What is happening with Audire?

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New Member
Mar 15, 2009
There was /is a well regarded duo purveying single-driver full-range loudspeakers out of chennai.

they make amplifiers too, and the fazzher is a savant as far as (audio) electronics are considered.

Well, why no noise on this forum about them?

the son's name is SHARAD
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Re: What is happening at chennai?

I recall a brief description about these fine folks on the forum months back.

Can't recall who and in which thread it was posted.

Re: What is happening at chennai?

There was /is a well regarded duo purveying single-driver full-range loudspeakers out of chennai.

they make amplifiers too, and the fazzher is a savant as far as (audio) electronics are considered.

Well, why no noise on this forum about them?

the son's name is SHARAD

Are you by any chance referring to Audire Technologies from Coimbatore?

Edit: Here are a few threads regarding Audire in HFV:



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Re: What is happening at chennai?

I think it must be Sharath Chandran from Audire that Suri is referring to.
Re: What is happening at chennai?

that is right, grubyhalo and iaudio- Audire technologies, that is the name.

but, of late, nobody is talking about them, and all are saying good things about Viren's speakers.
Re: What is happening at chennai?

They seem to be designing excellent products but are not doing the needful when it comes to promoting their brand. For example, their website is not working right now. When it was working, it was less than intuitive and threw a script error scaring off viewers. I hope they get their website relaunched soon as it would be the first port of call for anyone interested in their product. One more thing I noticed is that they post in forums only when they are launching a new product or getting an award. Even then, there's not much activity after the initial post. Just a few observations I made...
Re: What is happening at chennai?

that is right, grubyhalo and iaudio- Audire technologies, that is the name.

but, of late, nobody is talking about them, and all are saying good things about Viren's speakers.

There are many reasons for it, as I understand. Firstly, the reason people are talking about Viren's amps and speakers is simple: they are good and offered at a reasonable price. I am yet to hear a Lyrita equipment (amp or speaker), but when so many people are enamored by something, there is got to be some truth in it. I'll form my own impressions on them very soon.

There are many other very good products. For many reasons, they are not being talked about a lot.

In case of Audire, from Venkat's review and otherwise, I tend to believe their products are very good. However, there are some problems. They are based in a relatively smaller town (Coimbatore, and not Chennai as you wrote) and not many people go to smaller towns for auditions (here is a major difference with Lyrita based in ND).

Lyrita has a clearly laid out webpage where you would find the models, and some details (although more would be better). That website also has other general discussions on music, music listening, valve amplifiers and so on.

Now Audire had a strange wepage. I complained about it several times in this forum. It had very little details about the products, and whatever was there was unreadable because of unbelievably small font size (perhaps 5 points or even smaller) and you could not increase the size in your browser probably because it was included in the page as a fixed size image (and not as text).

On top of that, their webpage was a source of malware. I reported that for the first time in this forum to their spokesperson (I think the name is Sandeep Nair, in a thread he started) and he did not pay much attention. My other complaints about their webpage was basically brushed aside. Now I believe for a long time their webpage has been out of service because of being a source of malwares and such. Is it up again? I have not checked recently.

Public relations is a huge thing these days. Viren is very good in propagating the message about his products (which are good any way). In my honest opinion the guys at Audire (at least some of them) simply do not care very much about these things. In a matter of an hour, I got a price list from Viren. Although I did not directly contact them, it took me a few weeks to get Audire's prices of a few of their amps, when I was looking for an amp upgrade.

Gobble in our forum owns Audire Callisto single driver speakers for at least the last copule of months. Although he has been promising a review from the first day, he has not shown any signs so far that he would come out with one very soon. I simply do not know what is the problem there.

I just hope Audire understands that there is a huge potential out there and some of these people are perhaps worth an iota of their attention.

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Re: What is happening at chennai?

@gobble,listenin impressions pls?bein awfully quiet regarding them :sad:.cheers

@all,like asit mentioned publicity regarding audire products has been minimal at best which is a bummer for people like us.remember venkats audition somewhere a while ago,did make compelling reading.i suspect that most of their line has slowly gotten out of reach of most peoples wallets and they now are catering to a very niche affording clientile.even so..
Re: What is happening at chennai?


When I decided to buy the Audire Callistoes, I simultaneously decided to pick Viren's preamp. These speakers are quite revealing like single drivers are known to be and it exposes my integrated amp when listened to critically. The system IS enjoyable with the nad 325 but I really want to post a review with the Lync pre in the chain. Viren was busy and could not deliver the pre for a few months, probably because he was too involved with designing the new speakers. Hence the delay. Right now I'm trying to fix the Hum and buzz problem with the pre in the chain. Once that is resolved, I will post a review by end November to early December as I may be traveling in between.

Apologies for not posting a review earlier.

Re: What is happening at chennai?

It is a pity about the relative lack of information on Audire's products. But I am hopeful something would change in this scenario.

