Cdp problems


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2009

I got a used Marantz CDP CD 53 sometime back. It was playing ok so far. Now it has started playing truant with me. It is not spinning most of my CD's now, including brand new Redbook CD's and CD-Rs. If the player has gone entirely kaput it should not be playing any CD's right. But its playing some original and some CD-Rs. I tried to use a Head cleaning CD. but it refused to spin this too. The word 'disk' flashes for a few times and there is nothing with most of the CDs.
I have my Marantz amp sitting on the CDP. Is it a problem?

Any help guys?

Hi Sri,

Sorry to read about the problems with your newly acquired CDP. I do not know about the build of your CDP, but most modern CDP cabinets are not strong enough and can bend just a little. I do not know if the amp legs are sitting at the corner of the CDP cabinet exactly, in that case it should perhaps not affect things very much. In any case, it is hard to speculate. But if the transport is towards the top of the CDP cabinet, the transport may get affected. Once I had a light DVDP on top of my CDP and Venkat suggested to remove it. I think I am better off that way, and amps are much heavier. I'd say : remove the amp, wait for a while and then try.

Feel sorry,but it can be common with used CDp as lens may not work properly.
You can change the lens as they are easily available.
if you doubt it is your amp, why not move it off for some time?
My laptop used to hang/ power button would not work etc - whenever I unwittingly placed it over the sub. Now looking back, I think it had to do with the magnet inside the sub's driver.
My Marantz CDP manual strongly advises not placing any weights on the top. This is of course because they have built a flimsy enclosure for the budget series and it might dent the casing or maybe cause problems like in your case?

It is normal to place the CDP right on top never the other way around. Try removing the weight of the amp from the CDP.

Else service center may be able to fix any mechanical impairments/mis-alignments caused by placing load on it.

IMHO marantz used Philips lences ...if you search you'll get number on net...and I was told these philips lences are easily available

anyway google the issue ,you might get pinpoint solution

Thanks for your replies. Removing the amp from the top of the CDP did not resolve the problem. I am a little baffled by the way the CDP is behaving. If the lens is gone it should not play ANY cds. But it is playing some cds. But not most of the cds i am having including Redbook. Right now it is playing the A R Rahman's
Yuvraj hindi movie album.

Well the dealer i have bought it from is not in station. Only when he arrives next week i can take it to him. This is pretty frustrating.

Hi Sri, i had a similar probelm recently with my Sony DVD player - it played certain audio CDs (strill struggled to read, eventually read), did not play others completely. Took it to the technician and he replaced the lens and it works great now on all CDs. So, there is a possibility that lens could give this kind of a trouble (read some, not read some). I have experienced it. for your info.
rgds swami

Very good possibility of the lens needing replacement going by the symptoms. Don't worry too much, just have it checked and if required have the lens replaced. That will fix it. Some equipment are quirky in that they need to be used on a regular basis. My Philips DVDP too behaves the same way if not used on a regular basis and I believe your CDP too has come from cold storage. Once fixed make sure you use it on a regular basis.

Thanks for your replies. Removing the amp from the top of the CDP did not resolve the problem. I am a little baffled by the way the CDP is behaving. If the lens is gone it should not play ANY cds. But it is playing some cds. But not most of the cds i am having including Redbook. Right now it is playing the A R Rahman's
Yuvraj hindi movie album.

Well the dealer i have bought it from is not in station. Only when he arrives next week i can take it to him. This is pretty frustrating.

Do lenses need proper alignment in CDPs? Maybe thats the problem...


. If the lens is gone it should not play ANY cds. But it is playing some cds. But not most of the cds i am having including Redbook.

Your query is right,but your lens is not dead,but became weak.
It will misbeheive & will refuse all cds later.

i can say this as I experienced it with my DVDp.It refused DL DVDs,then regular & lastly CDs.After replacing Lens myself,it started working.
Hi Sri,

Among the remaining options, the most prominent one is to get the lens checked and replaced if necessary, as everyone else has suggested. In that case, take it to the shop you bought it from and make sure of the quality of the new lens.


