Budget 2009 - Price cut for LCD TV


Active Member
May 21, 2009
Kerala - Trivandrum/Kochi
Customs duty for LCD TVs has been lowered to 5%, hopefully prices will get slashed for them. Any idea how much less we can expect?? :clapping:

Sad news is that STBs are going for a price hike with the increase in tax. :o
Customs duty for LCD TVs has been lowered to 5%, hopefully prices will get slashed for them. Any idea how much less we can expect?? :clapping:

Sad news is that STBs are going for a price hike with the increase in tax. :o

Yeah, thats one thing from the budget which brought a smile to an flat panel aspirant like me! That coupled with the upcoming Onam(state festival, Kerala) discount would bring some very attractive offers.
It won't happen so fast, as they would have loads of existing stocks and loads to clear off, so maybe around 3 months time, it should happen
since it is a 5% decrease, I guess it should go down by 2.5k for 1 lakh LCD - assuming 100% margin added AFTER duty is charged by govt.
since it is a 5% decrease, I guess it should go down by 2.5k for 1 lakh LCD - assuming 100% margin added AFTER duty is charged by govt.

that was a good joke.....
btw this was one of the worst budgets wrt to addressing sagging sentiments and general mood of the public and market in these recessionary times.:mad:

But if we survive this - not too bad a budget overall. Just that the middle class has been sidelined again
that was a good joke.....
btw this was one of the worst budgets wrt to addressing sagging sentiments and general mood of the public and market in these recessionary times.:mad:

But if we survive this - not too bad a budget overall. Just that the middle class has been sidelined again

I agree, what a lousy pathetic budget. To get out of the bad economy, the best and most proven way is for people to spend money. Problem is this budget does not make that happen, people are not getting more money, and the goods are not becoming cheaper......

by the way, the LCD 5% duty slash is on the LCD panels, correct me if I am wrong, but doesnt that mean that if a company is assembling TVs in india using imported panels will get the breaks. If a company is importing fully assembled TV from abroad, the benefit wont apply? Arent most of the brands importing the full sets, instead of manufacturing/assembling it here.
otoh,the salaries after tax will go down as perks would be taxed. See the rediff news articles.

Damn!!! what a looser FM we've got. bugger is living in the 80s, his glory days, and wants us to go back to those days...
The LCD's would go down with max 3K is what the news tells.
Also the cost of MP3 players (viz apple ipod & other players) will see a mariginal increase.
this will hardly have any impact on lcd tvs,since most of the companies still import completely assembled tvs like sony,panasonic,sharp,toshiba,hitachi.
although samsung and LG assemble lcds in india,some models may still be directly imported.

also the duty reductions is only on the panels imported for instance a 32inch lcd panel costs average around $250 around 12k so for that the tax now is 5% so u will get a benefit of Rs600 for 40inch lcds u will see it cheaper by Rs1200.
LG panels are cheapest to buy ,so the price reduction will be even less.
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