Please someone compare Oppo 980 vs Pioneer DV-610AV in terms of playing scratch discs
This is a strange question. I don't understand why you are all looking for players that can play defective media. No player in the world can play a defective disc, or extract data that is not readable.
Most players have the mechanism by which, when they hit a bad track, they make a few attempts and then move forward. If the damage to the disc is bad, most players will just stop working.
I have tried the same disc which has troubled me on both the Pioneer 610 and the Oppo 983. Both stop at the same track. The only difference is the time taken to skip forward. The Pioneer is faster, while the Oppo stubbornly keeps trying for a longer time.
If you want to enjoy moves and make sure your equipment, is in good order, do
NOT use defective medium. Please check the disc visually. Make sure there are no hand prints, dust, or other smudges. Clean the disc. If you see many scratches, I will just throw the disc away rather than spoil my equipment.
You can always get a good copy or spend a few hundred more to get a better print. Why destroy your equipment?
As I said, I find this question strange and I don't understand the objective. The Chappathi player and other advertisements by people like Onida are advertisements gimmicks and nothing more.