Apple Iphone 4s/Samsung Note/ Motorola Razr

Any specific names that come to your mind.

Aah, that is where the catch is :) Actually, there are a couple of HTC phones (Titan) on Win 7.5 but I am not sure if there are here yet in India. I know there are some Dell phones on Windows but then I am not a big fan of Dell as a phone manufacturer.

Since I am not in the market to buy a phone, I am afraid I am not very updated on availability of Win 7.5 Mango based phones as yet in India.
motorola : service not good.

apple : 50k ... i wont buy even if i had that much money. open faced robbery.

note : no way a phone : sceen too big. i get uncomfortable riding with the S II .

S II : amazing phone. no complains as of now. however audio is bit turn off.
the DAC on the older S was far better used in S2 so dont expect amazing sound
from it. besides this i figured it out to be quite a phone.

nexus : you get latest OS. rest specs are same. downside camera 5MP. s 2 got 8.

win os : (mango ) : nokia lumnia.
I think wait for Nexus is good . . . but i don't know why i kept softcorner for I Phone 4s. May be cause it's punchline:):clapping:..
Anyways i am waiting for Nexus . . .
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If its just the ICE you are looking for , by jan it will be released for S2 and other phones too. The UK unlocked price is 41k and add customs and shipping to it, unless the India launch is close to 40k , I dont think its a great buy.
Agree with Kittu. If it is essentially about getting hands on ICS, then just get your hands on suitable h/w for now :) Dual core, Amoled/equi. screen, >=4" BAM! And then wait for the OTA update. And I believe you can wrap all of this within 33k with current generation of phones.

I did a extensive survey of phones before buying.

Iphone 4 is obsolute, 4S nothing but a minor upgrade on 4.
Remember both do NOT support 4G network.

S. Note,great in specifications but not practical. I used to have a 5.5" Dell streak and it was awkward,cumbersome and a nuisance to carry.

So the winner was clearly Galaxy S2, it has features that are not been beaten even in future and to be launched phones like nexus.
It is indeed future proof for next 6months -1year.
Form factor is just perfect, the display stunning, the processor super-fast, the camera fabulous, great for a programmer/hacker/experiementer, and at right price.

i agree with gobble. if you are man enough for it ;), the note is an awesome communication device. and the resolution is just amazing. and its sooo damn fast. i could go on.

If you hit the middle Note yes ;)

Any reason not to go for Nexus..??

Aaah! I had a relook at the Nexus review(s) and it is tempting me also. :licklips:

Now its a Meena or Neena dilemma .... Sigh! Choices choices ... :)

I like them frontal screens Big and Note took my fancy ... :licklips:

Edit: Just remembered why - no sdcard in Nexus and limited memory. Unless it can accept a usb stick?
What it doesn't have though is support for a micro SD card, or any storage card for that matter, and it can't be used a mass storage device either. That means you can't plug it straight in to your PC and download media on to it - shame because Android 4.0 natively supports hooking up mobile devices to your PC via USB. A strange absence from Samsung.

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If its just the ICE you are looking for , by jan it will be released for S2 and other phones too. The UK unlocked price is 41k and add customs and shipping to it, unless the India launch is close to 40k , I dont think its a great buy.

Its not gonna be more then 35K

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Agree with Kittu. If it is essentially about getting hands on ICS, then just get your hands on suitable h/w for now :) Dual core, Amoled/equi. screen, >=4" BAM! And then wait for the OTA update. And I believe you can wrap all of this within 33k with current generation of phones.

OTA ICS will miss out certain features like Face recognition phone unlock etc.... ....

Edit: Just remembered why - no sdcard in Nexus and limited memory. Unless it can accept a usb stick?

16 GB is more than enough if you dont use your phone for HD movie watching........about not been able to use it as a mass storage, yes thats true but that does not mean we can not tranfer files, there would be other ways like Direct Wifi, Wifi FTP etc .....
First say thanks to everyone for comments / Suggestion .

Yes i agree the size of Samsung Note is little big . For Motorola Service Support is issue .. and Samsung Galaxy S is already used by my younger brother . . not facing any major issue apart from Wi Fi disconnection Continiously i don't know i am the only facing this issue or other users also..
Hello Friends,

Is there any update for Samsung Galaxy Nexus when they launched in India . . . Should i wait or go ahead with S2.
Dont worry ... :) I am on the same boat ... waiting .... :D, but I prefer to wait. Its gonna be released in DEC. So if you or I for that matter go for something else and it does release in DEC, then its sure gonna be a regrettable decission. :D ..... wait I suggest atleast for DEC.
ICS is great improvement... if you like the razr you can buy it and motorola will rollout ICS to Razr next year.
Whoever says portability with the Note is an issue has either never carried it anywhere or is wearing tight jeans. I have absolutely no issues in carrying it around or using it. The screen is brilliant and its also wicked fast. Best deal for 30K today.
have used an S2 for quite few days and its an amazing phone.. my BB just died 2 days back for it wanted to have a shot too.. cudn't bear 60ml and died...

next option galaxy note.. 1.2ghz s2 was fast... note gets meaner with 1.4 GHz dual core.. best quote i got today for note in HYD is 30 K.. same what bluu got...

and yeah S2 have a 960 x 480/540 res.. note got 1280 x somethin blah blah but screen is definitely better..

razr looks great but again MOTO servicing will be a problem..
I have certain observations. Don't call me a killjoy or a spoilsport. But isn't spending 30+ K on a cellphone ridiculous? Granted that Samsung Galaxy SII or Nokia Lumnia or whatever are very good phones. But they are still phones for crying out loud. After 2 or 3 years they will become outdated, old-fashioned, etc. These cameras or apps - how often are they used?

I purchased the Nokia 3620 in 2003 when it was launched (the second camera phone to be launched in the world) for 23K. Two years later, I switched to O2 XDA-IIi (36k). I got tired of the buggy Windows 5 mobile in a couple of years. Now I stick to simple phones and a not too expensive Blackberry.

Think carefully before spending - it is your money ultimately. A 30+K will go a long way to service a loan EMI or a much useful purpose such as a washing m/c, dishwasher or fridge, better laptop/desktop, etc.
buying in India by paying full price is kind of waste of money. if it were like in the us or uk that you buy a phone with a 2 year contract, the phone becomes very cheap. and at the end of the contract you have latest phone which you can switch to.
actually, I am for a lookout for a phone that has:
a. at least 3-4 day of standby, and talk time of 10 hours
b. no other functionality required over and above being very reliable for calls and sms. Maybe a very good camera.
If there is a cell phone that has good battery life and reliability I can go for it.

For everything else I can buy another device and another connection.

This is like asking for a CDP in the age of blu-ray but each has its own advantages.
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