Want to spend my savings - pls help

anjali ks

New Member
Apr 9, 2008
Hi everyone,

I want to buy a new hi-fi system. My requirement is Music listening ( CD, MP3, Tape sometimes). Currently I have a small stereo CD/MP3/Tape boombox, but not very powerful. So want to upgarde in to more powerful hi-fi..may be I can party with friends!

I have saved my pocket money for years and made 10K now and this is my budget.
If you folks are asking me to stretch this budget little more you have to contribute.. :)
So I want to spend it wisely. Pls advice me to select a good system. I heard Sony hi-fi are good.? Any good models in my budget so that I can go and listen.

Thanks in advance,
Anjali ks
If you have a computer buy good sound card + BS speakers(may be second hand).If you are fine just search the forums to get some outline on best speakers of your budget
Getting a HI FI for that price will be difficult. Maybe u should go for the sony, onkyo and the likes and get a micro component system. Will that be good enough for u to party with friends i dont know but i wont suggest anymore for fear of the conditions u have laid out.
U could also look at used seperates HI FI and u can start with the classifieds in this forum though in this budget u wont get all the sources that u have listed out.
Pioneer DVD player(5K)will play CD and MP3 + used integrated amp(5K) + used bookshelf(5K) is 15K well spent.
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If you can listen to your cds and mp3s it will be the best bet and you can have a decent sound card and a good multimedia system
Logitech has one 2.1 THX speaker system which i feel should be good. I have never listened to it but reading the specs I feel its good enough

Here is the link

If you say you dont have a PC, then its very difficult to get a hi-fi system in your budget
You will need a mp3/audio cd player, stereo integrated amp and a pair of speakers which most probably would be bookshelves

If you can double your budget I am sure many members here in the forum can suggest you a decent stereo amp + speakers

I would not advice you to go for mini hi-fi systems which are in the market. They only have looks and stylish backlit buttons which stop working after a year or so
Thanks all for your response.

Yes I do have a PC ( HP Pavillion ) with 7.1 onboard audio support. The speakers are Harman-Kardon 2.1. It sounds good, but not very powerful though. But you know music listening through PC has some limitations..
hi Anjali

The best thing you can do is , choose a second hand separate components .
You can get a 2 channel amp for around 5k and a bookshelf for another 5k and can use ur computer ( for time being ) as source and when savings are made buy a CD player.

Thanks all for your response.

Yes I do have a PC ( HP Pavillion ) with 7.1 onboard audio support. The speakers are Harman-Kardon 2.1. It sounds good, but not very powerful though. But you know music listening through PC has some limitations..

If you not satisfied with Harmon-Kardon, you need to increase your budget quiet a bit. There is a lot of flexibility if you listen music through a PC. Definately mp3s have a quality loss and audio cds played through a CD/DVD drive wont sound as good as it can through some hi-end cd players
I am using my PC to listen to music and it has a Terratec Aureon Universe soundcard. I dont say the quality wise I have the best but for the hardware i have right now I am pretty much satisfied. The soundcard is very high end but my amps and speakers are not up to the mark. Secondly i am more into Electronic music and tracks are mostly released digtally (WAV and MP3 formats)

So what i say is, you can have a decent stereo amp and speakers and connect it to your PC. When you are on a budget I feel its the best way out for you
In that case buy only a amp now may be second hand NAD or Mar: (.and upgrade later for better speaker and CDP).Computer CD player is very good.Try to have good sound card.Don't use motherboard line.
for me, micro systems are not the best way to move forward. have you ever considered ripping music in flac (google for more details) format. I would thing as a starter you could get decent sound card + High quality 2.1 speakers for that price.

Once you have decent budget you could look into other dedicated methods

just my $.02c

I heard Sony hi-fi are good.? Any good models in my budget so that I can go and listen.
Hi everyone,

I want to buy a new hi-fi system. My requirement is Music listening ( CD, MP3, Tape sometimes). Currently I have a small stereo CD/MP3/Tape boombox, but not very powerful. So want to upgarde in to more powerful hi-fi..may be I can party with friends!

