Bhaava V2: My Ownership Review


Sep 13, 2009
These perhaps are the best deal at the 2L mark. I like these better than the ATC SCM19V2. Those got sold the moment these came into the picture. I like these better than the purely midrangey Harbeths. etc etc...

So, without digressing further allow me to insert the 1st listening impression that I had in the first three days itself. Now, this is an impression that I wrote for Jacob @ Rethm. Simply copying and pasting the impression here for the first installment.

I will also be putting a video here. But do bear in mind that the speakers at this time were hardly played for 3 hours... and nowhere near even the basic minimum burn-in requirements. and while the source and the power amp are superb here, the preamp is an el cheapo Schitt passive... But, all in all the Bhaava's did impress me and the wife a lot!

So, here is my 1st impression as recounted to Jacob @ rethm:

It is a very different sound. Has resolution in spades... Like the ATC but has soul... Which the ATC lacks entirely...

The Bhaavas are really a very lovely set... Very musical, huge soundstage... They disappear into the room...

By the time i finished playing the third song, my wife rushed in from the other room... And gushed, "are these the new speakers? Wow!"

This has never happened... In over 15 speaker upgrades in the last 10 years of marriage...

She loves the sound as much as me I guess.. yes these are special!!!

Now she is suggesting that we move them to the living room... As she loves the way they look too!!!

But that's not going to happen!!

More later!!

Here is the video link...

Keep tuned in, for the post burn in review.. also the New EAR 912 also popped in and then a 3rd impression! so, stay tuned... The above is just a starter! LOL.
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These perhaps are the best deal at the 2L mark. I like these better than the ATC SCM19V2. Those got sold the moment these came into the picture. I like these better than the purely midrangey Harbeths. etc etc...

So, without digressing further allow me to insert the 1st listening impression that I had in the first three days itself. Now, this is an impression that I wrote for Jacob @ Rethm. Simply copying and pasting the impression here for the first installment.

I will also be putting a video here. But do bear in mind that the speakers at this time were hardly played for 3 hours... and nowhere near even the basic minimum burn-in requirements. and while the source and the power amp are superb here, the preamp is an el cheapo Schitt passive... But, all in all the Bhaava's did impress me and the wife a lot!

So, here is my 1st impression as recounted to Jacob @ rethm:

It is a very different sound. Has resolution in spades... Like the ATC but has soul... Which the ATC lacks entirely...

The Bhaavas are really a very lovely set... Very musical, huge soundstage... They disappear into the room...

By the time i finished playing the third song, my wife rushed in from the other room... And gushed, "are these the new speakers? Wow!"

This has never happened... In over 15 speaker upgrades in the last 10 years of marriage...

She loves the sound as much as me I guess.. yes these are special!!!

Now she is suggesting that we move them to the living room... As she loves the way they look too!!!

But that's not going to happen!!

More later!!

Here is the video link...

Keep tuned in, for the post burn in review.. also the New EAR 912 also popped in and then a 3rd impression! so, stay tuned... The above is just a starter! LOL.
You are a very very naughty boy...teasing us with that clip and vanishing :D
So here goes round 2. These are my observations after listening to the Rethm Bhaava V2 after about 50 hours of burn-in...

The Rethm Bhaava V2 sounded crisp and meaty right from the get-go. The overall sound was more towards a Klipsch Heritage series of speakers like the Heresy. A wee bit forward even... But, sounded surprisingly good they did!

As a fairly veteran audiophile that was a tad disappointing even... after all for most of the best purchases have almost always been the ones that have shown the least promise on the first play and then have given us the surprising twist after a good amount of burn-in! Aint it so?

So, coming back to the point. After about 50 hours the overall balance of sound didn't change that much. However, the HF became a lot more sweeter and refined. Now, whether this made the mid-range pop or whether even that was a function of driver burn-in, I can't say... But that's exactly what happened.

Now, my favourite go-to records seemed to get the right vocal spotlight... Diane Birch's "Fools" from her debut CD, played via the Chord 2 Qute had the right amount of husk... This record by Diane Birch always somehow reminds me of a very young Carol King on her hit record "tapestry"... But, without digressing... let me make my point... Many, many speakers just don't get this aspect of her voice just right... The last 2 speakers that did this beautifully were the Altec 604 8G and the Thiel CS 2.4.

For male vocals, one of my go-to artists has always been Barry White. Barry White's - Can't Get Enough of Your Love (from the album of the same name), played via my Garrard 301 (grease bearing) with the Ortofon RMG 309 and the Supex 900 Super cartridge, via the phono on the EAR 912 was just SPEC-TAC-CULAR!!! Barry voice, the heft, tone, the thick timber all of the details played back beautifully... Barry was live in the room.

