Where to Buy Whey Protein Online


Active Member
Aug 7, 2011
Which online store is best to buy Whey Protein and other health supplements.
I see that flipkart and letsbuy dont sell them. In ebay it is there but i dont know which seller sells genuine.
Which online store is best to buy Whey Protein and other health supplements.
I see that flipkart and letsbuy dont sell them. In ebay it is there but i dont know which seller sells genuine.

It is not recommended to buy supplements or drugs over the internet. There are always room for errors; other products will cost you only time and money, but this will definitely cost you much more!!!!

Which online store is best to buy Whey Protein and other health supplements.
I see that flipkart and letsbuy dont sell them. In ebay it is there but i dont know which seller sells genuine.

Are you so addicted to job and dont have time for going to an supermarket:p Forgot to ask are you an bachelor:D
And you should be doing some intense workout for these proteins to take effect.
And over taking them will lead to body heat.
I would suggest go with some normal diet and some eggs, milk and red meat (if u eat non-veg)
These protein supplyments work only if you take in excess which is not good for a normal human body.


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Are you so addicted to job and dont have time for going to an supermarket:p Forgot to ask are you an bachelor:D

Yes i am a bachelor. :cool:. And i prefer buying online cause anything offline i need to wait till weekend to buy :) as work timings are bit insane being a software engineer.
Yes i am a bachelor. :cool:. And i prefer buying online cause anything offline i need to wait till weekend to buy :) as work timings are bit insane being a software engineer.

Are you so weak that you need these supplements? Did any dietitian or nutritionist advised you to start using these things? I'd say try find natural supplements and start working out with a proper diet schedule. Sleep well. ;)
+1 to kittu, a good 8hrs of sleep is 100% required for these proteins to tone your muscle . And I guess most of the software engineers are deprived of this 8hrs of sleep.


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madhav, i would echo others' thoughts here. it is MUCH advisable to buy supplements in-person than indirectly (ie, online). you have much to explore there in the store than you could possibly do on the online portal. some better known (& good) brands for this are 'optimum nutrition or ON', 'british nutrition', 'dymatize', 'coach's formula', etc.

BUT (i understand you probably know all this, but still i would like to write), since you wrote that your work-timings are 'insane', i would strongly recommend you AGAINST using a whey supplement right now. no doubt that this supplement is processed from a natural food-product, but after all, its a SUPPLEMENT, and its meant to be taken (though not necessarily) if :

# you are really training HARD with weights (or other physical activity)

# getting good amount of rest (8 hrs sleep at night, and few 'rest-bouts' in the day)

# are eating sufficient amount of wholesome foods with good calories

but you already negated all this more-or-less when you wrote that your work-timings are not good, and i could imagine what could that mean. others have already written this thing above (aneelr and kittu). and if you are not putting in serious physical efforts, and may be are thinking to see some effect on yourself with this supplement, you will be disappointed. moreover, you COULD, get affected with painful fingers on your feet (i used to get these sometimes).

and if you like to train with weights and are a little-bit 'old-school tradition loving' type of guy like me ;), then the best course would be to follow 'milk & squat'. nothing is more fulfilling than training for full body-power & strength & supplying your body with whole foods & nutrition, than training part-by-part continuously and busy in keeping a note of what supplements to take and when. hope you understand :)

anyway, since your original question remains somewhat unanswered, let me spoil you a bit. you could try this link, although i dont have any experience of it :

Shop Abroad on any U.S. websites from India, like Amazon, Walmart, Target and enjoy the lowest possible International shipping rates, fast delivery, hassle-free duty clearance and promotions!! Get a U.S. address, request or create your own quote.

(there's a banner for supplements here)

however, again, i wont recommend you ANY supplement in your present condition, more so because many people who catch on with supplements tend to forego eating wholesome foods and start depending more on supps. that doesnt give in training, what you could say as in my case, satisfaction ;)
Which online store is best to buy Whey Protein and other health supplements.
I see that flipkart and letsbuy dont sell them. In ebay it is there but i dont know which seller sells genuine.

I have had very good results with healthkart.com... They have a good price, decent coupons & Cash on Delivery... I have gotten delivery within one to two days every time.. Will ask my brother & post the coupon codes you can use...
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