A real Value for money TT


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
After reading lot of praises about turn tables in this forum I have started to feel passioante about them again. I still remeber when I was a kid my favourite passtime was playing records in our ancient Philips record player.It was the whole act of taking those big records out of the cover and then placing them on the player was a great fun.Last 15 years I haven't touched them and also my tiny philips record player experienced a natural death due to ageing. As far I remember there must be around 60 records in my house but I am not sure if they atall play anymore. Hence I am looking for a really cheap solution which will enable me to check if the records are in working condition and also not too bad with sound reproduction. I would want to connect it with my onkyo receiver. Please suggest some brands and places where they can be located.
Thanks in advance,
Not sure about dealer locations,the project debut 3 and project genie turntables are entry level turntables with good reviews,you could try some second hand turntables via ebay maybe.Does your onkyo have a phono input?
Not sure about dealer locations,the project debut 3 and project genie turntables are entry level turntables with good reviews,you could try some second hand turntables via ebay maybe.Does your onkyo have a phono input?

thanks for ur reply. Yes it does have phono input.
Do check out second hand shops.
One of our members in Delhi got a great deal on a Sony professional level turntable from a used records dealer in Chandni Chowk-you might land a bargain too.
hi mahiruha!

since your amp has a phono, you can go for the project genie. it is a great turntable for its price.

as kamal has rightly pointed out, second hand tts are easy to find if you go to enough second hand lp resellers and wait. generally you'd only have to change the cartridge.

or if you have the money, go with cary audio design's recommendation. project is a solid well built no nonsense brand. you'd have the added advantage of a dealer at hand if anything went wrong. (they seldom do :))


ps: get there before remus does! he's also looking out for a tt in kolkata. run mahiruha run! :D
cambridge audio now has a TT out, in collaboration with Project, you can check with CA dealers about that. CA has a decent dealer network as well, so it may be a safer bet than a Project model.
Hello guys,
thanks everybody for your valuable inputs. I don't wan't to buy a second hand TT since i don't know anything about them. So I won't be having a very good idea regarding the condition of the product. In that case project Genie seems to be a good solution.Can anybody please provide me some price guidence? As per I remember my philips record player had inbuilt amplifier and the speakers were directly connected with it. But the connection looked very strange and it can't be accomodated in the rear panel of my receiver. Does the project Genie player has phono RCA connection which can be directly connected with a receiver?
Yes, the project TT has RCA connections. The RCA cable is actually hardwired on to the deck (don't ask me why).

They have a model with built-in Phono amp, and another without it. Make sure you buy the one without the phono amp. Connect it to the phono input on your receiver using the RCA cable.

Is the built-in phone of good quality? Can it be bypassed if we get a seperate phono stage?

I managed to locate a project dealer and talked to him over phone. I looked at the pictures of project Genie but it looks a bit strange also I found that it doesn't come with a dust cover. That's why I decided for a project debut TT which they say come with a dust cover. The price they are quoting is 17500. Is it a descent enough price. Is there any other thing I need to ask before finalising the purchase. Also I took out the records to see the condition. I could spot some minor scratches in some of them but more or less they look ok to me. I want to know what is the best way to clean them before trying them on a project since they were not used in last 15 years.
another thing I need to know is what is the function of phono pre amp. Does it improve sound quality significantly. Cambridge audio sells some phono pre amps.
hi mahiruha!

the output from a turntable is a low level one compared to an RCA connection. Therefore you need a phono preamp to bring it up to the RCA level.

if you have a built in phono stage in your turntable, then you can connect its output directly to an RCA IN (sometimes AUX IN) in your amp or receiver.

a separate good phono stage will give you better sound than a built in one. Project makes a good phono preamp called the phono box 2. there is also a tube version called the tube box. you may check these out with your local project dealer.

the debut 3 comes in 3 varieties - one is without a built in phono whereas the other one has a built in phono stage. the third type has a built in phono stage as well as an USB out.

The CA 640 p is supposed to be a good phono stage as well,has had good reviews.You might want to upgrade the carts later as well ,denon carts like the 110 etc have been recommended to me.
ps: get there before remus does! he's also looking out for a tt in kolkata. run mahiruha run! :D

I'm looking for a replacement cartridge, stevie, not a TT.. however, after arindamcc told me that there's very little chance of getting a good cartridge here in kolkata, i might just decide to prove stevie right..
HI I am based in Delhi and would like to see where I can get some good second hand TT. Any suggestions ??
I want to know what is the best way to clean them before trying them on a project since they were not used in last 15 years.

hi mahiruha,

i've made a post on cleaning lps. you can either use that or use that as a base to tweak parts of the cleaning regimen to your liking. eg some people use only tap water instead of distilled water. or you could ignore the vacuuming bit and only mop up the liquid with a microfibre cloth. i've found that most scratches on lps really dont matter. lp condition is pretty 'invisible' bad looking ones play superb and pristine looking ones have so much crackling. playing is the only way to find out. also make sure you clean your stylus regularly, after each play preferably. a dirty stylus is sure to ruin your lps. also get a carbon fibre brush to clean up loose dust before each play. if you play your dirty lps without cleaning you run the risk of ruining them permanently, so do think twice if you're tempted to do that! :)

hi mahiruha,

i've made a post on cleaning lps. you can either use that or use that as a base to tweak parts of the cleaning regimen to your liking. eg some people use only tap water instead of distilled water. or you could ignore the vacuuming bit and only mop up the liquid with a microfibre cloth. i've found that most scratches on lps really dont matter. lp condition is pretty 'invisible' bad looking ones play superb and pristine looking ones have so much crackling. playing is the only way to find out. also make sure you clean your stylus regularly, after each play preferably. a dirty stylus is sure to ruin your lps. also get a carbon fibre brush to clean up loose dust before each play. if you play your dirty lps without cleaning you run the risk of ruining them permanently, so do think twice if you're tempted to do that! :)

Hello Stevieboy,
I have read your thread on cleaning LPs. I must say it is a serious piece of literature. acoordingly I have collected 2 litres of distilled water. I want to know where can I get 99% isopropyl alcohol. I am guessing medicine shop will be the best bet. As cleaning cloth for the timebeing if I use a old cotton vest will it do. On a lighter note I watched a video on cleaning lps and the guy was using diapers as a cloth. But I don't see myself buying those to clean lps.
another information I need is, say i produce a cleaning liquid by mixing 20% alcohol and 80% dsitilled water then can I put them inside a empty Colin bottle and spray them on the lps or there are other ways of doing it.
I'm looking for a replacement cartridge, stevie, not a TT.. however, after arindamcc told me that there's very little chance of getting a good cartridge here in kolkata, i might just decide to prove stevie right..

Hi Remus,

Please do check out SKS Traders Poddopukur, Minto Park & Dey's Electronics in Chandni Market Area they stock Shure Cartridges.

hi mahiruha,

i prefer glass bottles so no interaction between alcohol and plastic. not sure if it will happen but i prefer to be safe. just pour out a little around the record and scrub with velvet pad or whatever you decide to use. you'll get the hang of how much is enough after cleaning a few records.

i got isopropyl from a dealer who supplies to labs etc. chemists might not have it. chemical supply dealers would be a better bet.

I'm looking for a replacement cartridge, stevie, not a TT.. however, after arindamcc told me that there's very little chance of getting a good cartridge here in kolkata, i might just decide to prove stevie right..

:o plenty available! shure as pointed out, ortofon also, audio technica also i think murali pointed out on another thread...
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