Amp for dali zensor 7

Unfortunately the site hasn't been updated for very long. This is actually a hobby (probably more than that) for Siva. Best if you contact personally.
AP is Bangalore based.
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While playing music through my avr in pure audio mode, sound output becomes very less, looks like playing from computer speakers. Any reason for this ? Does this can be resolved by adding Subwoofer ? And other main thing is, I don't here any bass effect from my speakers ? I can here only vocals & instrument sounds heavier than bass. How can I solve this problem ?
While playing music through my avr in pure audio mode, sound output becomes very less, looks like playing from computer speakers. Any reason for this ? Does this can be resolved by adding Subwoofer ? And other main thing is, I don't here any bass effect from my speakers ? I can here only vocals & instrument sounds heavier than bass. How can I solve this problem ?

Looks like you are wanting to stick on with your receiver.

Could you post the Speaker Configuration settings? Large/Small, Levels, Crossover, etc? What is your source? Why are you running in Pure Direct mode and how is the sound when not in Direct mode?

Saw the ad, what does 'fresh' mean?

The usage hrs is very less..So i guess he was referring to that as 'fresh'.. For OLX you need key words :)

While playing music through my avr in pure audio mode, sound output becomes very less, looks like playing from computer speakers. Any reason for this ? Does this can be resolved by adding Subwoofer ? And other main thing is, I don't here any bass effect from my speakers ? I can here only vocals & instrument sounds heavier than bass. How can I solve this problem ?

Pure Audio mode on Onkyo will treat your Fronts as LARGE irrespective of the small/large speakers you are using with the AVR (or) the settings that you have done in your AVR...There will be no output to subwoofer in pure audio mode..

Are you trying to play music file from AVR's USB port ? MP3 (or) FLAC ?

Looks like you are wanting to stick on with your receiver.
Will try the best that I can bring out any change in my AVR.

Could you post the Speaker Configuration settings? Large/Small, Levels, Crossover, etc? What is your source? Why are you running in Pure Direct mode and how is the sound when not in Direct mode?
-Crossover, I set it to full band, with no subwoofer.
- I have three setup in my receiver, which pure, direct & stereo. while using stereo mode, I can use the audessy dynamic eq settings, so i felt it is better than pure audio mode.

Are you trying to play music file from AVR's USB port ? MP3 (or) FLAC ? Yes, with flac files.
Maybe the music you have played does not have that much bass.
The speaker wires may be connected wrongly.
Are you trying to play music file from AVR's USB port ? MP3 (or) FLAC ? Yes, with flac files.

Ok.. Sometime back i used my Onkyo 818 AVR's USB port for music playback (FLAC) and i too felt it was short of bass.. So i guess Onkyo AVR's USB feature..

Try connecting a DVD player to the AVR thru Optical/Co-axial and play any audio CD and see if there is improvement in bass..
Any difference b/w marantz pm6005/pm7005 apart from watts. Is there any difference in sound stage. Got a good deal from dealer in chennai.
Any suggestion on pm7005.?

The best in the current line up of marantz, after this you have to go straight to the reference series.

How much diff in price between 6005 & 7005 in deal your getting?
for your speakers.

BTW 6006 already launched
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.