Which CD Player to Buy


New Member
May 5, 2008
Hi ,

From last week onwards my old CDP started giving trouble and due to its age i am thinking to give them complete rest .
Now i have around 1K in hand for a CDP and the options are

1. Marantz SA 15S1

2. Cambridge Audio 840C

3. Cyrus CD 6SE

4. Arcam ( Dont know the model number ) ---But have heard the old Arcam CDP and did not like the sound.

My Present system is Bryston 4B Power and Nad 116 Pre ( will be upgraded after the CDP ) . I listen to lots of Classical both western and hindustani and old hindi film scores and ghazals . Some oldies and some hits of 80s and 70s . i also use TT ( Dual , Sansui and Pioneer ) .
So which CDP will sound better for my system and for my taste of music.


4. Arcam ( Dont know the model number ) ---But have heard the old Arcam CDP and did not like the sound.

The new model is the Arcam CD37 which features SACD support as well for about 90k. If you don't need SACD then the CD17 goes for about half of that. Matter of taste I suppose - the Arcam sound is something you love or hate so only an audition with your setup would help to decide.
Have you considered a NOS CDP or a DAC?


Hi ,

From last week onwards my old CDP started giving trouble and due to its age i am thinking to give them complete rest .
Now i have around 1K in hand for a CDP and the options are

1. Marantz SA 15S1

2. Cambridge Audio 840C

3. Cyrus CD 6SE

4. Arcam ( Dont know the model number ) ---But have heard the old Arcam CDP and did not like the sound.

My Present system is Bryston 4B Power and Nad 116 Pre ( will be upgraded after the CDP ) . I listen to lots of Classical both western and hindustani and old hindi film scores and ghazals . Some oldies and some hits of 80s and 70s . i also use TT ( Dual , Sansui and Pioneer ) .
So which CDP will sound better for my system and for my taste of music.



You yourself have mentioned some very good CDPs. Just audition them and see which ones you like.

Among the Arcams, if budget is not really a serious constraint, I would rather suggest the CD37 instead of the CD17.

Although it may be unfashionable to suggest CA CDPs, I would actually recommend a CA CDP (740c or the 840c). They are superb for the money. I own the 740c and for the kind of music you listen to (I have very similar tastes) I enjoy it very much. Just two words of caution, these CDPs have a very long burn-in time (about 150 hours or more) and the transport tray makes an annoying noise when it comes out to get loaded. If you can live with these and the budget brand name of Cambridge Audio, in my own evaluation these CDPs knock off a few much more expensive ones. BTW, these CDPs can also be used as DACs and very high quality ones at that. Please read users' reviews from many forums from around the world on these CDPs (for example in AudioREVIEW.com - Home Audio and Home Theater resource).

I would also consider the separate DAC option as Suhas has suggested (if SACDs and such are not a priority, is it correct?), although I have very little idea at similar price range what are the good options. You would also need a separate transport for that, in that case which transport?
...yes, but while keeping in mind that a DAC excludes the possibility of playing back SACD or DVD-A (if that's important).

A decent DVD layer should handle that with ease, right?

DVDMK, you said you have '1K' for a new CDP. Typo, right? Unless you have some way of getting the players you mentioned at that price? ....... :):)

Hi ,

From last week onwards my old CDP started giving trouble and due to its age i am thinking to give them complete rest .
Now i have around 1K in hand for a CDP and the options are

1. Marantz SA 15S1

2. Cambridge Audio 840C

3. Cyrus CD 6SE

4. Arcam ( Dont know the model number ) ---But have heard the old Arcam CDP and did not like the sound.

My Present system is Bryston 4B Power and Nad 116 Pre ( will be upgraded after the CDP ) . I listen to lots of Classical both western and hindustani and old hindi film scores and ghazals . Some oldies and some hits of 80s and 70s . i also use TT ( Dual , Sansui and Pioneer ) .
So which CDP will sound better for my system and for my taste of music.


Hi David,
If u are considering a new preamp then do it alongwith the cdp. Thats just a suggestion . I tried a few cdps with the Bryston Pre/power i own with my B&W 805s.
Cyrus CD 6s...... Too upfront, bordering on edgy and a lightweight listen. The new SE should not be much different in sound IMO.
Arcam CD 192 ........ Very different signature. Much better overall with much better bass response and seemed better built too. The newer FMJ CD 37 is very similar plus SACD playback.
Marantz SA 7001 & 7001KI...... Very fluid, smooth presentation. Airy trebles and great mids but a different bass response as compared to the Arcam. The 15 SI uses the same dac as the above cdps but sounds even smoother and is definately better built and pleasing to look at.
CA 740/840 i have not heard so cant comment.

