A Few Thoughts On Forum Etiquette


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
I have been a forum member for a little 5 years now.
The information on this forum is immense in quantity and quality too, sometimes overwhelming.

Off late, there have been numerous threads that have degenerated into #%$&.
Let's strive to keep the forum as a learning curve.

Yes, you may have strong feelings about this and that.
Express them and move on. No need to call out members or berate individual experiences.

After all we are here to listen to other people's experiences and journeys.
Maybe it'll benefit us, maybe it won't. But let us be respectful of choices, whatever they may be.

I have been a forum member for a little 5 years now.
The information on this forum is immense in quantity and quality too, sometimes overwhelming.

Off late, there have been numerous threads that have degenerated into #%$&.
Let's strive to keep the forum as a learning curve.

Yes, you may have strong feelings about this and that.
Express them and move on. No need to call out members or berate individual experiences.

After all we are here to listen to other people's experiences and journeys.
Maybe it'll benefit us, maybe it won't. But let us be respectful of choices, whatever they may be.


Very well put Raghu, ultimately the intention is to learn , share experiences and move on. Staying bitter or getting hyper for too long tends to affect oneself and pretty much spoils the day too , so the only way to overcome is to let go and move on.
Accepting others' Experience/Opinion (backed by facts) and move on - is indeed an Art. :)
Considering not everybody understands the facts, specs and science behind the gears and goes by how they perceive the sound, so we should not question their judgement and experience. Read, appreciate, learn and move on. Have seen that there is a large group of people who posts their need, but don't muster the courage to put a post purchase experience. It could be partly due to the fear of being asked technical questions / facts, which they might not be comfortable with. At times, subsequent questions are needed, but we should draw a line. Let's create a more conducive environment for people to post without fear, being an open forum this might be a challenge, but let's take small steps to reach there.
I have been a forum member for a little 5 years now.
The information on this forum is immense in quantity and quality too, sometimes overwhelming.

Off late, there have been numerous threads that have degenerated into #%$&.
Let's strive to keep the forum as a learning curve.

Yes, you may have strong feelings about this and that.
Express them and move on. No need to call out members or berate individual experiences.

After all we are here to listen to other people's experiences and journeys.
Maybe it'll benefit us, maybe it won't. But let us be respectful of choices, whatever they may be.

Very well put across @raghupb. I remember sometimes the whole intent is lost. Some don’t even respect others feelings and just say what they want to say. Getting hyper is not the forum is for. End of the day we are here to share our thoughts on audio gears that we own or we auditioned and it’s our own choices.
People here share their own experiences on the gadgets and nobody has right to question ones choices or thought. It’s okay to guide or share opinions depending on if one has owned , experienced a product and not just by someone else’s thoughts or alter ego.
This is a great forum with load and loads of information and i think everyone should respect that.
Well ... Its happening again today.
For some reason IndiqAudio gets a lot of folks completely polarized :D
Now, when a new FM starts posting one liners on individual or group owners threads, it seems weird.

I'll be clear here. If one has an opinion, we respect it.
State it and move on. There is no point in berating others and their experience.

Ownership threads (individual or group) are from folks who have done their due diligence and bought a product (or set of them).
In my opinion, the general trend on such threads should be about what one hears/sees about the product.
If one does not own this product, should we not participate? Most definitely you should if there is something to offer.
Occasionally, an owner will have a genuine query or doubt that may get answered on such threads.
This is the essence of a forum.

Please don't come up one day and start trash talking about a brand/product on an ownership thread.
Open your own "review" or "audition" thread and have a healthy, informed discussion.

And a note to owners too. Do not get upset and take the pitchfork to defend your purchase or why you like a brand/product.
Most of the time, ignoring baseless or tangential comments, is the best way forward.
So chill, have a good laugh about it and keep your sanity.

Well ... Its happening again today.
For some reason IndiqAudio gets a lot of folks completely polarized :D
Now, when a new FM starts posting one liners on individual or group owners threads, it seems weird.

I'll be clear here. If one has an opinion, we respect it.
State it and move on. There is no point in berating others and their experience.

Ownership threads (individual or group) are from folks who have done their due diligence and bought a product (or set of them).
In my opinion, the general trend on such threads should be about what one hears/sees about the product.
If one does not own this product, should we not participate? Most definitely you should if there is something to offer.
Occasionally, an owner will have a genuine query or doubt that may get answered on such threads.
This is the essence of a forum.

Please don't come up one day and start trash talking about a brand/product on an ownership thread.
Open your own "review" or "audition" thread and have a healthy, informed discussion.

And a note to owners too. Do not get upset and take the pitchfork to defend your purchase or why you like a brand/product.
Most of the time, ignoring baseless or tangential comments, is the best way forward.
So chill, have a good laugh about it and keep your sanity.

This is the exact reason why I requested the mods to close my thread. Anyways that’s okay.
And a note to owners too. Do not get upset and take the pitchfork to defend your purchase or why you like a brand/product.
IMHO, that's the whole point, it's a free country, and everyone will have their own opinion. One can't go and fight with everyone who doesn't share the same idea as you. Better to make your point and move on. People even come harshly on KEF Blade on other forums, let alone Indiq. Audio is very subjective. If the brand has potential, it will shine irrespective of +/- opinion.
This is the exact reason why I requested the mods to close my thread. Anyways that’s okay.
A closure of the thread should not have been done . There are other people in the thread (owner's of Indiq products) who would have wanted the thread to be alive.
The great and not so great asr forum thrashes well known products miserably. Does it mean those products are as bad as they tell. People still love that gear and listen everyday. I dont know why product bashing is considered a crime here at hfv. There is nothing wrong unless someone is howling personal remarks. Whats wrong in bashing a product. I can easily bash alot of what i own. It does not make me hate what i own. Nothing is perfect, people rarely seem to get this point.
The great and not so great asr forum thrashes well known products miserably. Does it mean those products are as bad as they tell. People still love that gear and listen everyday. I dont know why product bashing is considered a crime here at hfv. There is nothing wrong unless someone is howling personal remarks. Whats wrong in bashing a product. I can easily bash alot of what i own. It does not make me hate what i own. Nothing is perfect, people rarely seem to get this point.
Bashing is still fine and I am okay with it until people start name calling @firearm12. That’s where some loose the sense of responsibility and etiquette’s
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