Now, one thing that this full ranger does with aplomb is PRAT. Not that it is a slouch on imaging, but the PRAT is just too good. these are might 'quick' speakers.

But do they rock??

To warm up, I played my MOFI LP disc of Steely Dan AJA. Playing back Black Cow my love for the Bhaava V2 deepened.... Then switching gears to the Roger Waters classic disc - Amused To Death brought alive the beautiful chaos of war as imagined by Mr Waters...

Yes, the Bhaava's V2 rock and rock at fair loud volumes too.

But do they do metal? A dose of Judas Priest - Painkiller on Vinyl? YES PLEASE! Followed by Van Halen - For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge and then some Megadeath - Countdown to Extinction.... and one and on!

One of the best things about the Bhaava is the self-powered isobaric subwoofer in each speaker... This allows for not only greater versatility of playback but also allows us to tune the speaker to the room... I never once had to suffer bass boom... something that constantly plagued my listening sessions with the Alec 604 8G.

At the 50 hour mark, the Bhaava V2 have wormed their way into the "unforgettable" zone of my heart and mind!

More later folks!
Pretty much reflects my experience when I first heard them at the maker's listening room a few years ago. One of those gems in the market.

It is very difficult to find speakers at these price points that does a great job with finer nuances in high fidelity playback. Micro / macro detail balance, speed, prat etc. If the setup and room is right, this speaker can make your feet tap away. Such an enjoyable speaker.
Firstly apologies for disappearing the last 2 days. But then the mistress - work, came with a fairly beguiling proposition after many moons. And her siren call could just not be avoided especially since she brought along her coquette sister Maya in hand. Thus ensuring beer, butter chicken and more vinyl for the next few days.

So, without further ado, here goes the 3rd installment of my observations on the Rethm Bhhava V2...

Let me begin this episode, 30 days prior to getting the Bhaava V2. As this will give you proper context. It's 1.30 AM, I have tried a 5th interconnect in-between the Symphonic Line Integrated amp and the ATC SCM 19V2. And I am thoroughly disappointed once again. The last few months have been frustrating for me. As much as I like the idea of owning a pair of ATC, I am yet to truly find any kind of reason to love them. But, one does not need reasons to love... It just happens, isn't it? And for me, it just had not happened, despite trying really hard.

With Altec it was love at first sight (or to be proper: first listen). With the B&W Matrix, the same... With Thiel CS 2.4 it was more like an arranged marriage that turns into deep love... With the ATC SCM 19V2 its has been like dating a very hot girl but no real feelings in the heart. . .

Soon, I got an opportunity to listen to the EAR 890 power amp at home, paired with the ATC SCM 19 V2. Suddenly this cold diva of a speaker showed some emotion. Track after track, I realised that this speaker is ruthlessly revealing... Which is probably why it is so loved by the discerning sound engineers. And yes, it likes to be driven hard. Harder than what the EAR 890's pure class A 70 watts are capable of.

Now, don't get me wrong. . . the 70 watts of EAR 890 are enough for the ATC, provided one is not listening to Vinyl's through a low output MC cartridge. For digital, I got enough drive with some headroom to spare in my listening room. But, 90% of my listening is Vinyl - this set up again shows up as an unviable proposition.

SO at 1.30 am of that morning I am wondering if I should stay with the emotionless pairing of SYMPHONIC LINE integrated with the ATC as it has the drive. Or should I swap the SYM Line for the 890 and get a better preamp as well or should I simply look at the whole project from a system approach...

The answer was clear: SYSTEM APPROACH

In this moment of clarity, I decided that the heart of the setup would have to be the EAR amplification. Yes. I was totally smitten by its presentation. I started the ordering process for the EAR 912 preamp that early morning itself. The 912 has been on my wishlist for over 8 years now...

But what about the Loudspeakers?

A suggestion from the fellow FM who brought in the 890 for me opened up the possibility of me looking at the Bhaava V2 rather seriously. The nest day, I started a conversation via email to the very gracious Jacob at Rethm... A few email exchanges later I realised that this is a designer who has the same values at heart. And hence his newest creation could very well just do it for me... And the order was made!

Cut back to a month later and 80 hours of burn-in... the Bhaava's bass unit started showing signs of overpowering the rest of the sound. A quick email exchange later with Jacob, I realized the bass amps and the drivers are now fully burnt in and the crossover needs to be tuned - a job easily done! Both the crossover point and the loudness of the bass adjusted in a matter of minutes.... (I keep both bang in the centre of the dial... that sounds the best to me in my room)...