The Rega cdps are good too but availability here is an issue and from limited experience of two friends reliability is an issue too. Have heard good things about the Bryston BCD 1 and was being offered it at around your budget.

The Yamaha CD S 2000 is an alternate option. Listen without prejudice if possible in your set up and come up with an opinion. I like it and would recommend it and was offered at 70K. Build will shame most cdps upto 2L.

Our musical preferences are very different so i guess its best u audition as many cdps as u can.
Thanks guys ,

I have not considered a DAC so far , i havent heard a DVD Player along with a DAC , How is the sound of a DVD + DAC when compared with players like marantz SA 15S1 and Cyrus .

Dinyaar , There are many good reviews about the Cyrus , thats what i put cyrus in my list , How do you compare the cyrus and the Marantz SA 15 S1 .
The Arcam i had a listen few weeks back , it is a good player , but i dont like the arcam sound .
Is it worth auditioning a naim CD5i . how about a tube based CDP :rolleyes:.

Thanks guys ,

I have not considered a DAC so far , i havent heard a DVD Player along with a DAC , How is the sound of a DVD + DAC when compared with players like marantz SA 15S1 and Cyrus .

Dinyaar , There are many good reviews about the Cyrus , thats what i put cyrus in my list , How do you compare the cyrus and the Marantz SA 15 S1 .
The Arcam i had a listen few weeks back , it is a good player , but i dont like the arcam sound .
Is it worth auditioning a naim CD5i . how about a tube based CDP :rolleyes:.


Hi David,
No comments on magazine reviews. The cyrus is very different from the Marantz. IMO the marantz will be better for you in your set up and for your musical preference.
Naim CD 5 i is not my cup of tea though i have not heard it with the Brystons. Yes u can surely consider a tube based cdp. What are the options regarding tube cdps in india?
What are the options regarding tube cdps in india?

Well, I have heard the Cayin CD-50T CD player which is a decent CD player, the sound is quite open and lively. But I preferred the CA 740c over a direct comparison in the same set-up of amp, speaker and cables.

Then there is the Jolida JD-100 A CD player which Suhas recommended to me when I was looking for a CDP. It has quite some reputation. However, I could not consider it because it was not available in Kolkata for auditioning.

What are the other tube/hybrid CD players available in India?
Hi ,

Anyone kindly guide me on where to audition the Joida and Advance acoustic CDPs and also the cayin CDPs. How good are they when compared to Marantz and Cyrus? i am yet to audition any of the CDPs seriously , i have heard the cyrus and the marantz , but have not auditioned them with intention to buy.

Hi all,

I am new to this forum. I have a valve pre amp coupled with dual mono transistor power amp and floor standers with Vifa drivers (Well designed and made by Corrson, Bangalore Corrson - India's only DIY Store for Hi-End Audio
Presently I have an old CD player Technics SLPG4 and I would like to replace it with the new Marantz 6002. Can anybody suggest any better one within 20K?

Hi gvenu,
I have not heard the new <20K nads.
Under 20K i think the marantz 6002 is a good choice. Another option to explore is the older SA 7001 which is replaced by the SA 7003 and should be got for 25K (+ - a bit) which IMO is a better buy in every aspect.
Hi dvdmk,

Sorry to have missed your last post. Today after your thread has resurfaced, I saw your query and responding. Well, if you have not purchased your CDP already, you can audition Cayin at the SKS Traders on Landsdowne Road opposite Padmapukur. Jolida and Advance Acoustic, as far as I know are not available in Kolkata. Jolida is available in Pune, I think.

I'd personally prefer Marantz over Cyrus. Cyrus is now kept by SKS. They may have both Marantz and Cyrus. CA 740c and the 840c both would have better details than both the above, according to me. They both have superb highs, much better than anything at their price points, at the same time keep midrange details and the bass is also very very good and full. These are also reasonably punchy and fast CDPs, but at the same time very musical and smooth, yet detailed. Marantz is generally more laid back, but musical (I have not heard the one you're interested). I find Cyrus a little thin sounding, not to my liking, would be third in my list in this 50-70K price point among the above brands.

If you have not auditioned, please do and choose the ones you like.

Hi gvenu,
I think up to 20 K, the Marantz 6002 CDP is definitely one of the best CDP, if not the best. The competitors would be from Nad and CA. The CA CDPs below 740c, I have not liked. I am yet to hear the new NAD CDP in that price range, so would not comment.
As I too was looking for a new player I have had the opportunity to compare various players on a setup similar to mine, this week. I listened to: Marantz SA7001, Sim Moon (model?), Cyrus CD6, and Arcam CD37 (arranged pretty much in order of price except for Sim). I could not listen to: Yamaha S2000 or Primare CD21 as planned.

