A sign of things to come

No .. No .. since India invented Zero and its philosophy dwells at length on Nothingness .. the new currency symbol should be ... NOTHING!! :lol:

Edit: Why does my NOTHING have upper case? Should it be lower? Nothing has no case ... Halp! what a Dilemna!! ;)

Well - the design is awful. No gainsaying that.

But about devanagri - I guess that is the most used script in our country. So that makes sense. Sort of the same reasoning like with the national language....

Not wanting to start a language war or anything. But this is purely a question of demographics.
Uday Kumar, the guy who designed this explains it om detail in today's Hindu. The three lines, according to him, represent the national flag and Devnagari being the most widely used script, he had to design it so.

Look at the brighter side. Once you start writing this symbol instead of Rs., you may find it easier to learn to write Japanese.

Regds / Shailender
I once gave an rickshawallah a 500 note thinking it was a 100 note in the semi darkness. :mad::mad::mad:

And I parted with a 1000 buck note to the autowalla in Bangalore. The auto bill was 90 bucks and me, the nitwit added 10 as tips and thought to send that guy happy with 100.

All this happened since I was held up in Bangalore traffic and was desperate to reach the airport ... only to later find (during check-in) the flight was delayed by 2 hours and the loss of 900 bucks ....:mad:
And I parted with a 1000 buck note to the autowalla in Bangalore. The auto bill was 90 bucks and me, the nitwit added 10 as tips and thought to send that guy happy with 100.

All this happened since I was held up in Bangalore traffic and was desperate to reach the airport ... only to later find (during check-in) the flight was delayed by 2 hours and the loss of 900 bucks ....:mad:

You make me feel better about my loss and stupidity :lol:

It is interesting that the designer pondered about how to represent devanagiri in his design but never gave a thought about other scripts - as if they do not exist. Clearly there was an absence of guidelines from Govt to designers about this. We already have a problem with unequal representation in parliament from states like UP who care a hoot and are grossly ignorant about South Indian culture and its antiquity. Part of it is also deliberate attempt at suppression from conscious knowledge - of the importance of South Indian traditions to Indian history.

And I parted with a 1000 buck note to the autowalla in Bangalore. The auto bill was 90 bucks and me, the nitwit added 10 as tips and thought to send that guy happy with 100.

All this happened since I was held up in Bangalore traffic and was desperate to reach the airport ... only to later find (during check-in) the flight was delayed by 2 hours and the loss of 900 bucks ....:mad:

I wonder how you guys will deal with the US Dollar or the UAE Dirhams. They are all of exactly the same size. In addition, the US Dollar notes also look very similar to each other. Though the various DHS notes have different colour, it is again very difficult to differentiate between them. I always found it difficult to identify the area where the currency amount is written

more power to the symbol!hope it topples the dollar one day and passes on the benefit of our rising gdp to the poor and starving masses.
2.5 lakhs for designing the symbol of our future is rather miserly.If people can be paid 1 crore for answering a juvenile set of questions on television,if cricketers,footballers,tennis players can be paid obscene sums for what essentially amounts to hitting/throwing/kicking a ball then D.U.K. certainly deserved a crore!
2.5 lakhs for designing the symbol of our future is rather miserly.If people can be paid 1 crore for answering a juvenile set of questions on television,if cricketers,footballers,tennis players can be paid obscene sums for what essentially amounts to hitting/throwing/kicking a ball then D.U.K. certainly deserved a crore!

You talk as if hitting/throwing/kicking a ball is some kind of menial activity. And it is not as if these sportspeople never do use their brain.

In the IT business, Rs. 2.5 lakhs for designing a logo is a princely sum. Yes, on account of the importance of this particular symbol more consideration was due. But I am not sure that the comparison with sportspeople was on. At least not in this light.
'You talk as if hitting/throwing/kicking a ball is some kind of menial activity.'

Yes,I do not think what sporting icon do is anything special.Millions of ordinary citizens perform greater exploits everyday merely to survive from day to day.I would love to share their lives and hear their stories.But I no longer have the slightest interest in televised sport.I enjoy playing cricket with my daughter but that is my only connection with this game.I have treasured childhood memories of Sunny Gavaskar's debut series in West Indies.I occasionally watched Rahul Dravid in test matches being played in Australia/South Africa and a bit of Federer too.
But my days of admiring sporting icon's is far in the past.Modern sport has more to do with marketing and branding and less with the game at hand.Sport's on television is a panacea for the masses and a goldmine for the corporates.Well,both are welcome to their respective obsession's.I would rather listen to music,read a book or go for a walk...
'You talk as if hitting/throwing/kicking a ball is some kind of menial activity.'