Now for a sip of vodka and to relax into an easy chair listening to some cool tunes from the 60s... Grace Slick's vocals belting out "Lather" on vinyl... the sounds are surreal... spooky even as she plaintively croons "Go ask Alice, when she's six feet tall"....

Hmm... I now realize that the burn-in process is done (not much difference was heard between 80hrs and 110hrs.... but a world of a difference was experienced when the 912 finally got into the chain... but that's a story for episode 4... LOL)

As I start playing one of Eric Clapton's more recent recordings --- I STILL DO on 45RPM discs, I get startled at the realism of the soundstage... The tone and timbre spot on. The strumming fleshy the drums with a nice full sounding thwack... the hf's --- sweet.... On playing, Little man, you've had a busy day, a track that is languid one can make out the perfect timing that the Bhaava brings to the presentation...

Fleetwood Mac's classic "Little Lies" from their Tango in the Night LP allowed me to test the Bhaava for the dynamic shifts and also for clarity during the busy passages of the track... every voice and instrument in place and all of it coming together to create the urgency and the mess... In one word, this loudspeaker is FABULOUS.

Taking it through the paces on percussive tracks, I realized how strong this speaker is on these kind of tracks.... Playing Trilok Gurtu's track - Cherry Town from his album "Collection" via the Chord 2qute one easily gets caught up in the fusion "up in cherry town!"

How would it do with a more audiophile like recording? I wondered.... So played 24-192 recording of Patricia Barber's Smash... Code Cool pretty much set the standard here.... the dynamic stops and starts are just breathtaking through the Bhaava....

After all this, I wondered what the higher priced Rethm's bring to the room.... because the Bhaava V2 seems like a pretty well put together speaker in terms of resolution, PRAT, details, dynamics... its a pretty well-rounded package... So, I asked Jacob about it... he simply replied that as you go up the speakers get more and more resolving... which means the electronics, sources AND the recordings need to keep up, or else it's not going to work....

The Bhaava for me is the right deal then... considering that a vast chunk of the esoteric stuff that I listen to are not the greatest recordings... the music though is glorious... music over recording quality for me, please!!!

On that note folks... Ciao... stay tuned in for the next installment where I insert the EAR 912 to the chain... and my my what a jump I get!
Nice updated review or Bhaava 2. Love to hear if anybody is having in Chennai preferably or in bengaluru during my upcoming visit.

Hope this is a keeper at-last and not going to be a preview for sale. However audiophile journey is never ending and will continue till the music soul is inside. If we are deeper into research we will be easily switching to next system soon...

This is my personal opinion and for every audiophile only the next house speaker will sound good and they never get satisfied with their own.

Good luck and waiting for more of your observations.
Nice updated review or Bhaava 2. Love to hear if anybody is having in Chennai preferably or in bengaluru during my upcoming visit.

Hope this is a keeper at-last and not going to be a preview for sale. However audiophile journey is never ending and will continue till the music soul is inside. If we are deeper into research we will be easily switching to next system soon...

This is my personal opinion and for every audiophile only the next house speaker will sound good and they never get satisfied with their own.

Good luck and waiting for more of your observations.
Thank you srinisundar,
The Bhaava V2 is a really special speaker for sure... the last time I was smitten by a 'current production' speaker it lasted in my chain for over 3 years... However, one never knows...
I saw in your signature that you have not one - but TWO altec speakers! Awesome! I do love the Altec and regret selling mine - 604-8G.... There is something addictive about the big vintage drivers.... You get used to them and then you're finished for life... Isn't it?
Altec Is a big addiction for me and just running behind it for last 5 plus years with different projects/drivers... Started with Petite onken with 12" and travelled thru 612/614 box with 414/515/604 drivers and now with Altec A5. There is no going back to any other speakers once settled with Altec including tannoy.
Thanks to @malvai had a listen to these awesome speakers at his place, great clarity, depth, soundstage and decent bass (Manav felt it lacked a bit due to less than ideal placement). Was really impressed by both the speakers and the owner, gem of a guy.
Thanks to @malvai had a listen to these awesome speakers at his place, great clarity, depth, soundstage and decent bass (Manav felt it lacked a bit due to less than ideal placement). Was really impressed by both the speakers and the owner, gem of a guy.

Thank you for coming over Anshul. It is always a pleasure to meet good people.

Yes, the placement was truly very compromised, with the Giant JBL's between the Bhaava's... so, I'd say that you probably only heard about 10% of what the Bhaava's are really capable of!
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