Why are people selling their Denafrips Ares 2 DACs


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010

Of late I have come across at least 4 ads of members wanting to sell their Ares 2 DACs. R2R DACs have been the craze recently yet we see this model being offered for sale repeatedly. Initially there were glowing reviews about this DAC particularly on YouTube till I came across a candid video where the reviewer compared the Ares with the Chord Mojo 2 and another DAC (cant remember the name) and gave his vote to the Chord Mojo 2 which is apparently for 1/2 the price and mobile. People were also quite upset with Zeos reviews coz he did not give a glowing review about the Ares 2. Some reviewers like Darko called it the end game in DACs yet failed to provide reasons as to why it’s superior. The review contained words like mellow or soft and not that good in separation or not the last word in clarity etc yet…….
For sometime I too considered buying this based on the hype but was alarmed when I saw 4 ads on this forum. Can someone share a candid review and why this is being sold within 1 year of purchase ?

Thanks !

ps will share the video links below
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As per my understanding, most of the the sellers are planning to upgrade to higher R2R DACs from Denafrips itself.
That’s my assumption as well. I’ve seen the reason cited as ‘Upgrading to Pontus’ at least once. Ares is one of the most affordable gateways to R2R DACs. They like the sound and want to stretch the budget and get more performance.
That’s my assumption as well. I’ve seen the reason cited as ‘Upgrading to Pontus’ at least once. Ares is one of the most affordable gateways to R2R DACs. They like the sound and want to stretch the budget and get more performance.
What I find surprising is the urge to upgrade within a year for such an expensive piece of equipment

Of late I have come across at least 4 ads of members wanting to sell their Ares 2 DACs. R2R DACs have been the craze recently yet we see this model being offered for sale repeatedly. Initially there were glowing reviews about this DAC particularly on YouTube till I came across a candid video where the reviewer compared the Ares with the Chord Mojo 2 and another DAC (cant remember the name) and gave his vote to the Chord Mojo 2 which is apparently for 1/2 the price and mobile. People were also quite upset with Zeos reviews coz he did not give a glowing review about the Ares 2. Some reviewers like Darko called it the end game in DACs yet failed to provide reasons as to why it’s superior. The review contained words like mellow or soft and not that good in separation or not the last word in clarity etc yet…….
For sometime I too considered buying this based on the hype but was alarmed when I saw 4 ads on this forum. Can someone share a candid review and why this is being sold within 1 year of purchase ?

Thanks !

ps will share the video links below
Cut long story short, it's called Upgraditus.
Nothing wrong with the model, only positive i see is members getting a change to get one preowned.
Don't worry so much.
What I find surprising is the urge to upgrade within a year for such an expensive piece of equipment
I do the same, 1-2 years i Upgrade, you lucky you don't have this issue ;)
Being in the photography circle , I knew / know many photographers who used to upgrade their cameras every one year or so , alongwith lenses ,filters and rest of the paraphernalia.
And yet , the quality (both technical and artistic ) of their photographs never changed - it remained the same, deteriorated even in some cases.
And then there were some , the few , who with their 5-6 or even 10 year old cameras took pictures that blew the mind of the rest.

Just a random thought (and fact ). Wonder why it crossed my mind …. :)
Speaking of the upgraditus, never had a urge or necessity to upgrade my Byrston BDA-1 ( DAC) which i am using for more than 8 years plus.. But have upgraded tube amplifier plus various tube rolling and have upgraded my speakers too.. I don't feel to upgrade the DAC since it gives the intended sound what it should give..


Of late I have come across at least 4 ads of members wanting to sell their Ares 2 DACs. R2R DACs have been the craze recently yet we see this model being offered for sale repeatedly.

I was wondering the same too. I was also a bit concerned as I was considering buying one. The mainstream reviewers in YouTube were in unison praising the Aries. They are vocal about the lack of the so called digital glare in the entry level denafrips. They are very collaborative anyways, have the same opinion always. There was some user reviews in forums where they say it is not the best in terms of details and clarity. I assume that aries users miss the detail offered by DS dacs and wants an upgrade which offers the best of both worlds. I guess denafrips products up the ladder offers exactly this and people can’t wait to have more hence the quick upgrade.
I have been noticing this too. But on the positive note few months old ares 2 with ample warranty left for around 60k seems to be catch. Atleast we don't have to spend an inflated price of around 90k.
I have heard the Ares with Kinki amp and Aurum Cantus speakers and a dedicated streamer (forget which ) , streaming Tidal.
It is a good DAC but I did not feel any analog warmth coming from it, as is often claimed.
In a blind test , I doubt I would be able to differentiate between it and a Chord Mojo , and definitely not worth the Indian inflated price.

And at least one of the HFV ads mentioned that the owner was not happy with the DAC as it did not synergise well with rest of his chain.

YMMV and take with GoS.
I am a proud owner of Denafrips Ares II, and yes I am looking to sell this unit.
Let me share some insights on why I have taken this decision and its a complicated answer to it.

Denafrips Ares II is smooth, Analoguish and neutralish has superb soundstage and imaging, in some songs instruments flow around you. It doesn't attack and punch like the delta-sigma DACs.