I have saved my pocket money for years and made 10K now and this is my budget.
If you folks are asking me to stretch this budget little more you have to contribute.. :)
So I want to spend it wisely. Pls advice me to select a good system. I heard Sony hi-fi are good.? Any good models in my budget so that I can go and listen.

Thanks in advance,
Anjali ks


If you insist on a powerful Micro system under INR 10k, Sony MHC series is the way to go.

Another option that will satisfy the audiophile gang is - A 2-GB iPod along with a pair of AudioEngine-2 active monitors.

However, my recommendation would be to get a decent sound card such as Creative Audigy 2zs. Then buy a powerful PC speaker. This option will cost you around or under 10k and will be future-proof.
Hi Anjali,
You have accumulated your 10k painstakingly & would be throwing it away if you go in for 2/3 in ones-they're crap in both sound & quality & I speak from first hand experience.
#Consider good quality computer speakers-Altec Lansing have a 2.1 for around 7k which puts out very good sound,loud enough for a party! I know a well to do Audiophile who has these in his den!
#Consider a good 2nd hand Stereo Amp & Bookshelf speakers-I know a person in Delhi who is selling a NAD 3020 amp & Wharfdale XP2 Speakers for around your budget.There would be others also in your city selling off good, branded stuff.
Start with these.You can always sell them off later easily & upgrade when your budget so permits.
Cheers & don't do anything rash.
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Thanks everyone for the response. I am confused and now you guys are tempting me to wait and make a good system.. :) This will be my choice after sometime. I believe some/all of you must have heard all in one shelf system during your college days or atleast when you visited your uncles home while you were in school :)
So can you blindly ignore it??
If that is the case anyone here own Bang & Olufsen or Nakamichi audio?

Now I just need a "decent" system from Sony or Philips. That will do fine.
Ranjeetrain can you pls let me know how is MHC-RV222 model. I just looked at Sony website and it is Rs.7990 . Is it a good model? I will be going to Sony world to check it out

Anjali ks.
I believe some/all of you must have heard all in one shelf system during your college days or atleast when you visited your uncles home while you were in school :)
So can you blindly ignore it??
If that is the case anyone here own Bang & Olufsen or Nakamichi audio?

What is the point you're trying to make?
That model will do fine Anjali. Enough to impress your friends when they come over to your place to do the college project. Fits well in your study, looks cool and sounds decent.
Thanks everyone for the response. I am confused and now you guys are tempting me to wait and make a good system.. :) This will be my choice after sometime. I believe some/all of you must have heard all in one shelf system during your college days or atleast when you visited your uncles home while you were in school :)
So can you blindly ignore it??
If that is the case anyone here own Bang & Olufsen or Nakamichi audio?

Now I just need a "decent" system from Sony or Philips. That will do fine.
Ranjeetrain can you pls let me know how is MHC-RV222 model. I just looked at Sony website and it is Rs.7990 . Is it a good model? I will be going to Sony world to check it out

Anjali ks.

Ya i would blindly ignore it because i had one in my school/early college days!!!
Actually the defination of a "decent" system also differs from person to person.
If u are based in mumbai i suggest u go to a sony world(as u proposed) hear the sony mini comps and then just drop in at Lakozy @ chowpatty as hear some budget seperates so u have an idea of what each sounds like. Of course the seperates will cost much more but u have tons of people upgrading their HIFI and hence some decent pre owned stuff is always available.(lakozy itself may offer u some)
In case u prefer what u heard at sony world go for it by all means but at least u explored a few options and then took a call.
Don't worry if you are happy with sony go for it.Music is personal.When you come to such "geeky" forum the reply will be from "geeks".Don't expect bose,sony or philips from here.

If you are still in thrills of college try some DIY.(Isn't really thrilling with solder,mulitmeters,1000 components all ard ur room)
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