Simple, Effective and (Hopefully) Not Too Expensive Setup


New Member
Jun 26, 2019
pune, maharashtra
hi there,

long time lurker, first time poster :) here !

i am thinking of taking the plunge to setting up a (hopefully) not very expensive listening setup (primarily for music, but hooked up to a tv as well for some movies, games etc.) i am thinking of going with the following:
  • marantz pm8006 or denon AVR-X3700H and
  • a pair of revel-m106 or genelec-8030c
since i am currently based out of pune, maharashtra, having a local place either here (or maaaybe mumbai as well) would be just great for sourcing the equipment.

question: how bad are the choices above ?

i know i can spend a lot more (is there ever an upper limit ?) and get something more professional, but for now, i just want to stick to a not-so-complicated setup.

may the experts here please guide me ?

thank you kindly
best regards !
Genelecs are powered speakers.
Just need a pre amp. Or a DAC/pre combo.
Go with stereo setup if primarily for music.
What is your source? Streamer or CD? PM8006 is superb but no DAC. Will need the same to connect to TV.
One option is PM7000N. Built in streaming and DAC plus BT. And a very decent amplifier. Gets good reviews everywhere. It's a Swiss army knife in the audio world. Just add a pair of good speakers and you can rock. Now the prices are realistic and similar to UK/US price.
It you want HDMI connection then you can consider NR1200, which is essentially a 2 channel AVR.
May also consider Audiolab 6000A or Cambridge Audio CXA61, both good amplifiers with DAC. No streaming, but BT built in.
What is your source? Streamer or CD? PM8006 is superb but no DAC. Will need the same to connect to TV.
One option is PM7000N. Built in streaming and DAC plus BT. And a very decent amplifier. Gets good reviews everywhere. It's a Swiss army knife in the audio world. Just add a pair of good speakers and you can rock. Now the prices are realistic and similar to UK/US price.
It you want HDMI connection then you can consider NR1200, which is essentially a 2 channel AVR.
ah, how lame of me ! yes, the music source would be a streamer. for the tv i was thinking of using a digital-coax cable (is that not a good idea ?)

many thanks for your responces !

thank you kindly
best regards !
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.