Speaker Shootout: Round 2 (Poll inside)


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
Short request: Please fill this survey (You may view everyone's responses after filling it!)

Long request:

Dear Brothers and Sisters Who Spend Too Much Money On Audio Equipment:

In my quest for deciding which speakers to buy, I thought, why not leverage the kindness of strangers and the crowdsourcing effort to help not only myself but also fellow seekers of aural nirvana at different price points :) I thank everyone who responded in the previous thread.

Here is the output of the effort:

1. Summary of speaker specifications and prices
2. Detailed speaker specifications

More importantly, here is where your input would multiply the above effort by leaps and bounds:

The Survey

While your survey responses will definitely provide insight into which speaker systems are good at different price points, your replies in this thread with reasons as to why will also be very helpful.

I humbly request you to fill the survey - everyone who fills it can view the responses. It will be an asset to this forum and help newcomers quickly get up to speed with which speaker systems are generally considered good.

You may view the current responses here.
you have done great work!! this surely will help people to find the right speaker in their price range.:clapping:
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Though I have voted, I felt the overlapping budgets to be confusing as half the speakers of each group overlap. A more clear demarkation like 25-50k. 50-75k and 75-100k wold be simpler to follow.

A systematic and very well thought out survey.
@Raghav: you have made a very pertinent point and I thought about it a bit while making the survey. I have designed the survey with overlapping price ranges so that it does two things:

1. It reflects our buying style: we usually go in with a flexible budget. I want to buy speakers for lets say Rs.50k. In this case, I usually consider speakers between Rs.40k to Rs.60k and not exactly Rs.50k.
2. To discover price/performance winners: is there a winner in the 40k to 60k that is only 40k?
Wow! 166 views and 10 survey responses - is it really that boring? Please let know if there is a better way to capture the knowledge of the experts on this forum!

IMHO, I am sure that any of the speakers in the survey will satisfy 80% of the people out there - post purchase rationalization may push that even higher. However, I hoped that the survey would help first timers start off on a search that is as objective as possible - to that end, here is requesting the HiFiVisionaries help out HiFiNirvana seekers :)
Commendable effort Sir,
Hats off to you... :clapping::clapping:

Is there anyone who can tell me the source for the Bowers & Wilkins 685 Theater prices ?
Commendable effort Sir,
Hats off to you... :clapping::clapping:

Is there anyone who can tell me the source for the Bowers & Wilkins 685 Theater prices ?

I got the prices from Vector Audio Systems in Panjagutta, Hyderabad. I have just asked them the price and did not bargain - so you may be able to negotiate the price down a bit. Are you interested in these speakers? If so, can you please explain why?
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