I thank one and all who given their valuable suggestions. The guy has gone to Singapore it seems and will be back monday-tuesday. So i have to wait. I hope changing the lens will solve the problem. Here in chennai getting an original lens is not a problem i think.

thanks again guys.

Hi Sri

The CD player of my car ( Blaunpunkt ) also had a similar problem.Some CDs used to play and some did not.I got it checked from my local car accessories shop from where I purchased.He told me the lens had become weak and needs a replacement @ Rs 900/-.I came back home and thought of taking it to the company service center.Those guys simply serviced the unit and cleaned the lens properly and charged Rs 350/-.The unit is running absolutly fine and is able to play all the CDs which it was rejecting earlier.B4 u simply get the lens changed ask the service guy to clean the lens and service the unit.It will definately work.


I thank one and all who given their valuable suggestions. The guy has gone to Singapore it seems and will be back monday-tuesday. So i have to wait. I hope changing the lens will solve the problem. Here in chennai getting an original lens is not a problem i think.

thanks again guys.


Hmm Ok now every one has posted their views,at behest of sounding crazy here's what I will suggest :p !!

It might not be an actual lens failure or such,it could be a mere dusty lens thats creating the problem ;)!

Since its a old model and since you bought it from a used dealer,Knowing the great respect and care that they have for these used products and take such good care of handling :lol: !! it might've exposed to excessive some dust or over the years has accumulated some !

Here's what I want you do,Please bear in mind that you need to extra careful in following the steps that Am about to tell :D!

First remove the top cover and then push the lens unit towards back where you can have neat access to it ! you may also remove the entire loader but if its too much for you then don't bother ! once the lens is moved towards back where you have proper access,take a clean cotton (ear cleaning buds will do too) soak in mild hot water (just wet not completely ) then with great care just wipe the glass portion of the lens untill you can see the sparkle ! Now spin some cds that were not reading to see the results ;)!!

This is just an exercise that can probably save you some bucks on replacing the new lens,if works well good right ? if it doesn't no harm :p !

Also if and only if you must change the lens,be very careful of the new one ! this as mentioned by other members is a Philips Lens and are very expensive and not that common (atleast the real original one's) most of them have spurious and will not last long ! be very very careful about this factor ! Make absolutely sure that its a original one before replacing !!

Anything else please do post here !

i was told when I picked up my Marantz CD63SE that the main problem with CD players of that age would be lens issues, and even if there was an issue, the Philips lenses used in them are easily available for 1 - 1.2k. Don't know more details, but I am sure this should sort out your problem.
So i have to wait. I hope changing the lens will solve the problem. Here in chennai getting an original lens is not a problem i think.

One thing you remember,sometimes not only lens,but entire TRANSPORT needs to get changed. confirm that with tech guy.
Hi Guys,

I would like to thank every one in helping me to resolve the problem.
Well... I heeded soundsgreat's advice and the problem is gone now:)

Hi soundsgreat! I love the way u started ur reply with a Hmm...:D

The casual way u gave ur advice gave me enough courage(???) to open the CDP cover and clean the lens. I exactly followed what u said, earbud, warm water and all. After some intial hick ups all my CD's are playing without hitch now. Well almost. Only in a Rahman CD the songs freez in the middle. All other 'CD 's are playing well.

Thank u guys and especially soundsgreat :clapping:

I was so frustrated for the last couple of days. When i heard the lead song from
the Hotel California album, i felt that i have reclaimed my Kingdom:ohyeah:
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I will try to post my humble impressions on my humbler stereo setup tomorrow. :)

I am getting the Oppo 980H from Singapore by the month end. It has been bought today for me there. When i get it i will do a comparison between my CDP and the Oppo with respect to stereo music, and try to post my noob impressions.

Hai Srikarkav,

Some time the problem is with the CD itself. Try to clean the CD's Bottom surface i.e face down with a bit of Isopropyl alcohol. See if there are any stains and clean them with cotton dipped in alcohol. and wipe it dry with a soft cloth or dry cotton. Then try to play again. I too had some initial problems while playing with my Marantz CDP. Also CDs that are recorded for more than 74 minutes may create problems at the last track. So if you archive any tracks on CD see to it that it is of 74 mts or less duration.

Hope this helps.

N Murali.
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