Wharfedale Diamond 10.1 versus 9.1

Jun 27, 2009
As a satisfied owner of the Wharfedale Diamond 9.1, I decided to check out the recently launched 10.1. They sounded really good to my ears with solid improvements in transparency and tonal texture.

However, I noticed one flaw the rear bass ports and improper positioning with respect to the rear wall might have something to do with this. But bass wasnt 100% tight and definitely not neutral. Also the timing seemed a bit off, especially with the bass notes and transients werent 100% natural

my AKG K701 has jaw-dropping timing and my expectations were pretty high.

So I was a little disappointed, considering the fact that the Diamond 9.1 seemed to have better timing and more neutral bass. Any comments?
I recently had a chance to compare the 9.1 with 9.2 and 10.1. I felt the 10.1 was clearer with more detail than 9.1 and matched the bass of 9.2.

Also compared 9.5 with 10.5 and came away feeling that the latter are certainly an improvement. Again the detail was better as also the bass.
I recently had a chance to compare the 9.1 with 9.2 and 10.1. I felt the 10.1 was clearer with more detail than 9.1 and matched the bass of 9.2.

Also compared 9.5 with 10.5 and came away feeling that the latter are certainly an improvement. Again the detail was better as also the bass.

How far were they from the rear wall? And what sort of tracks did you play?
I recently had a chance to compare the 9.1 with 9.2 and 10.1. I felt the 10.1 was clearer with more detail than 9.1 and matched the bass of 9.2.

Also compared 9.5 with 10.5 and came away feeling that the latter are certainly an improvement. Again the detail was better as also the bass.

If the 10.1 matches the bass of 9.2, wonder what will the bass of the 10.2 match? :)


more activity in this thread please! ;)

dada a few observations....

10.1 over 9.1/9.2

Overall better tonality(many will like it) & transparency
Musicality of 9.2/10.1/10.2 better with Vivaldi, Eagles, Pink Floyd, Linkin Park
Bass response there but suspect - time distortion and decay were imminent (and yes the were placed atleast a foot from the wall)

The only thing i believe is that if you want better bass get a good sub and take out L/F speaker connections directly from the sud. Just my opinion here that Wharf has ruined the 10 series by design modifications - sometimes evolutionary just works better.
Stand to tame the 10.1 bass?

Do the Wharfedale branded glass plate stands tighten the bass? That loose bass stands out like a thorn in an otherwise nice speaker!
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