I have been looking to go to Coimbatore. Next time I am there I would be sure to visit them and come back with my impressions.
Re: What is happening at chennai?

i think the main difference is

1. viren's products are affordable.

2. he's always there to pick up your call and chat.

3. i've never thought of him as a professional maker more as someone who likes what he's doing and doesn't want to overcharge you for it.

4. very flexible

5. very understanding.

all this is an unbeatable combination.

6. and i've not even mentioned the sound quality! :clapping:

audire as mentioned are guys who just pop up conveniently whenever they need to introduce a new product. no real 'presence' one can associate with.
Re: What is happening at chennai?

Hi Guys,

Here is a review of an audire Floor Standers. It seems it is 5' 6'' tall!!

Audire Tall Boys Floorstanding Speaker - InterWeb
thanks for the link

but HA! those interweb idiots have posted a picture that is NOT the zigma hornet design of the "tall boys".

that loudspeaker should be a KEF floorstander (not so sure) - the top driver looks like a UNI-Q driver
Re: What is happening at chennai?

Could it also be that niche audiophilia generally goes with tubes.....so by sticking to solid state they miss out on some of the market? I am not sure I am phrasing this correctly, but I hope you get what I am saying...
Re: What is happening at chennai?

I think one Mr Sandeep who is a manager or something at Audire is a member of Hifi. If i am not wrong his id is sandeepnaird
Not sure about it
Also the site is down since months
Re: What is happening at chennai?

I have had absolutely no problems interacting with Audire, especially Mr Sandeep Nair..he is very reachable, answers mails, provides clarification etc..since I listen to jazz most of the time-rock listener will miss the slam- I am very happy with my Callisto FLs..(unfortunately I lack the faculty, the technical knowhow and definitely the adjectives to post a review)...but the most i can say is that they are very transparent and revealing and best of all non-fatiguing to the ears even when listening for very long stretches of time...and with time they sound even better...they even sent me the speakers with the cable and some audiophile CDs and yes the packaging was bomb proof (180kg)...
The Audire people are currently working on their pure class A amp Metis for me...Metis was i guess especially designed for the Callistoes and later they adapted the design for all their single drivers...
and lastly Audire according to a mail that I received from Mr Nair are planning to launch their multidriver speaker line at CES in Las Vegas this January where they will also reveal their awesome THE SERAPHIM....
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Re: What is happening at chennai?

Hi Moktan
Since you interact with Mr. Sandeep regualry can you ask him when will be the site up again?
Someone like me who wants to know whats going on with Audire or want some information on their products a website will be quiet handy. I am sure they too know about the importance
Re: What is happening at chennai?

I have had absolutely no problems interacting with Audire, especially Mr Sandeep Nair..he is very reachable, answers mails, provides clarification etc..since I listen to jazz most of the time-rock listener will miss the slam- I am very happy with my Callisto FLs..(unfortunately I lack the faculty, the technical knowhow and definitely the adjectives to post a review)...but the most i can say is that they are very transparent and revealing and best of all non-fatiguing to the ears even when listening for very long stretches of time...and with time they sound even better...they even sent me the speakers with the cable and some audiophile CDs and yes the packaging was bomb proof (180kg)...
The Audire people are currently working on their pure class A amp Metis for me...Metis was i guess especially designed for the Callistoes and later they adapted the design for all their single drivers...
and lastly Audire according to a mail that I received from Mr Nair are planning to launch their multidriver speaker line at CES in Las Vegas this January where they will also reveal their awesome THE SERAPHIM....

that sounds very good Moktan, thanks

please ask Mr. Sandeep Nair (since you are in touch with him) to read this tread and respond appropriately.

Re: What is happening at chennai?

yes i will definitely put those points across and i am sure from what i know of mr. sandeep nair's humility he will address them right here in this forum...but forum members will be intrigued to know that mr. nair informed me that the delay in my Metis was due to the fact that they were 'inundated' with orders..i am not sure whether he was talking about humble ordinary users like myself or bigger companies like Bang and Olufsen and Nuforce for which(or rather with whom) they develop 'ruler flat frequency response amplifiers'....
Re: What is happening at chennai?

yes i will definitely put those points across and i am sure from what i know of mr. sandeep nair's humility he will address them right here in this forum...but forum members will be intrigued to know that mr. nair informed me that the delay in my Metis was due to the fact that they were 'inundated' with orders..i am not sure whether he was talking about humble ordinary users like myself or bigger companies like Bang and Olufsen and Nuforce for which(or rather with whom) they develop 'ruler flat frequency response amplifiers'....

hi moktan, thanks,

sure that many people on this forum (including dinyaar and I {if i hit a 2 crore jackpot somewhere down the line:D}) will be interested in a "BANG & AUDIRE" amplifier with iron-control damping.

yes, India is a huge market, with lots of people who have lots of disposable income ready for distribution to Audire, if the product stands up to critical scrutiny.

regards and TIA
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