Yes,I do not think what sporting icon do is anything special.Millions of ordinary citizens perform greater exploits everyday merely to survive from day to day.I would love to share their lives and hear their stories.But I no longer have the slightest interest in televised sport.I enjoy playing cricket with my daughter but that is my only connection with this game.I have treasured childhood memories of Sunny Gavaskar's debut series in West Indies.I occasionally watched Rahul Dravid in test matches being played in Australia/South Africa and a bit of Federer too.
But my days of admiring sporting icon's is far in the past.Modern sport has more to do with marketing and branding and less with the game at hand.Sport's on television is a panacea for the masses and a goldmine for the corporates.Well,both are welcome to their respective obsession's.I would rather listen to music,read a book or go for a walk...

Ditto brother! I feel ya!
'You talk as if hitting/throwing/kicking a ball is some kind of menial activity.'

Yes,I do not think what sporting icon do is anything special.Millions of ordinary citizens perform greater exploits everyday merely to survive from day to day.I would love to share their lives and hear their stories.But I no longer have the slightest interest in televised sport.I enjoy playing cricket with my daughter but that is my only connection with this game.I have treasured childhood memories of Sunny Gavaskar's debut series in West Indies.I occasionally watched Rahul Dravid in test matches being played in Australia/South Africa and a bit of Federer too.
But my days of admiring sporting icon's is far in the past.Modern sport has more to do with marketing and branding and less with the game at hand.Sport's on television is a panacea for the masses and a goldmine for the corporates.Well,both are welcome to their respective obsession's.I would rather listen to music,read a book or go for a walk...
Well said.
Yeah!Or watch a movie.
Recently I viewed the Korean movie Spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter..and Spring.The beautiful lake and the buddhist theme is still spinning around in my head!
'You talk as if hitting/throwing/kicking a ball is some kind of menial activity.'

Yes,I do not think what sporting icon do is anything special.Millions of ordinary citizens perform greater exploits everyday merely to survive from day to day.I would love to share their lives and hear their stories.But I no longer have the slightest interest in televised sport.I enjoy playing cricket with my daughter but that is my only connection with this game.I have treasured childhood memories of Sunny Gavaskar's debut series in West Indies.I occasionally watched Rahul Dravid in test matches being played in Australia/South Africa and a bit of Federer too.
But my days of admiring sporting icon's is far in the past.Modern sport has more to do with marketing and branding and less with the game at hand.Sport's on television is a panacea for the masses and a goldmine for the corporates.Well,both are welcome to their respective obsession's.I would rather listen to music,read a book or go for a walk...

Our tastes change with age and with so many other factors.

However every man's activity is special to him. For a sportsman 'hitting or kicking or throwing the ball' accurately and to win the game is what is his special activity in his own 'zone'. I do not think we must talk with derision about such a pursuit.

As to marketing and the end results of marketing in terms of the money market we can hardly blame sportspeople for that, can we?

We must blame the people in the money market for that, should we not?
Sportsmen/women are welcome to strive for perfection in what they are doing.Just as a carpenter,plumber,electrician,or an office goer strives in his chosen work.I do not believe that 'menial' work is inferior to any other form of work.If anything it is more important.The world would stop turning if all the 'menial' workers went on strike for a few days.What is wrong is the inordinate amounts of attention and money being paid to film/rock/sporting stars and the media created frenzy surrounding them.By building up these stars,the media diminishes the fans making them live and breathe in the shadow of these stars, who constantly and deceitfully keep telling their fans--buy this!buy this!buy this!this is the best!this is the best....
Exactly! And that is precisely why we must blame 1) the culture 2) the money market and 3) general material orientation of life in our times for the issues that you talk about.

I would definitely not look down upon 'hitting, throwing or kicking the ball' anymore than look down upon Barack Obama trying to do his job. Both are jobs. And both have their own ups and downs. Just my view.
Exactly! And that is precisely why we must blame 1) the culture 2) the money market and 3) general material orientation of life in our times for the issues that you talk about.

I would definitely not look down upon 'hitting, throwing or kicking the ball' anymore than look down upon Barack Obama trying to do his job. Both are jobs. And both have their own ups and downs. Just my view.

The skill and control required in sports require awareness and mental focus and being consistently on top over years requires mind training that parallels (maybe to a lesser degree) the quest for a spiritual consciousness.

Just my chaar aanaas. :)

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