Can surround channels be configured to use as height channels?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2009
I am using a Denon X2700H in a 5.1 config. The 2700H supports rear and back surrounds but has no height channels.

1 - Is it possible to use an unused surround channel for heights? I mean is there a way to configure that thru the denon/audessey software?
2 - If no, no worries I will buy the 3700H, if yes - are there any issues with such a setup?

Got the Minx In white - so quick questions here now!

1 - Provided my AVR can only support 2 height channels - What is the best place to hook up the speakers for height channel?
2 - I.e. should I hang them right over the seating space - right above the heads?
3 - Or should I hang them mid way between the seating and the TV?
4 - Or should I hang them above the TV and direct and towards the seating position?
Got the Minx In white - so quick questions here now!

1 - Provided my AVR can only support 2 height channels - What is the best place to hook up the speakers for the height channel?
2 - I.e. should I hang them right over the seating space - right above the heads?
3 - Or should I hang them midway between the seating and the TV?
4 - Or should I hang them above the TV and direct and towards the seating position?
Option 3 will offer the most immersing experience.
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