suggest good amp in rs 40000 range

sameer kumar

Well-Known Member
May 22, 2008

all these years I hvae been using Sony Mini hj fi system about 80rms output.
my brother is coming from usa,planning to get me an amp.
PLEASE SUGGEST GOOD AMP FOR $1000.matching speakers cdplayer casette player from local market.


Welcome to hi-fi separates world ! Now to suggest an Amp for you we require some basic information,like whats your taste of music and speakers are you going to pair it with (if not already bought then what are your choices).

I guess by asking which Cd player and cassette player you've hinted that its a stereo setup that you are planning not 5.1,correct me if Am wrong !

Please give the details for Us to comment further .

PLEASE SUGGEST GOOD AMP FOR $1000.matching speakers cdplayer casette player from local market.

Some of the options in that price bracket are: CA Azur 740A, RA 1070, Creek A50i etc. But if you step up a bit, there are a few cracking amps. Creek Evolution, MF A3.5, Krell KAV-400xi.

I would also suggest you to get the CDP from USA as well. The price difference between USA and India is huge.

I listen to ROCK music and looking for a component compilation only for music.
Suggest me soon.

Give me only one option for each component.

AMP to buy in usa and remaining all in INDIA
US works on 110 Volts and India on 230 Volts. So be careful when you are buying an amp from US. Having a step up transformer degrades the sound.
You can get an Odyssey Khartago (110W/ch) for that price. We can arrange it such that your brother pays Odyssey in US directly, takes delivery of a 230V version there itself.

We have people who have done this (paid and taken delivery in the US and then get a 230V version and brought it to India)

if you are willing to spend a bit more, you can get the Stratos amp itself



I listen to ROCK music and looking for a component compilation only for music.
Suggest me soon.

Give me only one option for each component.

AMP to buy in usa and remaining all in INDIA
Hi Sridhar,
Why not try Rogue Audio products if there is no other importer.
This brand is very good at reasonable prices.
I may be interested in your Usher BE-718. I am working on it.
I have huge inventory of High end goods which i am planning to dispose off,.
this site might help me.
I am just preparing a list. All my things are good value and highly rated in their days.
What is this Odyessy brand. can I have the web site. Are these tube or solid state gears.
Is it possible to drive Be-718 with a 2A3 SET amp. 3.5 watts.
thanks for the suggestion. Do you have an idea about the prices that Rogue products cater to? I have heard about Rogue before but never heard their products. Which particular models if any did you have in mind as value for money?
As it breaks in, we find that the Be-718 walks a very nice line between musicality and detail, however its sensitivity is on the lower side (86 dB). I dont believe a SET amp can drive it. I woud recommend a 50W amp for it. I have tried a RWA 30.2 (30 Watts) and it drives it beautifully.

Hi SKR but please....the website is horrible, but their products are directly inverse of their website :D
Klaus Bunge who is the designer also does not believing in advertising or reviews. There are a few early reviews of his products but then, it started becoming too commercial so he dropped sending them to magazines :mad:
In any case Odyssey audio comes from the Symphonic Line - Rolf Gemin line of products. There is a licensing arrangement and Klaus manages to manufacture them in the US for a fraction of the cost. The Symphonic Line Kraft amplifiers to give you an idea retail for about $40,000. The Khartago is their entry level amplifier followed by various versions of the Stratos depending on the kind of upgrades one wants. Its speciality is musicality.
If you search, you will find in another thread that one of our customers has gone from Bryston 7BSST monoblocks to a stratos stereo amp since he found them more musical and emotionally involving.

Hi Sridhar,
You can visit rogue audio web site. they have many affordable products giving very good sound quality.
I am using Rogue Audio Magnum-99 Pre-amplifier which is very good. But I upgraded it myself by using Mundorf Silver oil Capacitors and Sylvania NOS tubes which has taken it to a different level. It is very musical and sweet sounding.
Similarly they have very reasonably priced Pre-amps,integrated amps and power amps.
At 86 db it is not possible to drive USHER by SET amps.
I find the combination of Red wine and Quads 2805 magical,. The best part is I am surprised to get such powerful Bass and FULL BODIED sound from 30 watts battery operated amps. It is really amazing.
i am having a Triangle Titus bookshelf speaker and an Omega Grande-6 High sensivity speaker which I will try to dispose off. Both are very good value for beginers as well as seasoned audiophiles. Also a Perpetual technology DAC/Upsampler P1A and P3A and a Sonic Frontier Pre-amp. SFL-2

Noted about Odessey web site and other details.I just opened the web site and saw the home page.
Another product i can recommend is SILVERLNE AUDIO for speakers.
You don't have to go for their higher line.
The base models are very good and very well priced.
A reviwer friend from suggested me and has been reviewed very well in stereophiles/TAS and show reports.
Their PRELUDE speaker $1200- is very very good,huge sound.
Also the new book shelf is Very good ,but I am forgetting model name just reviewed in stereophile or TAS.

all these years I hvae been using Sony Mini hj fi system about 80rms output.
my brother is coming from usa,planning to get me an amp.
PLEASE SUGGEST GOOD AMP FOR $1000.matching speakers cdplayer casette player from local market.


