Comparison Between Onkyo TX SR 705 and Norge 1000


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
Hello Guys,
after reading lot of posts I am kind of convinced that to listen to good music one needs a stereo amplifier. I am not atall a audiophile just a guy who likes good music. I recently got into vinyls and enjoying a lot of good music. I am very happy the way my ONKYO 705 is performing but I have started to believe that a dedicated stereo amplifier will be even better. My question is this Norge 1000 stereo amplifier better than onkyo 705. I am using jamo S606 floor standing speakers and my room size is 25' by 16' with no accoustic treatment coz I don't have any idea about those. Any suugestions will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Getting norge in kolkata will be an issue -I still feel used 2 channel amp will give you VFM....
IMHO 20 year old premium Technics,Sansui or Luxman sound a lot better than Norge!
Aain IMHO!!
Getting norge in kolkata will be an issue -I still feel used 2 channel amp will give you VFM....
IMHO 20 year old premium Technics,Sansui or Luxman sound a lot better than Norge!
Aain IMHO!!

Hello Hemant,
thanks for your reply. Well getiing Norge in Calcutta won't be a issue I am sure when paid they can ship it. I got my onkyo from bombay itself and they shipped it to calcutta.I am not too keen on buying used product as they have this servicing issue and no warranty. The information I want is if Norge can produce better sound compared to ONKYO. 705 as there is quite a bit price difference.
Hello Hemant,
thanks for your reply. Well getiing Norge in Calcutta won't be a issue I am sure when paid they can ship it. I got my onkyo from bombay itself and they shipped it to calcutta.I am not too keen on buying used product as they have this servicing issue and no warranty. The information I want is if Norge can produce better sound compared to ONKYO. 705 as there is quite a bit price difference.

Hi Mahiruha,
I have auditioned Norge 1000 in comparison to Onkyo 518 reciever.(I auditioned with Wharfedale 9.1 and 9.2 bookshelves speakers).

Many on this forum have commented that a dedicated stereo amp will always outshine an AVR (even the AVR's costing 1 lac plus). You can PM to "Suprateep" on this forum... I understand he has auditioned Norge 1000 in comparison to many AVRs.

Norge 1000 as a stereo amp has been well appreciated from all aspects (specially in view of its VFM). Shipping to Kolkata should't be and issue. A search for "Norge" on this forum will throw up lot of further details on this.

Hi Mahiruha,
I have auditioned Norge 1000 in comparison to Onkyo 518 reciever.(I auditioned with Wharfedale 9.1 and 9.2 bookshelves speakers).

Many on this forum have commented that a dedicated stereo amp will always outshine an AVR (even the AVR's costing 1 lac plus). You can PM to "Suprateep" on this forum... I understand he has auditioned Norge 1000 in comparison to many AVRs.

Norge 1000 as a stereo amp has been well appreciated from all aspects (specially in view of its VFM). Shipping to Kolkata should't be and issue. A search for "Norge" on this forum will throw up lot of further details on this.

boss just speak to Mr. Bajaj or drop in a mail (email from norgeaudio website) - he is very prompt in replying. BTW shipping is about 400-500 bucks.

Now coming to the point - I have tried all sorts of onkyos 606, 705, yamaha 363, 463, 663, denon 1509, 1909 - while the denons sounds good overall - a buget 2 channel amp sounds pretty good in comparison to these somehow - at least in moderate listenable volumes. Norge 1000 has much better sound stage and musicality - probably will be my next buy if in a budget marantz and nad fail me (i wish i had a heavier pocket). Anyway coming back I see jamo 606 - do not fall for the 2000 mofset - go for the norge 1000 if you must.

And I do not believe an old Sansui or Luxman betters the Norge 1000 - which though could have been better with gold plated terminals and better casing.
I am very happy the way my ONKYO 705 is performing but I have started to believe that a dedicated stereo amplifier will be even better.

Then why change anything? Once you go the upgrade route, there's no turning back :indifferent14:
So if you're satisfied with your system, spend the money on more music (vinyl, tape,Cd...). Or spend it on acoustically treating your room. Or a Lazy-boy...
Now coming to the point - I have tried all sorts of onkyos 606, 705, yamaha 363, 463, 663, denon 1509, 1909 - while the denons sounds good overall - a buget 2 channel amp sounds pretty good in comparison to these somehow - at least in moderate listenable volumes.

Hello Suprateep,
thanks for your reply.Well it seems at this price point it is a definite go go.Could you please clarify what is moderate lsitenable volume. With CDs my normal listen volume is 0( my onkyo goes from -40 to + 20) but with vinyls I prefer + 5 otherwise the effects are not felt in my big room. Is this volume range acceptable with Norge??
Hello Suprateep,
thanks for your reply.Well it seems at this price point it is a definite go go.Could you please clarify what is moderate lsitenable volume. With CDs my normal listen volume is 0( my onkyo goes from -40 to + 20) but with vinyls I prefer + 5 otherwise the effects are not felt in my big room. Is this volume range acceptable with Norge??

that is debatable:ohyeah: for me ref or moderate listenable volume is something that does not get my neighbor all worked up. For me its 35-40 (between 0 to 65 limited on amp) depending on sources.

