Switch Off!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
Hi Guys,
Was wondering whether most of u guys switch off the electronics from the wall outlets when not in use or leave them on standby?Reason i ask is a lot of manufacturers urge u to leave things on standby.
I know the consumption of current in standby is minimal but is it safe? A few years ago a relative of mi ne had his house gutted as the Phillips TV set shorted!!!!
I generally switch off all the electronics. The stand-by power for some of the equipments has been reported to be as high as 10W. Thats too much power wastage.

I specifically don't know the standby power of my equipments. But I don't care, I switch it off when not in use.

Prasad Redkar.
I too switch it off. To save electricity and also my equipment because here in mumbai there are sudden fluctuations
Let me add that i too shut it off. I didnt know there were power surges/voltage fluctuations in south mumbai! Apart from the cdp which has a standby feature all the rest of the equipment shuts off completely so my guess is consumption if any should be minimal.
Was asking for opinions as there is a theory that the equipment mainly amplifiers perform better if the mains supply is left on!!! And i too dont really know the amount the seperates consume on standby.
Apparently, the pure Class A amps attain their optimal operating steady state when the circuitry (be it solid state device or valve) is "warm". So, switching it on for half-hour or so before playback should help. I do recollect reading years ago about an ultra high-end valve amp that (ideally) should always be on...However, the advances in Material Sciences and CAD for sophisticated circuit design etc. have allowed more forgiving and user friendly AND environ-friendly devices now. I switch off my entire HT (incl. sub). Amen.:)
Depends on the equipment.

Some are designed to be left on at all times. My last preamp didn't have a power switch or standby option and the manual stated that it reaches it's optimum level 10 hours after being initially powered up, hence must be left on. My CDP also does not have a standby option and needs to be left ON. These generally consume 8-10W. Equipment which have a standby option, normally consume negligible power as only the power control / remote sensor circuit is kept powered up through a secondary small transformer.

Tube amps/preamps should not be left ON but kept on standby as tube life is unnecessarily consumed. It is recommended to turn on Tube equipment and Class A amps, 20-30 mins. before a serious listening session to allow them to reach thermal stability.

If you need to leave equipment ON make sure you have adequate power protection (surge, voltage, etc.), specially if no one's around. There are spikes/surges in power lines all over the world including South Mumbai!
I think there should be no question here, even in case of tube that require warm-up etc. We should switch it off, to save electricity and all the lil wattage we save is going to help go green and save co2. in that sense switch off. with co2 credits catching up maybe in a few years to come saving electricity would also be incentivised i guess.
Depends on the equipment.

My last preamp didn't have a power switch or standby option and the manual stated that it reaches it's optimum level 10 hours after being initially powered up, hence must be left on. My CDP also does not have a standby option and needs to be left ON.

Hi, that's interesting...i.e. the 10 hours leadtime for optimal level...Which preamp was it?
Enough & very valid reasons have been given for switching off completely, from saving the eqpt ,to saving your house to saving the planet.
I am a follower of this practice too.And yes, half hour warm up does make a diff.
I had noticed that the music sounded better at night, after 11 pm on.One of the reasons could be lower ambient noise, both within the house & without.
Then I learnt another reason, viz, lesser noise in the electical mains bec of many daytime concerned loads being switched off.
An cost effective solution to the noise prob is using a good quality Isolation transformer( the better solution-AC Regeneration devices being pretty expensive ).
Any similar experiences on this?
Kamalji no experience with an isolation transformer. Actually i have always just plugged equipment leads directly into wall outlets but maybe its time to reconsider now. Regarding music sounding better late at night, i guess that is a universal phenomenon.
Awedeophile i would really like to hear ur current set up!!!! That pre amp was supposed to be top class!!! Actually looked at getting a pass labs pre but was working out too expensive and too heavy!
"Then I learnt another reason, viz, lesser noise in the electical mains bec of many daytime concerned loads being switched off."

Very correct. In fact, Ed Meitner of EMM Labs told a friend that he prefers to do all his testing at midnight. I think besides the AC noise that can be dealt with, it is the lower/no ambient noises that make for better listening.

I am using a PurepowerAPS regenerator. I have found it to be very good. It provides protection by completely isolating the mains. It also has a power backup which allows me to safely shutdown when the power goes and keep my equipment on standby at all times. I have not been able to make out any difference in the sound when it's running on AC power or Battery which means it's doing a good job at isolating the mains.

More info: PurePower Home
I use a pure sine wave online UPS from APC- SURT2000UXI with 5 minutes back up time. it cost me 38K, but i guess it means good protection and clean energy for my electronics.
Back to the original question, I have always been of the opinion that leaving solid state amp should make no or negligible difference. The question that I ask is, what are components that will benefit from such warm up? Need to know any examples from any commercial solid state amp.

Also, even if we practice using stand by mode, how much of gain really that is? Does standby mean those components will still be powered that make the difference? OR will they be off. If they will be turned off, there is no advantage of standby? If it keeps everything on, it won't take up only 8-10 watts.

I am of the opinion that any components that could *possibly* make a difference, are turned off when the system goes in stand by. So there is no use of stand by. Its either OFF, or ON.

Yes, most valve amps would benefit from a warm up. How long, depends on the valve. Some say 10 minutes, some say 10 hours.

Personally, I used to leave them in standby earlier. Not because I heard a difference, but due to laziness of reaching out to the wall switch and switching it off. But the electricity bills are increasing and there is power shortage everywhere. On the top of it, during the weekdays I barely get an hour to listen to music. Considering everything, I have started to switch the whole thing off.
Hi Guys,

Any idea what would is recommended between a Voltage Stabilser OR Surge Protector for Hi fi equipment like CDP/Amps/LCDs for protection against voltage fluctuation?

And what rating?
Hi Guys,

Any idea what would is recommended between a Voltage Stabilser OR Surge Protector for Hi fi equipment like CDP/Amps/LCDs for protection against voltage fluctuation?

And what rating?

A mains conditioner. Kind of a combination of Voltage Stabilser + Surge Protector. A good sine wave UPS fits the bill as an economical solution.
"If it keeps everything on, it won't take up only 8-10 watts." My previous preamp and CDP were kept ON as intended at all times. The power consumption at Idle, measured by me was ~8W.

Many Class A SS power amplifier manufacturers recommend that amps be turned on for 20-30 mins. to attain thermal stability. There is a definite difference in sound between a cold and warm amp. Atleast in all the Class A SS amps I have owned / heard.
Hi Guys,

Any idea what would is recommended between a Voltage Stabilser OR Surge Protector for Hi fi equipment like CDP/Amps/LCDs for protection against voltage fluctuation?

And what rating?

UIT + CVT is the most economical option. However, CVT's are OK for low level electronics and may not be suitable for amplifiers. In fact, I am told that connecting digital switching (Class D) amplifiers can make them oscillate.

Another option although more expensive is an online UPS from APS or Triplite.

The best would be a power regenerator.
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...I had noticed that the music sounded better at night, after 11 pm on.One of the reasons could be lower ambient noise, both within the house & without....Any similar experiences on this?

I second that Kamal. That is my favourite time too.

May be this has to do with my preference to listening at low to moderate volumes where the music is pure and smooth with absolute clarity your system can offer.

Awedeophile i would really like to hear ur current set up!!!! That pre amp was supposed to be top class!!! Actually looked at getting a pass labs pre but was working out too expensive and too heavy!

Sure.. Next time you're up North let me know..
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