The league of (extra)ordinary gentlemen

The Teleportation Tweak is so clever that I have taken exclusive distribution rights for whole of SE Asia. The tweak is available from noon tomorrow at a cost of 5K per call. I will make the call only after receiving the funds into my account. Unlike my principals who are well mannered people, I don't give any money back guarantee. After receiving your hard earned money, I will make a sweet voice squeak into the phone for 30 seconds. You can kiss goodbye to your money after that. Whether you keep your system on to absorb the sweet voiced squeaks or not is your headache. If you want the squeaks to come from vestal virgins, the price will be 25,000 for 30 seconds. I shall send you a photographed and stamped certificate to assure you that I have used a vestal virgin.

I would love to hear what Gobble has to say about this?

:D This is absolutely free tweak ...
Listening to music while standing on your head improves sound quality, specially midrange of 2000 to 3000 hertz
The Teleportation Tweak is so clever that I have taken exclusive distribution rights for whole of SE Asia. The tweak is available from noon tomorrow at a cost of 5K per call. I will make the call only after receiving the funds into my account. Unlike my principals who are well mannered people, I don't give any money back guarantee. After receiving your hard earned money, I will make a sweet voice squeak into the phone for 30 seconds. You can kiss goodbye to your money after that. Whether you keep your system on to absorb the sweet voiced squeaks or not is your headache. If you want the squeaks to come from vestal virgins, the price will be 25,000 for 30 seconds. I shall send you a photographed and stamped certificate to assure you that I have used a vestal virgin.

I would love to hear what Gobble has to say about this?


The Teleportation Tweak is so clever that I have taken exclusive distribution rights for whole of SE Asia. The tweak is available from noon tomorrow at a cost of 5K per call. I will make the call only after receiving the funds into my account. Unlike my principals who are well mannered people, I don't give any money back guarantee. After receiving your hard earned money, I will make a sweet voice squeak into the phone for 30 seconds. You can kiss goodbye to your money after that. Whether you keep your system on to absorb the sweet voiced squeaks or not is your headache. If you want the squeaks to come from vestal virgins, the price will be 25,000 for 30 seconds. I shall send you a photographed and stamped certificate to assure you that I have used a vestal virgin.

I would love to hear what Gobble has to say about this?


ROFL :ohyeah::ohyeah::ohyeah::lol::lol::lol:
I don't believe this. What is that clock supposed to do? There is no explanation anywhere. Jeezus. I need to start a business like this. This is where Tom Nousaine's articles on perception and biases and "hearing" things that are actually not there make a lot of sense.

Assume for the sake of this discussion that cables/wires don't make a difference (only assume, hypothetically). And if cables don't actually make a difference, and various extraneous factors contribute to people thinking they can really hear marked differences, that means that you can exploit those very same factors in pretty much any other way, and that would easily explain how something like the "clever little clock" or any of these others things including the teleportation tweak would "work", because what the person is "hearing" is what his brain is processing, and that need not have a direct correlation with what is actually being produced by his equipment.
Hi folks,

While I would not make fun of the fellow forum members (referring to the thread mentioned above by santhol2) as long as fellow members are voicing their own experiences (and isolation -both mechanical and EM - is a pretty big thing in audio), it is true that people do gobble up some unbelievable stuff for the subjects of their passion. And it is not limited to AV stuff only.

To give a recent example in Cricket: Greg Chappell has a coaching book called "The Making of Champions" (since my son plays cricket and I used to play the game at a decent level once upon a time, we have some interest, and have accumulated all conceivable coaching material at home). In one of the chapters, he mentions Albert Einstein and his famous "Special Theory of Relativity". Greg the God Chappell is saying that theory is applicable in cricket, because the batsman, the fielder everybody has a relative perspective of the ball. Now that theory is applicable to moving objects having speeds comparable to the speed of light (which is 186000 miles per second) and for them time is not an absolute concept (as we usually think it is), it's only relative depending on their speed. Now you know anything in real life including cricket (even with bowlers like Shoaib Akhtar who can bowl only at 90-95 miles per hour) cannot be relativistic in the sense of Einstein's theory of special relativity.

However, guru Greg has mentions of this and many other theories almost in every chapter of his book.

He fooled everybody with his coaching theories (including Saurav Ganguly initially and the BCCI, except perhaps Sunil Gavaskar who always opposed Greg's appointment).

