Tape decks: locally available choices?


Feb 21, 2007
Hello friends:

Can someone suggest a new tape deck that meets the following criteria (besides the obvious one of being available in India below 20K):

1) Good frequency response (at least 18KHz at the top end w/ normal tape)
2) Single tape well, three head, no auto reverse
3) Reasonably sturdy with good build quality

I have a feeling that Yamaha and Technics may have some products fitting the above criteria. If someone can provide dealer/ distributor contacts, that would be much appreciated.

The other options are Onkyo or Sony. You most probably get a 3 head cassete deck in the grey market. I have heard that in Heera Panna, Mumbai there is a specialist hi-fi shop that can procure it for you.
Thanks both very much for your suggestions - will definitely study these. I should have mentioned that quality of sound output is the paramount consideration because I need to archive my collection built over 20 years (1500+ tapes) before it crumbles into nothingness.

BTW I spoke to a Yamaha distributor at the Times AV Revolution (held in Delhi recently) - if he's to be believed, Yamaha tape decks have been discontinued in India and there isn't one to be had for love or money!

In which case, I suppose one should get the Denon (or something in the same class) while one can. The Denon UK site lists the DRW-695 and other tape decks under discontinued items.

Jagat: would it be possible to procure the reference of the Heera Panna shop?
I think I have seen a Yamaha Single deck at Japonica Kolkata. Ph no: 9830147096, 03324743968.
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