All the speakers I made - suri

Suri, I donno what you are talking about, the speakers seem to coming about quite beautifully! How many coats of lacquer?

hi iaudio,

the proposal is 12 coats of clear lacquer - will be starting tomorrow - thanks for the thumbs up, but they do look like hunched up grannies to me!

regds suri
Acc. to me your build looks much much better than the likes of any Stradivari's.
Not talking about your speakers but I'll take a beautiful sounding but ugly speaker over an ugly sounding but beautiful speaker any day.

hey keith, thanks - i thought they looked all hunched up and ugly/old!

yes, the sound is the one thing, everything else is secondary - and i hope my calculations were right! ( i will know only in april when i get the drivers and {hopefully} measuring hardware/software)


had a problem with the back (wood) post - and had to realign it - the wooden post conceals all the wiring which comes from the crossover (embedded at the bottom)

i wonder if you are able to see the 15 degree tilt (actually 13 degrees) that the speaker housing makes with the rest of the cabinet - that is because the drivers proposed for this project (the scanspeak revelators) work better slightly above axis - figured this out in discussion with a technical person at madisound (zaph audio - krutke says the same) - should work before floor bounce at about 7- 9 ft listening distance
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the first three coats of clear lacquer - hope that a dust free application can be done !!

Looks fabulous Suri!!

the first three coats of clear lacquer - hope that a dust free application can be done !!
Some tips for a dust free lacquer or paint application, just fill the room with water upto a height of 1 cm from floor. This will ensure dust already settled on floor does not rise and land on speaker during or after painting process. To avoid dust travelling through wind, close all doors and windows to the room. Do not turn on the fan until the resin has hardened.
lacquer coat is awesome .. if i want to do a tiny wooden part then is it possible or need to buy in bulk ?

u can use Resize Images online to resize the pics
maintaining good quality ..

will be helpful for many people with slow connection/office view/running torrents.
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had a problem with the back (wood) post - and had to realign it - the wooden post conceals all the wiring which comes from the crossover (embedded at the bottom)

i wonder if you are able to see the 15 degree tilt (actually 13 degrees) that the speaker housing makes with the rest of the cabinet - that is because the drivers proposed for this project (the scanspeak revelators) work better slightly above axis - figured this out in discussion with a technical person at madisound (zaph audio - krutke says the same) - should work before floor bounce at about 7- 9 ft listening distance

Suri - can you please detail as to what drivers and what config is being used for this design? May be I missed the earlier post. I noticed you said Scanspeak revelator. Are you using a ribbon tweeter since I noticed a squarish opening...

I am planning a large WWMTM and I am considering the revelators...and ribbons..

Suri - can you please detail as to what drivers and what config is being used for this design? May be I missed the earlier post. I noticed you said Scanspeak revelator. Are you using a ribbon tweeter since I noticed a squarish opening...

I am planning a large WWMTM and I am considering the revelators...and ribbons..


hi anilva,

this is a two-way-

drivers are Scan-Speak AirCirc D3004/6600 and Scan-Speak 18W/8531G - both from the madisound catalog.

i went about this project in the manner outlined below (click the link)

Leap Crossover Design Service from Madisound Speaker Components, Inc.

i sent detailed (hand-drawn) diagrams)!

not using ribbons, and would like to listen to your (project) loudspeakers when they are complete - as a matter of fact, i have not, till date, listened to a loudspeaker with ribbon tweeters.

the revelators are very nice! - their soft domes especially!- lots of information on them here-


BTW - scanspeak has recently introduced a pure beryllium tweeter with the same "Air-circ" motor as the 6600.

i can see that your project is going to be an expensive one - about $2500 for the drivers alone - is it your own design? -

can you send a few pictures/diagrams? - would be very interested!:)

Thanks for the info. I am in the initial stages. I am cotemplating some premium woofers including Eton 11" and Scanspeak and the new Vifa NE range. I also want them to look good.

At this moment, I am planning to do the design myself including the speaker selection and crossover. I might send the same to madisound for verification. I am also looking at the Behringer digital active crossover in a active amplification mode. Helps me tweak quite a bit. I am fixed on one thing. I will use ribbon tweeters either from Raal, Raven or Neo. There are other options like Beyma.

I will keep you folks posted. Currently I am building a standard fostex back loaded horn using FE206Es.

hi anilva,

sounds very good, your plan!

if you are going active - you do not have to bother about getting a passive crossover network designed - you can do all the tweaking on your laptop.

look at this - supposed to be very good

KSC Digmoda DDC552 Mono Three-Channel Plate Amplifier with Integral D-Pro DSP from Madisound

something that i would have liked to do! - but i seem to be wedded to the uncertainty linked with passive crossovers!:)

The plate amplifier is interesting but two of them are quite expensive. I would rather buy a Behringer at ~300 and use my existing amps and see where it goes.
The plate amplifier is interesting but two of them are quite expensive. I would rather buy a Behringer at ~300 and use my existing amps and see where it goes.

yes, i think that should be just as good and cheaper!
Suri - since you've spent all that money on drive units, crossover, months of carpentry labor, imported paints/varnishes, why skimp on the connectors?

All Binding Posts
Get the WBT Midline for $120. You are spending once - pal (not every time!) In case not happy with the results of this project can always yank them off into the next project - eh? Think about it! :)

hi audio_engr, - will do!

actually, seems the reasonable option - and like you say - better not be penny wise and pound foolish!:)
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.