Wyred4 Sound

Yup, they're supposed to kick <shift>244 and are priced reasonably. These are one of the very few options I'm considering...
I have been using their DAC2 and their MC 7 channel amp for about a year and have been very happy. Compared to the Parasound Halo amp I had before that, I much prefer this amp for the following reasons:
1. Very clean sound. The noise floor is eerily low. Very obvious in comparison to the Parasound which had a higher noise floor.
2. Gobs of power that can be easily customized when placing the order. They have all sizes and variations of their smaller and bigger units and you can mix and match power for different channels if you so desire.
3. Work very well with my Salk HT2-TL speakers. Parasound had a slight edge to it that I couldn't live with any more, hence the change. Some say that D class amps have a slight treble roll off. Not too sure about that, but they do sound smoother with these speakers.
4. Sound very smooth and effortless in their presentation including at high volume.
5. Of course, they run quite cool compared to Parasound.
6. Very good customer support. I have contacted them twice about different issues and both times they were very helpful in figuring out the issue - in one case EJ the owner was on the phone with me for 30-40 mins as we tried the DAC to play hi-res recordings.
7. Very well priced for what they offer.

EJ and the other person (forget his name now) run a tight ship, and I have met both during an audio show last year. Their room was one of the few 'sensibly priced' rooms in the show. In fact I hope to meet them again today as this weekend is the T.H.E. Newport audio show in Los Angeles area.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.