Upgrading drivers in Wharfedale Diamond 8.4 speakers...

Thank you guys, all inputs have been very useful. I'm going to follow the advice in sequence: first, I will go ahead and upgrade, I think I need to based on MI_10's thoughts. Then, I will try to find the best match drivers and a cross-over using the existing cabinets as Naveenbnc suggests and if that fails, I will build cabinets for the new drivers.

Sorry, but who are FMs? And how do I get their guidance?
Good !!!
Give it a try... It will be fun. But be ready if you don't succeed in the first attempt. Be sportive, it's a part of the game :D

If you start from scratch, with the help of our FMs, you can build a decent sounding speakers in one or two weeks and enjoy. It will be fun....but working with wood is exhaustive and laborious.

But if you want to fine-tune and and make a best sounding speakers, you may take continuous testing, fine-tuning for 6months or more. ;)
I'm going to do some research and will get back with a request for help from FMs if I get stuck. Will post updates if I make some headway.

Thanks all,
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