Amp for dali zensor 7


Active Member
May 2, 2014
Chennai, India.
Pm6005 Will be able to drive z7 ? Pm7005 is too costly, still not able to find any used amp yet. Any alternate brand /model to match with z7. Will try audition on that.

U need to look out for amps or avrs which can minimum output 40 watts @ 6 ohms load...max would be 100watts @ 6 ohms load.

For example a Marantz amp or avr which can output 35watts rms @ 8 ohms is sufficient to drive these speakers..
Why another thread? Your first thread was in the "Wanted" section which is more appropriate.
Guys, I have a onkyo 828 with me. But it seems there in no excitement while playing music on it. But for movies it is totally opposite. I'm looking for 2 ch stereo amp. For my dali 7.

Note : I don't have a sub right now. May be if I add a sub that might work good. Please suggest.

Marantz should work well, PM7000 seems to be an old model...latest I guess is 7005 series....please check online prices of the same model, see the condition and decide...
What abt marantz pm 7000. Got a quote for a second hand amp is for 25k

PM7000 is regarded as a very nice amp from Marantz, it is from the pre-China days. Quality components and sound.
Bargain a bit, you will be happy with it I believe, of course hear it first, if possible with your speakers.
I have heard PM6005 with Z5 & Z7 both in Noida, you can go with PM6005 if you do not want to go more than 40k or so. PM6005 can drive Z7, volume level depends on your hearing habits.
Basic difference is that high power amp will give me more details with low volume mark.
Note that 50WPC amp will feed less power then 100 WPC amp at same volume control mark (let's say at position 3) obviously.
I would say it again, don't overlook the Acoustic Portrait Swara. 70 wpc at around 35k. There's a thread or two about it on the forum.
I got a good deal for marantz PM7005 with bill & w/o bill too, any risk in buying without bill, what things need to consider, the dealer said it's a new piece.
I got a good deal for marantz PM7005 with bill & w/o bill too, any risk in buying without bill, what things need to consider, the dealer said it's a new piece.

Without knowing the price how can we say it is good deal? without bill means he is avoiding paying tax component. warranty remains the same.