2021 Budget PC config suggestions


May 12, 2013
Hello All,

My 8 year old desktop is crashing often, and need to change processor/Ram and Motherboard to good spec PC.

Below is my existing setup:

i3 - 1st Gen Processor (To be Replaced-Preferbly AMD)
MB - Intel DH55TC (To be Replaced)
8GB ddr3 Ram (To be Replaced to 8 or 16 GB DDR4)
1tb HDD (Use Old)
250GB SSD (Use Old)
SMPS - Cooler Master - 550 (Use Old)
Cabinet to be replaced.

Budget : 20 to 25k

Hey, if you plan to use the system you are upgrading to for remotely close to 8 years, I suggest you increase your budget. AMD has announced some new APUs that will launch soon that will be great vfm (expected). But you will need to increase your budget, unless you are ok buying old gen AMD Ryzen CPUs but those won't last you 8 years.
When you say crashing often, can you explain what really happens? Blue screen of death, random rebooting? What operating system are you running?

Many things can trigger a crash. An over heating cpu, gpu, dust build up, old software display drivers, old bios firmware, weak or faulty power supply, faulty ram, poor connection of a component to the motherboard. You can start by unplugging the graphics card and use the onboard video to check if the reboot still happens. If there are two ram stick in there, remove one or the other and check again.

Granted the components are old and could have well developed a fault. If its something simple, I'd just resolve it and continue to use the same machine, provided you find it fast enough to do what you generally do with it. If there is some critical component failure, take the upgrade path. You are looking at no less than Rs 30,000 for quality, new components.
Hey, if you plan to use the system you are upgrading to for remotely close to 8 years, I suggest you increase your budget. AMD has announced some new APUs that will launch soon that will be great vfm (expected). But you will need to increase your budget, unless you are ok buying old gen AMD Ryzen CPUs but those won't last you 8 years.
I can stretch till 30K for Processor, MB, RAM and cabinet.

Because i already have the storage and SMPS.
When you say crashing often, can you explain what really happens? Blue screen of death, random rebooting? What operating system are you running?

Many things can trigger a crash. An over heating cpu, gpu, dust build up, old software display drivers, old bios firmware, weak or faulty power supply, faulty ram, poor connection of a component to the motherboard. You can start by unplugging the graphics card and use the onboard video to check if the reboot still happens. If there are two ram stick in there, remove one or the other and check again.

Granted the components are old and could have well developed a fault. If its something simple, I'd just resolve it and continue to use the same machine, provided you find it fast enough to do what you generally do with it. If there is some critical component failure, take the upgrade path. You are looking at no less than Rs 30,000 for quality, new components.

Thanks for you inputs sandeep, i'am currently on WIN10, I offten see blue screen of death and random rebooting. (Your PC ran into a problem and needs restart)

I dont see any dust's accumulated because i clean the machine very often with vaccum.

Yes, I have 2 RAM stick's, But i will check onemore time as you suggested removing 1 RAM from the slot and boot the PC.

But i suspect hardware issue or hardware driver issue.
Thanks for you inputs sandeep, i'am currently on WIN10, I offten see blue screen of death and random rebooting. (Your PC ran into a problem and needs restart)

I dont see any dust's accumulated because i clean the machine very often with vaccum.

Yes, I have 2 RAM stick's, But i will check onemore time as you suggested removing 1 RAM from the slot and boot the PC.

But i suspect hardware issue or hardware driver issue.
If software issue fresh installation of windows will fix it. If hardware u need to find out and replace it. Ram, interconnects, corrupt hardisk are some of the possibilities for BSOD.
CPU - Amd Ryzen 3 4650g - 13k
MB - A520 chipset MB - 5k
RAM - DDR 4 8gb 3200mhz - 4.2 - 4.8k
Cabinet - 3k

Check Mdcomputers or primeabgb if buying online. Don't purchase from Amazon or Flipkart as the prices are inflated.
Hello All,

My 8 year old desktop is crashing often, and need to change processor/Ram and Motherboard to good spec PC.

Below is my existing setup:

i3 - 1st Gen Processor (To be Replaced-Preferbly AMD)
MB - Intel DH55TC (To be Replaced)
8GB ddr3 Ram (To be Replaced to 8 or 16 GB DDR4)
1tb HDD (Use Old)
250GB SSD (Use Old)
SMPS - Cooler Master - 550 (Use Old)
Cabinet to be replaced.

Budget : 20 to 25k

I would recommend doing a fresh install of windows 10 atleast once a year. This fixes most of my problem realted to crashes and stability. You can hold off investing 25 k for new pc for few months and get a proper video card for the same budget once the GPU prices comes down.(with HDMI 2.0 or 2.1 for better resolution ,color reproduction and HDR). Your GPU doesn't support HDR, if you are intrested in HDR then you can save up and get a HDR monitor / tv and then plan for video card which supports HDR. HDR is most impressive when viewed using right tv. LG oleds / samsung qled etc... Believe me HDR is far more rewarding and looks awesome if your rig is upto it.
As previously suggested, first try and troubleshoot. BSOD can be cause because of multiple issues. Faulty RAM, inadequate power supply etc.

Next time a BSOD occurs, note down the error code(better yet you can go through the error log, maybe its the same error). Do some research online about the causes of that particular code, and maybe you can find a solution which is fairly straight forward.

If the problem persists you can always go ahead with the upgrade. Best of luck :)
With the current chip shortage, the prices have skyrocketed. A decent Processor will alone cost you 15K, let alone the other components. If you are using the computer for office purposes, within your budget, probably a NUC is the best shot you have got.
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