Acoustic Portrait Swara v2 Integrated Amplifier review

For those who like Economics, there is a Law called "Law of Diminishing marginal utility" It goes around the lines of as you go up in usage, every unit of increase reduces in value . eg the first cookie you eat gives you great feeling of taste but as you go on eating that feeling reduces per cookie

Same way in audio, as you go up the audio chain the increase in quality diminishes foe increase in cost..hence 5x increase in cost will never equate to 5x increase in sound quality and as you go up the value will be less and less. Hence moving to a 5K USD to 10K usD may increase sound quality only by 10% but 2.5K to 5K may do ny 50% and 1.2fK t0 2,5K by 2 times

Of course price is not a measure of sound quality and the above is a broad generalisation
This is really nice discussion going on. :)

Just adding my 10 cents.

Improving output quality of any audio equipment beyond certain level is really tough job and it really needs lot of investment in R & D and compoenent cost to get that. That's why they charge you 5x (as someone said there is no liner relationship here).

Sometimes it is better investing efforts in finding what works better with what, than just adding up your budget expecting better sound quality.
My personal experience says that some times same setup sounds out of the world to me and some other time I find its shortcomings.

Hence I convince myself that this is just state of my mind at that time and postpone my upgrade plans. ;)
This is really nice discussion going on. :)

Just adding my 10 cents.

Improving output quality of any audio equipment beyond certain level is really tough job and it really needs lot of investment in R & D and compoenent cost to get that. That's why they charge you 5x (as someone said there is no liner relationship here).

Sometimes it is better investing efforts in finding what works better with what, than just adding up your budget expecting better sound quality.
My personal experience says that some times same setup sounds out of the world to me and some other time I find its shortcomings.

Hence I convince myself that this is just state of my mind at that time and postpone my upgrade plans. ;)
Thats true. Several times I have heard budget equipment sound wonderful in showrooms, only to sound crappy at home. The solution is not to upgrade equipment but to first get the room in a condition to bring out the best in any equipment. This is also the reason why I am not going after upgrades.
Thats true. Several times I have heard budget equipment sound wonderful in showrooms, only to sound crappy at home. The solution is not to upgrade equipment but to first get the room in a condition to bring out the best in any equipment. This is also the reason why I am not going after upgrades.
And that's the reason that I'm now trying to match room acoustics with aesthetics, and find a balance!
For those who like Economics, there is a Law called "Law of Diminishing marginal utility" It goes around the lines of as you go up in usage, every unit of increase reduces in value
Apparently SQ v/s equipment price curve also follows logarithmic scale
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