Audioengine dealer in Chennai

Unfortunately no dealers yet for Audioengines in chennai. But I have the A2s, and I would be very happy to have your friend listen to them at my place. This has to be done quickly because I am getting rid of them (to coincide with my speaker upgrade) very soon. Listening to the A2s in my small room should give a good idea about how the A5s sound i think.
Newcomer here*, barging in without so much as an introduction, for which I apologise, but do you still have those A2s, and are they listenable-to? Might they even be available? :)

*In Chennai, South of the city. Looking for a pair of PC speakers to replace nearly-dead Mission NXT that were fantastic value for equiv Rs4000 in UK about six years ago. Also currently deaf, but hoping the ENT man will fix that tomorrow...