Where can I get silk dome tweeter fabric?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
Need a 1" silk dome fabric for my tweeter. Where in Bangalore can I get it?
How much does it cost?


Buddy I've already told you,you'll not get the fabric nor do you get the dome unit standalone :) !! not in Bangalore not in the entire of India :sad:!!

The only guys who make such fabric dome's (just the dome not with VC ) is Siva a famous cone manufacturer and they'll not supply one or two numbers to you,besides without the VC even if you manage to get the dome its of no use !

So the only option is either you get the replacement from the company (via dealer or importer) ;)!!

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Did you say all that? I must've forgotten. I remember you said you'd check or something . My bad sorry.

So the dome cannot be replaced without the original voice coil ...

Can you check with your cousin if a single tweeter unit is available for the model?


Yeah Rahul I told so !! I checked and then only said that when after I visited you ! forget that,now I will and can get the tweeter up and running with some other methods,only if you are upto it ;)!

Anyways no worries pal I shall talk and get back to you ! Will ask him to get a single unit if its available as that else pair will do ??

Wanted to drop into your place from a long time to check the castillo's (hope its the correct model ) ! but due to some or the other work Am unable to :p ! So will try to get the information and try to drop in some time !

Great, Lets fix it by hook or crook. the Callistos arrive this weekend hopefully, so next weekend should be fine if you want a listen.
I dont want a pair just one. Too costly to replace both.

The issue is 5 or 6 pin holes the ants made - I saw them in the nick of time before they could nest inside.

Any ideas or suggestions on how best to fix it?

The ants were trying to make their way when I spotted them. So they aren't inside for sure.

Thanks for the tips. Hopefully SG will have some DIY expertise to offer for a replacement :)

The ants were trying to make their way when I spotted them. So they aren't inside for sure.

Thanks for the tips. Hopefully SG will have some DIY expertise to offer for a replacement :)


To prevent that I packed the gap between cabinate & spk grills with thick cotton.Hope it will work....

Rahul Am sorry to say but its of absolutely no use :p !! else I would've suggested you long time back !!

Dayton Dome Unit

Take a look at the above ( on which you've asked the question ),there tonnes of problems with that,to begin with its Aluminium and you need fabric or silk ! then there's the issue of the frame,the one Dayton has will not fit into your Tweeter's Motor Assembly so.....,then there's the issue of voice coil height and such (which is associated with the frame),Finally the biggest negative of them all the price :sad: At the said 20$ Ex shipping its almost or as much as a brand new tweeter,add shipping to that and it makes things even more unattractive :p!

If you want to take my advice,forget importing and all its of no use and you'll never be able to get something exactly the same and in the budget :p!


Rahul have spoken to him ! let me see what he can do,else again I would like to reiterate the other option that I suggested ! you get the tweeter and I will study and try to get a suitable one for it and fix it up for you !

ok kewl. Can you help me locate an original WF part from your cousin and replace it?


The WF part should be available with the dealer right ? Replacing tweeters are a common practice.Fried tweeters are common. They usually stock up.
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