2nd Chennai HFV Meet


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2008
This is with reference to http://www.hifivision.com/general-chit-chat/8144-offline-sometime-2.html#post106527.

Ram I have been discussing the 2nd meet right from the day the first meet ended. I was waiting for him to take the lead and he was planning for January end. Unfortunately his office work seems to have eaten up his time and he is not even able to answer his mobile for the past two days.

What I have in mind is the we hold the second meeting in a more serious and formal note and in a comfortable environment. My club, The Gandhi Nagar Club, has two meeting halls both of which we can book. We can set up equipment on one hall and use the other hall for eating, drinking, and talking. I had a long session in mind - something like assembling at around 1100 and staying together till 1700 through lunch and maybe evening tea. Of course, since we are talking about a club, those of us who are interested can have their liquor. I was also suggesting to Ram that we bring our spouses and children along. We can find space for them to sit and talk, and have lunch along with us. We can also see if we can have a movie session that all of us or the spouses and children can watch.

I can arrange for the following:

1. Book the two halls and arrange for all eatables. I can order for a menu and the club will take care of the rest.

2. Arrange for black board, projector and screen for any lecture and/or presentation.

3. Arrange with one or two singers to give us a few hours of carnatic music and even a small lecture demo.

4. Lug the super heavy Audire IO2s for a demo along with my Oppo 983 as source and a DAC cum amp (brand/model secret for now till I get my hands on it) for AB demo of CD vs Digital. Since this DAC has only an USB input, I am assuming my laptop with FLAC files will suffice. If anyone one else is ready to bring along a more sophisticated digital delivery system, he is welcome. I would also like to see if someone can get a serious CD player such as the Marantz 6003.

5. Get a TViX media player for a demo.

6. Work with some of you who are close to Mark to see if we can demo his new amplifiers and speakers. He had offered to do so last time.

I am keeping the dates open but any one day between 13th, 20, and 27 of February should be OK. If there is too much confusion and opinions on dates, I will most probably fix 20th February as the date.

All expenses will be distributed amongst the attendees.

Hello Sir,

I am too in the midst of my exams and will be getting active on the forum from next week. I am okay with all of the dates mentioned. If there is an option, I am ready to bring 3 BDPs from Sony, Pana and LG; I have a pana with me right now, I can arrange for the other 2.

Bringing wife and kids is also a good idea, but I would like you to rethink about this or get the opinions of others:) I still remember a member who brought his wife along with him and we could see her :sad: till the end (probably my perception could be wrong), I think the member has to tell how she felt:ohyeah:. I may not understand the logic behind this as I am still a bachelor:lol:

Thanks for taking the initiative and the 4-hour session would be good and, of course, when like minds meet, time does not matter.

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If there is a option, I am ready to bring 3 BDPs from Sony, Pana and LG; I have a pana with me right now, I can arrange for the other 2.

Great. So this can become a CD vs Digital analysis as well as a DVD vs BR analysis.

We may need to arrange for a FullHD projector, now.

I still remember a member who brought his wife along with him and we could see her :sad: till the end (probably my perception could be wrong), I think the member has to tell how she felt:ohyeah:. I may not understand the logic behind this as I am still a bachelor:lol:

She could have been sad as she was all alone and there was no place to go. The club is big, and I am assuming we have a number of spouses who come along. And this time, we will take care to keep them happy and busy.

And Venkatesh, don't get married. That way you can splurge on audio and video systems, and be in bliss all the time. :lol:

Venkat Sir,

Regarding Full HD projector, I will check with Srini sir (srinisundar) and let us see what he says. Also, I would like you to add some media players for demo as well. So we can analyze the following this session:
1. As you said, CD ~ Digital Analysis ~ DVD ~ Blue-ray.
2. BDP Vs. HD media players.
3. Also, branded HDMI cables vs. unbranded cables (I badly wanted to see this in action:ohyeah: and the reason is very personal:ohyeah:). I will bring the unbranded ones ranging from 350 to 900.

Awaiting your opinions and other member's on this!


P.s.: See you all after Feb 3rd.
... and a DAC cum amp (brand/model secret for now till I get my hands on it) ....


I am dying to know what this could be. You can let me know privately, and I won't tell anybody :D.