You might even find it lean if the chain isn't matching.
The last thing is exactly which is missing for me, it is sounding lean and I find the low end and bass reduced by quite a bit. Mostly because prior to this I was using SMSL SU9 which is warm. Adjusting to the new change took some time.
I have RPI with Volumio, WiiM Mini > Denafrips Ares II > Audiolab 6000A > QA3050i

Someother DAC's I own or heard with my system, SMSL SU9 (still using on my desktop setup) which is warmish, SMSL SU8S, Topping e30 & D50s, Audiolab 6000A's DAC (using it).

It comes down to taste, chain and genres one listen to.
Now I have multiple reasons why I am selling, moving out, Audiolab has a good DAC.
If it is not sold I might carry it, its does sound good.

What I feel is until unless one tries a new product in your chain in your room, you won't know how big change does it make in your listening. And do you like the change.

Happy to answer more questions :)

Of late I have come across at least 4 ads of members wanting to sell their Ares 2 DACs. R2R DACs have been the craze recently yet we see this model being offered for sale repeatedly. Initially there were glowing reviews about this DAC particularly on YouTube till I came across a candid video where the reviewer compared the Ares with the Chord Mojo 2 and another DAC (cant remember the name) and gave his vote to the Chord Mojo 2 which is apparently for 1/2 the price and mobile. People were also quite upset with Zeos reviews coz he did not give a glowing review about the Ares 2. Some reviewers like Darko called it the end game in DACs yet failed to provide reasons as to why it’s superior. The review contained words like mellow or soft and not that good in separation or not the last word in clarity etc yet…….
For sometime I too considered buying this based on the hype but was alarmed when I saw 4 ads on this forum. Can someone share a candid review and why this is being sold within 1 year of purchase ?

Thanks !

ps will share the video links below
More than upgraditis, it seems to be the case of the DAC not delivering the promised land. More a case of expectations not matching up with reality which is perhaps why everybody is upgrading to the Pontus II hoping that would be the answer.

Funny thing is, most people don't have the speakers to extract maximum performance from the DAC when conventional wisdom dictates it should be the other way round. Go figure!

P.s. - there was this other gentleman who created a specific thread recently for a DAC simply to build up it's hype by comparing it's likeness to a certain 16,000$ CD Player and stated, nay proclaimed unequivocally that he'd gone through the Chord Qutest, Denafrips Pontus etc etc and found his DAC to reign supreme and that it was "THE SOUND" he had been searching for. Once interest drummed up, he promptly put it up for sale within 2 months of purchase.
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P.s. - there was this other gentleman who created a specific thread recently for a DAC simply to build up it's hype by comparing it's likeness to a certain 16,000$ CD Player and stated, nay proclaimed unequivocally that he'd gone through the Chord Qutest, Denafrips Pontus etc etc and found his DAC to reign supreme and that it was "THE SOUND" he had been searching for. Once interest drummed up, he promptly put it up for sale within 2 months of purchase.

I thought he hit the Holy Grail; apparently not!
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I am a proud owner of Denafrips Ares II, and yes I am looking to sell this unit.
Let me share some insights on why I have taken this decision and its a complicated answer to it.

Denafrips Ares II is smooth, Analoguish and neutralish has superb soundstage and imaging, in some songs instruments flow around you. It doesn't attack and punch like the delta-sigma DACs.

You might even find it lean if the chain isn't matching.
The last thing is exactly which is missing for me, it is sounding lean and I find the low end and bass reduced by quite a bit. Mostly because prior to this I was using SMSL SU9 which is warm. Adjusting to the new change took some time.
I have RPI with Volumio, WiiM Mini > Denafrips Ares II > Audiolab 6000A > QA3050i

Someother DAC's I own or heard with my system, SMSL SU9 (still using on my desktop setup) which is warmish, SMSL SU8S, Topping e30 & D50s, Audiolab 6000A's DAC (using it).

It comes down to taste, chain and genres one listen to.
Now I have multiple reasons why I am selling, moving out, Audiolab has a good DAC.
If it is not sold I might carry it, its does sound good.

What I feel is until unless one tries a new product in your chain in your room, you won't know how big change does it make in your listening. And do you like the change.

Happy to answer more questions :)
Two things , if you can kindly clarify : when you say Ares is analogue-ish, have you compared it to a proper analog source and amplification ( Turntable , a tube phono and a analog pressing LP at the very least ) and found the sound signature similar ?

- and if it is indeed analog sounding , how is it also neutral ? Analog sound is anything but neutral in my experience….
I was initially intended to buy ares 2 dac. But after seeing that some members are dumping their ares 2 dacs some reasons finally gave up the thought.
I recently purchased Gustard X26 pro dac and now I am more than satisfied by the performance of the Gustard.
Lovely sounding dac.
In my case, I bought a pre-owned Schitt Gungnir from a forum member a while ago. The Ares and the Gungnir have comparisons on the internet. Very few people seemed to have preferred the former (in their system) including a forum member here. The Gungnir seems to give me heft and detail retrieval too. Please read this with the caveat that I do not have any experience with similarily priced DACs. So I am not implying that it's better or worse than any other similarily priced DAC.

I have always had a feeling of what am I missing out not having gone for the Ares. I think it's the want to try something else that might make users sell unless one has more experience and knows the exact reasons for the change of DAC.
I had heard this and preferred the Chord qutest over it. I felt that a lot of details were masked/smeared with the Ares, especially when compared to the qutest. For the realtively small price difference between the 2 from the Indian retailer, I would recommend the qutest.
Buy from India's official online dealer!