Blacberry PlayBook special offer

yes, I heard the offer is extended. Seems everyone is eager to throw away old stock before the launch of new gen ipad3. Xoom is also available at decent discount now.

I'm glad this small thread has generated a lot of interest and quite a few posts. Some alternative names have also been mentioned. Which seems to be the best tablet in terms of features and value for money? Do any tablets also double up as mobile phones or do all of them lack SIM capability?

Hi all,
I came to know today that Blackberry has come out with a very special price offer on its PlayBook tablet. An excerpt on this:

Hi Miroflex,
Thanks for the reference. I am probably the only guy on HFV who ended up buying the Playbook after reading this thread, and this is the only tech-purchase, where I have gone against the general opinion.

After going thru pros and cons, the fact that I already have corporate Blackberry email package + I get to use big display for sending emails, when I am out of office + 15k "low" price, helped me take decision in favor of Playbook (32 GB). Any other bells & whistles I get from PB is added bonus :).

Miroflex: None of the conventional tablets double up as phones, with the exception of the Reliance 3G Tab, although that doesn't have a earpiece, so you would have to use either the speakerphone or a headset. In terms of value for money, I'd say the Reliance 3G Tab is the superior, because the product is fairly decent, apart from the aforementioned mobile phone capability and the fact that Reliance GSM has the best 3G plans and speeds in place. They're also giving good plans if you buy the Tab. There's also ViewSonic's Viewpad 7, Lenovo's A1 and a few local makes like HCL, Beetel, iBall (check out for a better idea). And don't forget the ultimate VFM option, the Rs. 3000 Ubislate 7 :p
Hi Miroflex,
Thanks for the reference. I am probably the only guy on HFV who ended up buying the Playbook after reading this thread, and this is the only tech-purchase, where I have gone against the general opinion.

After going thru pros and cons, the fact that I already have corporate Blackberry email package + I get to use big display for sending emails, when I am out of office + 15k "low" price, helped me take decision in favor of Playbook (32 GB). Any other bells & whistles I get from PB is added bonus :).


Hi Sonosphere,

Thank you very much for your very encouraging and illuminating post. It is interesting to know the reasons for your choice and why you have decided to swim agaist the tide of popular opinion. Please let us know how you like it as you go along.

Hi Miroflex,

even I picked a 32 GB model after I saw your post. Please accept my thanks. As an ex-Blackberry user (I decided to stop using a smartphone), I don't understand the negativity surrounding the playbook. Maybe folks have forgotten what Android 1.0 was like. Unlike Google, Blackberry doesn't run a charity and has experience of supporting some of the most demanding customers. If you are looking for a no frills device that does the job, I would suggest you give it a try.

You also need to be careful about Android devices. Many of the manufacturers are hardware companies with very little software experience. Upgrades are almost invariably delayed and in many cases they never come.

Comparing playbook to iBall slide sounds like a joke. You just cant do a feature list comparison for these devices. Just put them side by side and ask anyone to guess which one is the cheap china and which one has class.

Hi Miroflex,

even I picked a 32 GB model after I saw your post. Please accept my thanks ... If you are looking for a no frills device that does the job, I would suggest you give it a try.

You also need to be careful about Android devices. Many of the manufacturers are hardware companies with very little software experience. Upgrades are almost invariably delayed and in many cases they never come.

Comparing playbook to iBall slide sounds like a joke. You just cant do a feature list comparison for these devices. Just put them side by side and ask anyone to guess which one is the cheap china and which one has class.



Thanks for expressing a counterview and for going against the tide of popular opinion. You are the second member who has gone on record as having gone out and bought the Play Book. I am also tempted to rethink the issue.

Well i checked in couple of places and they all are saying no stock, guess either it got sold out fast or stock hoarding is happening to sell later when prices are increased.
Blackberry tried being an Apple, ending up being a Palm.

IMPO, buying a Blackberry is not a good idea. Much like Apple everything about Blackberry is proprietary. Which may be good from some point of view, but clearly doesn't cut a deal with most people. What also goes against Blackberry is that it doesn't have a developed App Store like that of Apple. There aren't many Apps available, there isn't much support otherwise, and on most devices Internet access is only through Blackberry service.

Whereas As and Bs of this world are going the proprietary path, Ls, Ms, Ns are going Open. And today the world belongs to them who believe in Open technologies. No wonder Android based devices are taking over the world.

I used a number of devices based on other mobile OSes in past. But last year I bought my first android device, and I never looked back. Today I own 4 devices of various profiles all running Android. Once you Android, you only Android.
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Ordered it from flipkart against the run of this thread ;) and it got delivered today.

Quality of the device, display, speed and multi-task-ability of the system and the touch screen is great for this price. The only downer is the lack of apps compared to android.

This is for my dad for browsing, reading and occasional playing and he's not really bothered about lack of apps at this moment.
Ordered it from flipkart against the run of this thread ;) and it got delivered today.

Quality of the device, display, speed and multi-task-ability of the system and the touch screen is great for this price. The only downer is the lack of apps compared to android.

This is for my dad for browsing, reading and occasional playing and he's not really bothered about lack of apps at this moment.


How serious is the lack of applications when compared to android phones i.e. how much better are android phones?

There are huge number of apps on android which are free but paid for BB and Apple. even whatsapp is a paid app on apple i guess.!

The simple fact that, all you need a wifi connection from anywhere- a phone with wifi hotspot option or a wifi router and you are good to go with corp emails, browsing etc. whereas on a BB playbook you need a BB handset with BB data plan active to access corporate emails.

I bought the sammy galaxy pad and it took me seconds to configure my office email (MS exchange server) on it using the wifi connection from my iPhone.!
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No native email app is the sore point in the eyes of many.

The 2.0 OS version to be released in Feb is expected to ship with a native email client that won't require pairing with blackberry phone.

There are quite a lot of apps available, but not as many free apps as in android. Availability depends on what apps you use. On the android I use the stock market app most frequently and its not available for bb.
I was interested in picking this up, the only thing that put me off was the pricing. In US they had a flat 299$ sale where you could pick any model up 32 or 64 GB. In india they priced the models differently and not at a flat pricing.
The samsung galaxy tab wifi is available for 14k with 16Gb in built and running on android 2.2. better deal than BB playbook. M not saying just because I bot it :D
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