Ultimate DIY - soundsgreat!


I went and listened to the speakers yesterday and these are my views.

Thanks a lot Kedar for the visit and for the views posted here :) !!

2. Detail: Considering the front end Soundsgreat is using it has plenty of that. To me the highs seemed a little recessed, but I guess I like more highs. And because the highs are recessed, the mids seem a bit fin your face to me. But what struck me was that whatever was reproduced had plenty of body, it didn't sound 'tinny' at all.

Yeah Buddy although I Am looking for a better option ( Like I said waiting for few things to turn up) but so far whatever I've heard this seems best,offcourse Am not talking super highend exotic one's :D !!

People who like 'Maggie' sound wont like this speaker.

I was intrigued when you said the same when you were Auditioning ;), So Am looking forward to some folks who have infact heard the Maggie's and liked them to come over to Audition this ! Would be interesting as well to get a feedback from them !

Thanks once again for coming and posting your views here !! Will make it one of these days to your place :) !!

hey soundsgreat, that's a killer review from Suri there.......now even more reason to make sure that I catch you next time I am in Bangalore (the first reason being to pick up the ICs ;) )

hey soundsgreat, that's a killer review from Suri there.......now even more reason to make sure that I catch you next time I am in Bangalore (the first reason being to pick up the ICs )

Hey Vinay yes buddy I was fortunate to have him over for the Audition,Although he was on tight schedule he did listen to it for sometime ! Yes also its a very nice feeling that you get when folks appreciate your efforts :) !

You must not miss this time I tell you, Dare you miss it I'll shall penalise you by not giving your cables :lol: !!!

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@sg,..must consider myself as very priviliged indeed,to have been able to hear ur speakers.was a great time there,and u r a wonderful host!!thanks sreekanth for letting me experience what i did.

@all,the tapered quarter wavelength TL speakers that i got to listen to at soundsgreat's house were incredible :eek:,to say the least.as suri has posted at the start of this thread,there arent too many words to describe them,..wow should suffice.

the execution,finish,in-house machined components,the togetherness of it all,..mindblowing.yes,i do admit,havent listened to too many speakers out there,but if u trust ur ears,u suddenly realise that THIS would probably be how my speakers should sound like :clapping:.excellent,and then it hits u smack gob in the face..THEY R TRULY DIY,..AND HOW!!!

every detail i heard that evening,as a guest at sg's home,just hit the right spot.they sounded so balanced,couldn help but remark to sg,as to how at home they felt.very minimal interaction with the surroundings,and equipment around.truly seemed fuss free to me,the way they handled different genres,vocals,flute and guitar strings sounded so....right.and then,the bass.wow,..articulate,lots of body,in ur chest slam.very strange experiencing that.sreekanth,u are a genius,absolute beauties ur speakers are.hats off.kudos.

till date i have heard only two speakers that made me want them then and there,speakers that render much of all the genres of music that i listen to,..just right :licklips:.suri's 'WOE' and sg's creations.ultimate DIY is right.im hooked for life ;).cheers
hi rallynut -

so you went to bangalore!!! :)

great that you could listen to soundsgreat's loudspeakers - truly great those!!

regds suri
@all,u must make it a point to audition them.absolute must.
@gobble,ur already used to the sound of a full ranger by now ;),nevertheless u must listen to them.very,very balanced.cheers
Good God:eek:..thats awesome...
I am so uninformed...congrats man though late.....

how much did it cost?
what are you driving those puppies with?
whats is your source?
any pictures of it?

Happy for you man:clapping:

sorry for too many Qs:eek:

Good God:eek:..thats awesome...
I am so uninformed...congrats man though late.....

how much did it cost?
what are you driving those puppies with?
whats is your source?
any pictures of it?

Happy for you man:clapping:

sorry for too many Qs:eek:


Will post a long overdue review soon, with pics. Waiting to rebuild my preamp in a new chassis. Everything else remains the same.

You can have them for 12K + shipping :)

I broke them in for you so you owe me "brokerage" fees :eek:hyeah:


11k is like a threshold for me (all inclusive)......just a self imposed contraint to manage my finances :eek:......once I cross that threshold I can almost buy a new 9.2
11k is like a threshold for me (all inclusive)......just a self imposed contraint to manage my finances :eek:......once I cross that threshold I can almost buy a new 9.2

OK. Actually, I'm thinking I'll replace the tweeter and keep it for the future - I may need one for a second room in the next few years :)

Congrats Sreekanth!! I would like to audition your DIY speakers too. Please invite me for a one to two hour(s) listen:)

Finally, last Saturday I got to listen to Sreekanth's (soundsgreat) DIY speakers:licklips:.

I had kept Saturday free to go checkout Stevieboy's system, but he had to go to office(fyi, Stevie had kept informed that this might happen). So, I thought I'll check out the newly launched Klipsch range at the Cinebels showroom. I called them and learnt that their dedicated Klipsch showroom was not ready yet. I switched to my other hobby - automobiles decided to get some modifications done to my car's exhaust. After the mods to the exhaust, my car was sounding bad (the glasswool needs to burn in, I am not kidding) and I needed to hear something good. It then occured to me how close I was to Sreekanth's house. Gave him a call to check and luckily he was at home and welcomed me.

I enter Sreekanth's home and see him soldering some wires to get his DIY tube pre to work. Almost immediately, my attention was taken over by two beatiful floorstanders. Yes, the Quarterwave Transmission line 2-way speakers that Sreekanth has built on his own - design, drivers, cabinet et all (every single thing except the speaker binding posts). I kept admiring the finish on the speakers while Sreekanth quickly finished his soldering and explained to me the rest of his setup which included a Marantz CDP, NAD Solid State Amp, DIY cables and of course his DIY tube pre-amp. We discussed all things audio while I kept admiring his speakers and the pair of beautiful BEL tubes glowing - warming up for what would be an hour of musical bliss.

We gave the tube preamp a good 20 minutes to warm up while I went through Sreekanth's collection of music but there were very few that I had heard before. We started the listening session with Livingston Taylor. I was pleasantly surprised by how the speakers were able to deliver across all frequencies. The highs were just right (not bright), mids were very realistic. He played some tracks which went quite low and the speakers doled out tight bass with amazing accuracy, there were no signs of boominess at all. The imaging was just fabulous with accurate width, depth and height.

Sreekanth has also put in a lot of effort in making the speakers look great aesthetically - factory finish IMO. The speakers are a combination of beige and metallic black mounted on a custom stand with spikes. The baffle has been painted in metallic black and the finish is almost mirror like.

Sorry folks, no pics. My iphone battery was dead by the time I reached his place. To get an idea of how the speaker looks (with spikes etc), see this Thiel CS 2.4 here.

I would like to visit again with my favourite CDs and spend some more time listening to his speakers.

Also want to mention that Sreekanth is very knowledgable on Home Theater too. We never got to see this side of him here.
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great santhosh,u managed to listen to them!!!!!fabulous in my book,the way they do everything,...just right :yahoo:!!!!truly DIY.also,any idea why SG's been banned as well??!!shame,we are missing out on some truly informative posts :mad:.cheers
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