Brands with best dollar rate


Oct 4, 2010
Except local brands most of brands are imported to india. The distribution and how they treat our market decide the costs we pay.
So for example say a speaker is for 100 usd in usa so in ideal case it should cost us about 7600 inr to us. But thats never the case.
So my question is which brands come closest to their real value. So far i have found warfdale to be best and dali worst. I am trying to make a spreadsheet on it to find what i call "indian audiophile tax" we have to pay.
What are your observation on this matter. Looking things like this will help us get good idea when looking at outside india reviews when they talk about value
100 usd in usa so in ideal case it should cost us about 7600 inr to us
If a product is made in X country it can be cheap there, but out side the production country its Costly. Eg Mcintosh and Accuphase.

Wharefedale is a mass moving brand, that's why its price is controlled in India.

Soaring Indian economy has its direct impact on peoples lifestyle. I believe this is going to continue the same way.
Karan - my 2 cents.

If you are just researching, this will lead to a good conclusion as information. But, if you intend to purchase your speakers on how vfm they are, it might not be the best route to take as there are many factors which decide dealer price and customer price. A brand with good sales figures can afford to bring the price down thereby increasing the ratio for good. Dealer network, availablity, marketing, country of origin, duties, exclusivity, customer awareness and of course overall quality all pay a part here. A hi-fi setup is not a regular commodity to be decided by numbers.
Don't trust figures, trust your ears!
. A brand with good sales figures can afford to bring the price down thereby increasing the ratio for good. Dealer network, availablity, marketing, country of origin, duties, exclusivity, customer awareness and of course overall quality all pay a part here.
I am trying to get these all factors in a single parameter and trying to figure out for which brand we are paying more than other countries.
JBL, Q acoustics. These are the two brands that I found them to be reasonably priced with respect to their US pricing.( I am referring to the price quotes that you would get when you approach dealers and not online)
Without any specifics, just based on international prices, Micca and Hivi are available at very good prices with convenience on Amazon and Flipkart. In fact, some models of latest Hivi are available at a discount compared to international market.
The sale price qouted in india depends on the number of boxes they expect to sell. As the dealer and distributor both have to make a living on this calculation. Besides dealers have a stocking fee to pay. So the lesser known brands will automatically have a higher price. And well known and established brands being easier to move, are cheaper in comparison.
Thank you all for your replies. The lessor known brands will have worse value if they were that good even after indian audiophile tax then they wouldn't be available.
So for example say a speaker is for 100 usd in usa so in ideal case it should cost us about 7600 inr to us.
Depending on the brand, the final retail price will be around $150/160, considering the import duty/dealer's margin. Price is also largely dependent on the no of units sold.

The unit sold at $100 in the US; the dealer there might have got it for $60/70 from the brand, and the rest is a local tax. The chances are high that the dealer here will get the same unit for $100/110 from the brand, considering the lower units sold. That said, it's virtually impossible to match the US price here, besides the draconian import duty.
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Focal (the Aria 926) are pretty much priced on par with US/UK prices , however the big let down is the warranty period (which is same for QAcoustics too) where Indian warranty is just 1 year.
Except local brands most of brands are imported to india. The distribution and how they treat our market decide the costs we pay.
So for example say a speaker is for 100 usd in usa so in ideal case it should cost us about 7600 inr to us. But thats never the case.
So my question is which brands come closest to their real value. So far i have found warfdale to be best and dali worst. I am trying to make a spreadsheet on it to find what i call "indian audiophile tax" we have to pay.
What are your observation on this matter. Looking things like this will help us get good idea when looking at outside india reviews when they talk about value
Or studio monitor brands are having similar prices. Everything else is way too jacked up.
Focal (the Aria 926) are pretty much priced on par with US/UK prices , however the big let down is the warranty period (which is same for QAcoustics too) where Indian warranty is just 1 year.
In my opinon every speaker that costs more than 1 lakh should have atleast 5 year warranty. Bowers and Wilkins used to have 10 years abroad.

Sadly even abroad it’s getting worse, many brands are supporting only warranty for the first user. It’s no longer transferable.
In my view US prices are not a good comparison. US prices are lower than almost any country.

I compare to UK prices.
I find that British speaker brands are often priced well here - almost the same price as in the UK.
Agree 100%.
Most British and European models are available in India at their sticker price somehow, irrespective of whether you convert it from pounds, euros or even the American dollar prices of the same brand.
Except local brands most of brands are imported to india. The distribution and how they treat our market decide the costs we pay.
So for example say a speaker is for 100 usd in usa so in ideal case it should cost us about 7600 inr to us. But thats never the case.
So my question is which brands come closest to their real value. So far i have found warfdale to be best and dali worst. I am trying to make a spreadsheet on it to find what i call "indian audiophile tax" we have to pay.
What are your observation on this matter. Looking things like this will help us get good idea when looking at outside india reviews when they talk about value
Besides Wharfedale, Monitor Audio, Martin Logan, Dali, XTZ, GoldenEar are some brands that are available in India for the same sticker price as UK-Europe. Q Acoustics too, roughly, give or take a bit.
Am surprised you found Dali to be marked up badly. I found their India prices on par with their European sticker prices.
Would be helpful if you could share your final sheet here.
Regards and best.
Some of the stranger prices I have seen
Marantz - 6015, US MRP - $1999, Indian price (for new in 2021) - Rs. 98,000
Epson TW9400/6050 UB - $4000, Indian Price - Rs. 1.8 - 2.2 lakhs
So far JBL,Q acoustics and Wharfedale comes to be the best bang for the buck
No longer Q Acoustics.

Some of the stranger prices I have seen
Marantz - 6015, US MRP - $1999, Indian price (for new in 2021) - Rs. 98,000
Epson TW9400/6050 UB - $4000, Indian Price - Rs. 1.8 - 2.2 lakhs
Marantz is usually priced lower than US.
Some of the stranger prices I have seen
Marantz - 6015, US MRP - $1999, Indian price (for new in 2021) - Rs. 98,000
Epson TW9400/6050 UB - $4000, Indian Price - Rs. 1.8 - 2.2 lakhs
This is US mrp vs INR offer price. Not a fair comparision. Also offer price of 6015 is 1.3-1.4 in India
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!