By amp do you mean integrated amplifier(pre-amp and amplier in one) ? or power amplifier?
Hi Odessey

Kindly furniish further details to buy 230v version of amp in usa.
Please let us know the delivery period.My brother is coming back on 2nd June.
If takes more time then give me details to order directly from INDIA.

Price details Odyssey Audio Khartago Stereo Amplifier is not given in website and odessey indian website is expired.On soundstage website its price given as $750.
wish to know the ecact price all inclusive.

Any possibility to get second of same amp in INDIA?

sameer kumar
Look at this link below:-

Audiophile Systems

Arcam A70 stereo integrated amplifier - Silver Excellent condition (Diva-A70-S-E) Retail Price: $799.00 Your Price: $639.00

also buy an Arcam cd73 cd player around $ 699.

Its worth try if you can. I have this setup with B&W 603. Arcam is a UK brand so you may get a 230 version in US to.

let your brother have an audition and decide.

Last edited:

Buying Audio gear costing $1000 (Rs 40K) without even auditioning? Just to save some bucks you are taking big risks.

1> Today you buy an Amplifier based on somebody's recommendation (without even listening to it once) but what to do if you don't like it?

2> Buying from US market (assuming that you sorted out 110/230 V issue) means no Warranty support in India! Yet another big risk!

3> Buying an Amplifier without selecting Speakers or at least without giving a thought on Speakers is not a good idea if not a risk.

If at all you want to save some bucks, try getting a 'Oppo Universal player', everybody is praising it and it is reasonably priced and not available in India through official sources.

Hope this helps.



Too cofusing....Suhas advise make some sense.
Now please guide me in building a good system with all the necessary components nad not very expensive at the same time.
Where do I get them in Hyderabad for audition.

Get the 'Oppo Universal player' from abroad , even after paying duties it won't cost you more than Rs 10K.

Buy rest other things here in India.

First select speakers depending upon your budget, room size and music interest. 50-60% of your total budget should go for speakers. Your music interest suggest that you need some bass heavy speakers.

Once the speakers are finalized start auditioning Amps. Your music interest suggest that you need Solid State amp with minimum 80 Watt per channel Amp.Try to locate some pre-owned gears, NAD amps are often on Sale , not because NAD develops problems but being an excellent starter amp, people often start with a NAD and later upgrade to something else.

At the end allocate some 5% of your budget for Cables and Interconnects.

My sincere suggestions would be: have patience, audition as many brands as possible, if possible insist on Home Auditions, explore pre-owned gears option and lastly fix up a budget and stick to it.

Hope this helps

Thank u suhas.

Could u please suggest few good speaker brands available in INDIA.
I am a serious music buff but spent time all along with 80w X 2 RMS.
Now I have lot of free time.I do not have much info about various options available here.

Please guide me If u can.


Hi Sameer
I have provided all the details (replied to your PM) by PM, $750 is a very old price and it has gone up a bit since then. You can also email me at [email protected], yes the india website is under renewal. We have a demo amp of the Khartago available with us, you are welcome to come in and hear it. Odyssey amps are all built to order and the customer can choose finish, color, bias, etc, they take around 2-3 weeks and it also depends on how busy Klaus (the Odyssey designer) is. anyway email me for more info

The OPPO should be a good buy.


Hi Odessey

Kindly furniish further details to buy 230v version of amp in usa.
Please let us know the delivery period.My brother is coming back on 2nd June.
If takes more time then give me details to order directly from INDIA.

Price details Odyssey Audio Khartago Stereo Amplifier is not given in website and odessey indian website is expired.On soundstage website its price given as $750.
wish to know the ecact price all inclusive.

Any possibility to get second of same amp in INDIA?

sameer kumar
Hi Sameer
If you look through some old threads you can find enough info on these, primarily what is your budget for the 2-channel speakers, or at least a range? How big is your room?


Thank u suhas.

Could u please suggest few good speaker brands available in INDIA.
I am a serious music buff but spent time all along with 80w X 2 RMS.
Now I have lot of free time.I do not have much info about various options available here.

Please guide me If u can.


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