A very nice proposal you have there. I wish you all the best for your second meet.

She could have been sad as she was all alone and there was no place to go. The club is big, and I am assuming we have a number of spouses who come along. And this time, we will take care to keep them happy and busy.

And Venkatesh, don't get married. That way you can splurge on audio and video systems, and be in bliss all the time. :lol:

Is this a battle scarred veterans' considered advice?
I am "in" for the meet for any of the day mentioned provided i should be in town that day, since as of now around 8 to 9 invitations for various functions received...

Regarding PJ, Yes I have second thought to bring it...still i will consider it. It is my pet more than any other AV equipments... I never disturbed it not even a single time for the last 2 years and it is hanging in my ceiling....

I am ready to load and bring the marantz 7002 /Jamo set / Including if you need 84" Motorized screen...IF NEEDED..


I am game for this. Hopefully by that time I willl have my tripath amplifier with me, and perhaps we can do a Class T/D v. Class AB comparison as well :).
Regarding PJ, Yes I have second thought to bring it...still i will consider it. It is my pet more than any other AV equipments...

Srini, leave your projector alone. Worst case, my club has a projector and we can use that. I am not sure but that might be just a 720P data projector. I will check.

In terms of screen, I was thinking of hiring one of the portable screens for the day. So you dint have to touch your screen also.

Srini, leave your projector alone. Worst case, my club has a projector and we can use that. I am not sure but that might be just a 720P data projector. I will check.

In terms of screen, I was thinking of hiring one of the portable screens for the day. So you dint have to touch your screen also.


Regarding Screen , I have an extra one only,, packed..apart from my regular usage of 110"..:)
woww!!...some action again..i can get my xtreamer media player to check where its place is in the variety of content players...will also talk to mark if he s ready with his products.

hi venkat sir,

Im in for the chennai meetup, dont want to miss this one as i missed the last meet up.

Current head count:

1. svenkateshsmart
2. srinisundar
3. psychotropic
4. gannyboy
5. Jeevabobby26
6. Venkatcr
7. Kamal (in spirit :) only)
8. Asit (in spirit :) only)

When the number crosses 10 we are in business. Also please mention how many people you are bringing along. That will help in planning for spacing, eatables, etc.

Further down the line we will also list the equipment we can hope to see in the meet.

Venkat - let me jot down a few thoughts of mine.

- Can we make this meet a slightly informal one? As in, not focusing on audio theory of any kind and instead focus on music - hearing, appreciation and discussion thereof?

- I think a comparison of analog/digital would be great. At the same time I think a comparison of solid state and valve equipment would also be wonderful. (I will try my best to lug along the tube amplifier and my HTPC). So, there can even be a CD player versus HTPC comparison.

I think getting to hear live music - vocal or instrumental - would be a joy. I would love nothing better.
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if we have a few hours then we can definitely do a lot of listening (and viewing). It would be fantastic to compare tube and solid-state, and analog and digital (anyone bringing a TT and some records?), and you could also check out the tripath sound for what it's worth. I remember our last meeting where flanker was telling me how he heard a tripath amp and how he was seriously impressed. I am wondering which amp he had heard.

It would also be very useful to compare blu-ray, HTPC and Xtreamer for HD content, and also blu-ray and DVD for those not yet convinced blu-ray/HD is the future :)

Can I get a bit more ambitious here......could we do some blind testing? The usual controversial subjects.......cables, ICs, computer v. CDP? Some of the guys with well trained ears and years of experience like Venkat and vortex can be the blind testers and the aam junta like me can handle the logistics of it. We'll level match stuff with an SPL meter and take blind observations and post the results :) come on guys!!
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Psychotropic and Vortex. As we move along finalising equipment and attendance, one of you can take the task of being the event manager and finalise the agenda. But like we did last time, let us have this well organised and one man taking charge if the events. we can discuss the plan to hell and back here, but should finalise it a few days before the event, and then it should be firm and managed by one person.

Jeevabobby was also interested in bringing along some equipment for demo.

I will visit the club today and work out a rough cost structure. We can the say if 10 attendees so much cost, if 15 so much, etc.

Since we are looking at a slightly serious event, let us fix 20 as the day. If we all want a bit more time, 27th is OK. But 6th is out as the time to arrange is too short.

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