My findings (and this is very personal/subjective of course). The Marantz 7001 is pretty decent for its price. It is capable of smooth sound with a fair amount of separation of instruments but without being aggressive or stressing on any part of the frequency range. Marantz owners might accuse me of having "clay ears" for saying this but I must: I was a bit disappointed at the margin of difference with the Marantz 5001 playing just before it. Sure, the 7001 was better but not by the mile I was expecting.

I did not listen to the Sim too long but could not find any especially attractive quality in it. It did no wrong but that was it, not much else.

This is where the audition took quite a turn. We then listened to the Arcam CD37. Do you know the sensation you get especially on a long-distance flight when your ears pop and you can finally hear clearly again? In this case, we could suddenly hear very articulate bass. We played the same music as before - Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers "Moanin'" Blue Note CD and Steely Dan "Gaucho" SACD. No, this wasn't a tilt towards bass or a preponderance of any sort. The sound was just fuller, and the upright bass just made its presence felt. Truly remarkable. The sound was a bit mellow in classic Arcam style with a slightly rolled off treble.

In contrast sound on the Cyrus CD6 just leapt out. Extremely crisp, clear sound with the same full bass that the earlier players lacked. Repeated A/B comparison showed the Arcam to have an edge in bass resolution with a tighter more controlled style. But the Cyrus really did shine for redbook CD and it was a very tight race. It should be mentioned that the audition was on a setup I currently have - an Arcam FMJ amp with Monitor Audio RS6 speakers. So on this particular combo, the Cyrus was a bit too sharp and a tad too aggressive. On any other system it might be fine.

We switched to the high-res layer of the SACD and the Arcam just pulled away from the rest. Perhaps an unfair comparison as it is a unique feature for the Arcam but the difference was jaw-dropping. I won't insult vinyl users by comparing it to their medium but yes it came fairly close, or as close as analogue can dare to come at this price range (< 1.2 lakh).

This was clearly written in a hurry but I hope this sums up the experience fairly. I will most likely be picking up the Arcam CD37 pretty soon unless any other player I encounter can better it. But I'm not holding my breath.

Update: And true enough, a week later, I have the CD37 sitting next to my amp and I am truly very happy. I was fortunate to be able to A/B it with an Accuphase and though the CD37 was trounced in treble resolution it was fairly close, especially when you consider the 4x price difference.
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Hi particleman,

nice to hear about the Arcam CD37. Yes, the reviews all across (except what hi fi, only a 4 star, I do not know what's about them) from magazines and users are superlative. Unfortunately, the Kolkata dealer does not get any of the new arcams and I have not listened to it yet. It looks like the one to beat around 1L.
Dinyaar was mentioning its Bbay price around 90K, if I am not too mistaken, in some other thread. Did you happen to compare it with the previous Diva 192?
Hi particleman,

nice to hear about the Arcam CD37. Yes, the reviews all across (except what hi fi, only a 4 star, I do not know what's about them) from magazines and users are superlative. Unfortunately, the Kolkata dealer does not get any of the new arcams and I have not listened to it yet. It looks like the one to beat around 1L.
Dinyaar was mentioning its Bbay price around 90K, if I am not too mistaken, in some other thread. Did you happen to compare it with the previous Diva 192?

What Hi-Fi claim that they dropped the fifth star simply because the rating is made on the basis of both performance and price and also because the Cyrus CD8 was that much better in the group test (hope regular What Hi-Fi readers will correct me). In any case I do not trust certain magazine reviews. There is always an agenda to push the latest and greatest.

You should definitely listen to it, it is a joy to listen to. No, I could not hear the CD192 as I completely forgot about it though it was on the agenda. I am told it has a slightly more aggressive bass. Of course it lacks the SACD feature of the CD37 and once I'd heard it in its full glory it made no sense to step back. In fact, the younger brother of the CD37 -- namely the CD17 -- is compared favourably to the 192 even though it is much cheaper (around 56k I think). The CD37 has gone up in price sadly, due to the forex rate being what it is and the general economic climate. But even at its new 1.05 lakh tag it remains a player to beat.

Dinyaar tells me a contender would have been the Marantz SA11 (did I get the model right?) but it is unlikely to be easily available in my part of the woods. Also I am happy to match the brand of my amp by picking the CD37.
Hi Guys,

Well Particleman is surely taken in by the arcams. Really good products IMO.

Asit , I'll take the liberty of answering your querry. I have the CD 192 also (bought spanking new for 40K from the UK) and the CD 37 is much better:mad::mad: As i mentioned in some other thread the cdp to beat <1L

Particleman, I really like the Marantz SA 11S2 too. It costs more than the Arcam though and is different. I guess the arcam will edge the marantz for some and for some it will be the marantz. I guess u will have to go and let ur ears decide as both are very good.
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