Times AV Expo show in Delhi Sep 5th - 7th


Active Member
Apr 4, 2008
We will be at the Times AV Expo show starting on the 5th through 7th. We will try to get a live booth going :D

Products that you can expect to see there

Usher - speakers and Electronics
Odyssey - Odyssey Syren (Lorelei little brother) speaker + electronics
Emerald Physics - CS2
cabling from Groneberg, Usher and Audio Art

and new additions
Leben CS600 and pre/power from Shindo Labs :D if they get here in time

If we get the booth that we ideally want, we will have the Usher Floorstander Dancers, Emerald Physics and the Be-718 on live display!

You can get more details here Welcome to AV Revolution 2008

The booth will be held by ARN Systems and Sight&Sound

I hope to see some of you there, it would be great to e-mail me if you are coming and I can keep a lookout for you. If there are any of our products that you would like to see on live demo, please do email me and I will try to accomodate those as well.

thanks and I hope to see some of you there
[email protected]

Sridhar thats a great thing that you guys have chosen to do !! its a boon all those Delhi folks who were jealous of Us Bangaloreans for having the access to the said brands for audition !!

Hope the event turns out to be a good one for you aswell as the prospective buyers who were waiting for such opportunity !!

best of the luck ! hope you consider what I said over the phone yesterday bout this !!

Thanks Sridhar for sharing the details.

I hope more dealers are as pro-active as you! It will definitely help serious buyers and enthusiasts equally, instead of just wandering around the hall with no particular intension.

All the best!
Hi Sridhar, thx for the info.I do hope you & others will be able to arrange demo rooms-static displays are not much fun.
The last expo here was quite a waste of time-all the emphasis was on HT .

I have gotten an email from a few people so far mentioning that they will be there for the show - any more folks from Delhi?

BTW, folks, we expect the Usher Be-10 to get there in time too :D

[email protected]
Update from Sridhar... Times AV Expo guys screwed up bigtime. No live demos today :(. Sridhar sends his apologies. He will post an update about the situation in the afternoon.
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Second update: They've pulled out of the show. It seems they were to get a proper demo room and all they were supplied by the organizers was 1mm thick plywood to build an enclosure. Shame on times group!
Second update: They've pulled out of the show. It seems they were to get a proper demo room and all they were supplied by the organizers was 1mm thick plywood to build an enclosure. Shame on times group!
please give details about the stalls there......is it really worth.. for me come down from chandigarh to delhi
I'm not exactly sure as I'm not at the show itself. This information was conveyed to me by Sridhar and I'm just passing the information. I'd wait for Sridhar to post his own thoughts. One thing is certain... no Ushers on demo at the show.

Sridhar...is that really true...
Thanks that i pulled out earlier and saved the waste of money...

Actually for some other reasons we were not able to participate.
Anyways, we are surely there for the AV Expo Bangalore in January...
Already booked up the stall...

Great and a hell lot of new stuff expected by that time...

Sridhar in case if you are attending the show, as a guest...
Please get me some updates on the same...

I had to come to Bangalore due to some project work...

Thanks in advance...
Second update: They've pulled out of the show. It seems they were to get a proper demo room and all they were supplied by the organizers was 1mm thick plywood to build an enclosure. Shame on times group!

Oh boy :(
AV show organisers are getting worse by the day.
Lets make the bangalore show a success.
I cant believe how badly the entire show was arranged. They seem to have screwed up on everything from Power (it came on 12 hours late from what they promised), to stall heights - everyone had differing heights obstructing other stall views, etc. For our experience, I think I am going to stay away from the Times AV Expo until they think about going to a venue where they have proper rooms (hotel rools) similar to how other high end shows are done around the world. The agreement for us to put up a demo room was for the organizers to give us a 4" thick MDF closed room. What they gave us was the regular 1mm white sheet that is used for lining closets and cabinet drawers. This whole thing was inserted into a thin aliminium frame and I kid you not, I can get a whole wall crashing down with a simple push. If you think this was bad, no its not over yet :D - the room they made out of this flimsy material was not even to the top, meaning its open on the ceiling and the walls (made up of this fancy material :D) are about high enough that one can look over at another stall.
I really dont know whether to laugh at this experience or cry - ofcourse there is a huge amount of money that we put into all this, not to mention flying a lot of equipment down by fast shipment times to get it to Delhi before the show - all a waste. They didnt even have the courtesy to call us and apologize (the main guys were MIA), instead they had some pretty PR ladies trying to talk us into staying on "promising to rectify the situation, but that it will take another day at least"... blah blah. There were such comments (and I quote) "This is India, a bit of chaos is to be expected" and here's the real kicker "Though we organize about 30 expo's a year, we dont know the technical aspects of building a stall for a demo"...nothing fancy, just a simple 4" MDF room, how hard can that be, especially if they do 30 shows a year!!!
I apologize to anyone who came by looking for us and didnt find us. There would have been absolutely no point in setting up a demo in that room.

