match the original quality. I enjoy watching my personal collection. So only when it comes to new movies, then the experience is different.

Just my point of view :)

But there is one aspect which I would like to share about home theatre experience. I'm used to watching hi def movie content. Since the time I've been exposed to blu ray I cannot reconcile with any other medium. I can easily make out the difference when I'm watching DVD format movies.

The problem is latest movies blu rays are not available easily and they get released some 5-6 months down the line,so mostly end up either watching the dvd version or in some cases a good blu ray rip - which in totality cannot match the original quality. I enjoy watching my personal collection. So only when it comes to new movies, then the experience is different.

Just my point of view :)


The selection of movies is very poor. Blu rays cannot be rented out. They cost a ton. Big problem there.
Our home theaters sound better than most of the commercial theaters but blu ray availability on rent is big problem.

I have the door which is nearly double in size compared to the normal one's and have put glass wool sandwiched there-in covered with fabric and moulding. If you happen to visit Mumbai before 3rd week of this month then you can see how it is done and i can call my carpenter so that he can explain you and if the need be, he can come to your place and do the job. I give chances that you will have to replace the door.

It is indeed beyond great to watch movies in our own private theater at home. I used to go around 4 times a month to watch movies in a multiplex but since over 5 years i have not been to a cinema hall, this clearly demonstrates the power of such entertainment at home.

I have given up watching movies through DVD for over 2 years and have gifted my over 225 original DVDs to forum member's and in-fact i have given away my DVD player too without taking any money.

I generally watch English movies only in 1080 rips between 6 & 10 GB, the quality is very good. It is true that we have to wait for the good quality prints which is very much fine after all many of us have over 20 movies or other content still to be watched.

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bro wht's the budget like that you spent for this setup and on the room treatment. i have got the same room size and want to have an idea for the money spent.
johnysamajhdar - I spent around a lac for entire setup which includes carpentry cost for wooden panels, acoustic material, fixing fabric cloth, carpet etc.

prosenjit - I was checking the moviemart site. They don't seem to have a lot of latest titles. Unless using member login you can see more.

johnysamajhdar - I spent around a lac for entire setup which includes carpentry cost for wooden panels, acoustic material, fixing fabric cloth, carpet etc.

prosenjit - I was checking the moviemart site. They don't seem to have a lot of latest titles. Unless using member login you can see more.


Its the same list even for members. Infact even the movies listed most of the time they are not available for Rental. For Eg. Out of 100 movies in my wishlist only 10-14 movies would be available at a time. But their CC is outstanding, you can keep the movies for almost as long as you want. And using a HTPC means, I can rip original BR quality movies onto my HDD. Just before anyone complains of the space. I got 8TB of space (have not increased even 1 Gb since last 2? years due to HDD price inflation)
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Hi Forum members,

Unfortunately due to some unavoidable reasons and circumstances, I need to move my wonderful home theatre setup to a different place.

It feels so bad, and painful that after months of toiling with help of senior members suggestions I had this setup done and now I have to dismantle everything.

Anyways, I need to move to a different place in the city, which will be my permanent one and I have a 10X10 room at my disposal.

I'm facing a major crisis with my parents insisting that I need to make this room a dual setup i.e. a home theatre cum guest bed room setup.
Meaning - when I need to use it as a home theatre, then I shuld be able to do so. And incase I have some guests, there should be sufficient feasiblity for people to sleep etc.

My thought always has been you cant do both, but I want to hear from people in this forum how I can design the room in such a way to achieve both.

Requirements -
1. The room dimensions 10X10, has a window at the screen position which I plan to cover with curtain.
2. At the seating position, need to have some sort of sofa cum bed type options etc..
3. The acoustic treatment should not be such that people cant sleep overnight.
4. Last but not lease, my dad wants the door to open always:)...

Any inputs will be highly appreciated..

Hi Forum members,

Requirements -
1. The room dimensions 10X10, has a window at the screen position which I plan to cover with curtain.
2. At the seating position, need to have some sort of sofa cum bed type options etc..
3. The acoustic treatment should not be such that people cant sleep overnight.
4. Last but not lease, my dad wants the door to open always:)...

1. Room is a bit small, but okay, will do. Use a thick curtain on that window. Something that goes right to the floor.

2. No other way but sofa-cum-bed. I would get something like this. If Budget is a constrain, then this should do the trick.

Further, if the guest is going to be single guest, use a single bed and put a single recliner next to it. This would work out best, I think.

3. Designer acoustic foam is your answer. Looks good too.

4. Door always open. Well, nothing can be done. If it a visual thing, if at all, possible, you can use a glass door.
Thanks John.
Do you know anyone who has used those Aurica or Auralex acoustic foams? are those better than the custom built wooden panels with rockwool or glasswool?

Can you make a quick drawing/diagram of the room that shows where windows/doors are?

Creating a dual-purpose room with good sound won't be a problem, even with your 10x10 space.

Will you be using the same speakers and subwoofer from your old home theatre?
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