Guru Greg laughed all the way to the bank while he was a coach here. His book is still selling in large numbers around the world including India. When I bought it, it was not available here in India, had to get it from Australia to read such stuff!

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The Teleportation Tweak is so clever that I have taken exclusive distribution rights for whole of SE Asia. The tweak is available from noon tomorrow at a cost of 5K per call. I will make the call only after receiving the funds into my account. Unlike my principals who are well mannered people, I don't give any money back guarantee. After receiving your hard earned money, I will make a sweet voice squeak into the phone for 30 seconds. You can kiss goodbye to your money after that. Whether you keep your system on to absorb the sweet voiced squeaks or not is your headache. If you want the squeaks to come from vestal virgins, the price will be 25,000 for 30 seconds. I shall send you a photographed and stamped certificate to assure you that I have used a vestal virgin.

I would love to hear what Gobble has to say about this?

Does vestal virgin pack absorb noise from from angry girlfrenz/wives:ohyeah:
i remember my frenz asking why you audiophiles keep looking for equipment ... frequency reproduction and dont listen to the music .... i explain (even though i prefer decent music setup,i am not real audiophile)..actually audiophile =Audio+file

These people maintain a file book of expected outputs...all the time they compare the sound to that file data.. hehehe ;)

whenever an audiophile enters for a 2k cables...sales guy go and get 5k cables ... he will swap cables and ask can you feel the difference....only answer he will give "yes"
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Does vestal virgin pack absorb noise from from angry girlfrenz/wives:ohyeah:

As long as you hide the certificate I send you, you should be safe. In addition, the improvement in sonic quality of your system will be so profound, that all other noise will be washed from your mind. You will be in a state of musical bliss. For added comfort, you can keeping ogling at certified photos of vestal virgins I will be sending you.

@ yogesh -
Would I have to listen in Rewind Mode?!?! OR Wud I have to suspend my speaker in inverted position?
Never tried it with inverted speakers but my guess is it will still further improve sound quality. Other keen observation I have made is cross bend legs reflect low fq. sound waves so you get a human bass reflex design. :)
@ cmsajith -
Poor audiophile(s)
No, I think anyone can/should do it :)
While I would not make fun of the fellow forum members (referring to the thread mentioned above by santhol2) as long as fellow members are voicing their own experiences (and isolation -both mechanical and EM - is a pretty big thing in audio), it is true that people do gobble up some unbelievable stuff for the subjects of their passion. And it is not limited to AV stuff only.
Just to clarify, that was not my intention of posting the link here:sad:. Also, IMO, the intention of the posters even on that thread was to alert and educate fellow members about the various marketing gimmicks and products. Just that it was done in a humourous way.
Dear Mr. Venkat,

I am a guillible audio enthusiast who makes up for his lack of knowledge by investing in hocus-pocus thingamagics and expensive equipments. I am terribly interested in the audio improvement service you are offering. But since I like to beleive that I am a careful spender, I would only go for the regular tweak and not the vestal vergin package. I have even bought an audiophile grade telephone to further enhance the effect.

Please send me your account details. I have a bucketful of money that I dont want to keep with me anymore.


PS. Do you also deal in snake oil by any chance? I need it to improve the sound quality from my power cables that are hooked up to the cheap 5 ampere socket of my govt. constructed home.
Shocking soulforged....don't you know that a 5 ampere sockets just will not do for a hi fi setup? The additional current capability of the 15 ampere socket will ensure that there is more current available for the amplifier to do handle the transient peaks in the audio recordings and for clearer treble and deeper bass.

(it's easy to make up this cock, i am going to stop being a lawyer and start selling pebbles and clocks)

Dear Mr. Venkat,

I am a guillible audio enthusiast who makes up for his lack of knowledge by investing in hocus-pocus thingamagics and expensive equipments. I am terribly interested in the audio improvement service you are offering. But since I like to beleive that I am a careful spender, I would only go for the regular tweak and not the vestal vergin package. I have even bought an audiophile grade telephone to further enhance the effect.

Please send me your account details. I have a bucketful of money that I dont want to keep with me anymore.


PS. Do you also deal in snake oil by any chance? I need it to improve the sound quality from my power cables that are hooked up to the cheap 5 ampere socket of my govt. constructed home.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.