As to the rest - there were static displays of some high end speakers such as Meredian, AvantaGarde, etc but at prices that make me wonder why anyone would want to buy - (around 2 x $US retail)...:rolleyes:

About the BLR show, I dont know, havent decided
Mridul...consider yourself lucky

I cant believe how badly the entire show was arranged. They seem to have screwed up on everything from Power (it came on 12 hours late from what they promised), to stall heights - everyone had differing heights obstructing other stall views, etc. For our experience, I think I am going to stay away from the Times AV Expo until they think about going to a venue where they have proper rooms (hotel rools) similar to how other high end shows are done around the world. The agreement for us to put up a demo room was for the organizers to give us a 4" thick MDF closed room. What they gave us was the regular 1mm white sheet that is used for lining closets and cabinet drawers. This whole thing was inserted into a thin aliminium frame and I kid you not, I can get a whole wall crashing down with a simple push. If you think this was bad, no its not over yet :D - the room they made out of this flimsy material was not even to the top, meaning its open on the ceiling and the walls (made up of this fancy material :D) are about high enough that one can look over at another stall.
I really dont know whether to laugh at this experience or cry - ofcourse there is a huge amount of money that we put into all this, not to mention flying a lot of equipment down by fast shipment times to get it to Delhi before the show - all a waste. They didnt even have the courtesy to call us and apologize (the main guys were MIA), instead they had some pretty PR ladies trying to talk us into staying on "promising to rectify the situation, but that it will take another day at least"... blah blah. There were such comments (and I quote) "This is India, a bit of chaos is to be expected" and here's the real kicker "Though we organize about 30 expo's a year, we dont know the technical aspects of building a stall for a demo"...nothing fancy, just a simple 4" MDF room, how hard can that be, especially if they do 30 shows a year!!!
I apologize to anyone who came by looking for us and didnt find us. There would have been absolutely no point in setting up a demo in that room.

As to the rest - there were static displays of some high end speakers such as Meredian, AvantaGarde, etc but at prices that make me wonder why anyone would want to buy - (around 2 x $US retail)...:rolleyes:

About the BLR show, I dont know, havent decided
Mridul...consider yourself lucky

Hi, Trully it was worst thing i have seen so far !! It was total failure !!!!!!! How can some one even dare to call it a AV SHOW:mad: ........These av people are crazy by calling it a show...........CRAZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYY:eek:
Too bad, please accept my sympathies. Going by the description it sounds pretty much like last year's event (see Kamal's post earlier in the thread; I attended too last year and swore off this event for all time to come).

Ohh Yeah ;)!! I knew it all along and had informed Sridhar bout this !! I visit all the expo's and most of them are of the same type !!

For example the last AVMAX one in Chennai was held at an choultry !! a wedding choultry mind you !! now what can you expect from such a venue ??

Bloody hell I think like Sridhar all should boycott these stupid expo's !! then I think they'll do something !! otherwise as long as folks are there to take up the space believing there sweet talks they'll never bother to correct their mistakes !!

Anyway sorry man Sridhar ! it didn't go as you thought !! I really was wishing that this will be great chance for Delhi folks to meet you and the your range of quality products !! but alas,:(

Maybe next time !! lets see whats there in stall for the Jan bangalore one !! Another disaster waiting to happen ??? since this is also organised in an indoor stadium (Kanteerava Indoor Stadium) suited for other events not the Audio specific ones !! Fingers crossed !!

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