A two channel amp will deliver more power than a avr - so audition it. In case you fail to take an audition - i still think its good VFM (1000 - but ask Mr. Bajaj to change terminals to gold plated ones) - range CA 540, Pm 6 series and NAD 325 is better.
I still feel that do not buy without audition....
In fact in my brief hearings Norge never impressed me....I have respect for Mr. Bajaj but in comparison of a lot of vintage amps the sound is nothing.
Maybe it is matter of individual taste.
Anyway one of our member ( I cannon name him) having Norge, Audio lab and scouting for powerful amp confirmed the feeling...

In audition you will discover your taste ...In fact some of the very good audiophile amps failed to impress me ...maybe that is because of AGE ,the music played on them etc,etc..

That is why If a good vintage is available ,give it an audition...In Mumbai I've seen crazy pricing ( high & LOW) for vintage !

In fact Norge is using parts which are available in the market ad making transistorized amps( right??) which design itself 30-40 years old..

Some of the vintage amps uses audiophile grade components, heavier parts and that is why survive for ages...

Again this is my opinion
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Hi Mahi,
I would rather that you first do an audition. Its not about good or bad. Its about what you like, the kind of music you like and the source. Anyone can give you a technical explanation to justify an end. But finally, you have to live with it, so best you listen to it. Yes VFM is imp, which is precisely why you must spend well to 'protect' your investment for a longer period of time. While testing audiophile equipment, people tend to used demo cds, but will you listen to that kind of music on a regular basis? This VFM business is a double edged sword. It doesnt really mean lowend for a lot of people. So no harm in even evaluating good and cared for pre owned components. Again for the volume, for everyone loud means different things. In the car, my wife cant bear the volume about 10 and I cant bear anything below 34. Now you cant say that 10 is not loud, since it is for someone, so you have to decide for yourself. Ofcourse the forum will help you understand the nuances I have learnt a lot of things from here. I know someone who swears by norge and I know someone who won't touch a norge ever, since he had one earlier. So, that doesnt make norge good or bad.

Sorry if that good too long :)

Hello Suprateep,
thanks for your reply.Well it seems at this price point it is a definite go go.Could you please clarify what is moderate lsitenable volume. With CDs my normal listen volume is 0( my onkyo goes from -40 to + 20) but with vinyls I prefer + 5 otherwise the effects are not felt in my big room. Is this volume range acceptable with Norge??
what a relief to type on a comp key board!. for last few days i was typing replies on mobile

back to the point. i had also started feeling like Mahiruha. my Yamaha RXv 361 is doing very good job. still after reading on about stereo amps, i started feeling an urge to buy a stereo amp. but then when i read on and on, i found that this is a never ending story. today, i like norge, then after few days, i will think that i must have HK 3490, then may be NAD 372 and so on.

now, while comparing AVR to stereo amp, are we considering the source? for a stereo amp , with RCA connectors, one must have a very good CDP with good DAC. AVR many times has coaxial or optical input and then it has own DAC. so in my case, or in case of onkyos, i think DAC of YAMAHA and onkyo are better than those of an ordinary DVD player like Sony(That is what i use as music source). so if one is using Norge or NAd or any simple stereo amp, he must use dedicated CDP like Marantz etc which will be nothing less than Rs 15000/-
so gradually my urge waned off. then i turned to something different to improve SQ. i started reading on speakers. i read on and on. then i thought that to get best quality, open baffle is the way to go. so i am doing it that way. will be building open baffles with 2 philips full range and 2 locally made woofers.( at present i am using 1 philips and 1 woofer for experimentation and it is working well) . After reading a lot, i went mad and decided not to depend on TS parameters and those things, went to a shop and bought 2 woofers and 2 philips full range drives. No crossovers involved. woofers allowed to roll off naturally. Believe me, i will be getting not a good but excellent sounding pair in Rs 7000/-

coming to personal experience, I did not find much difference between Norge 1000 with norge speakers auditioned with Mr Bajaj with philips CDP Vs Yamaha with Mission m33i with Samsung CDP at Vijay sales( probably i should thank god that he did not give me the power to differentiate between two.) it of course means that Norge was as good as the AVR. but when one already has an AVR and he is liking it, there is no reason to go for separate stereo amp. may be he should try swapping the system with someone else for a month or so. if one finds a difference worth the money and the efforts, then it may make sense.

to improve SQ, one may try changing the source (won't work if digital out is used) or improving the speakers/room acoustics etc.
Hello madjack,
thanks for your reply. I kind of understand what you are trying to say.Well VFM is surely a attraction for this Norge. I think that price tag is low on thins product doesn't mean its not a good one because the reason it is priced low can be quite different. Mr Bajaj is selling this product directly and its my guess he doesn't have a big overhead. Since there are not many people involved in between the prodcuer and the final customer hence he is in a position to price them decently although he might be way behind the volume game.So i don't have any problem with the quality of the product from the price point as such. At the end of the day the big question is if my ear will like it or not. since I am in no postion of listening to this amplifier I guess I have to drop the idea of getting this product.At the sametime I also believe that Mr Bajaj must be doing something good for him to be in the business for such a long time. As a businessman myself I know that there is no free lunch.In my case it has to be a decision based on collective information from fellow members and my impulse. Lets see where I land.
i found that this is a never ending story. today, i like norge, then after few days, i will think that i must have HK 3490, then may be NAD 372 and so on.

You can always jump straight to the NAD 372 and be happy for the rest of your life. :)

I heard this amp recently, and it got some obscene power. It drove a pair of Dynaudio speakers so easily.

I am very tempted to do a detailed audition of the Norge amp. Will Mr. Bajaj give me a demo piece for two weeks or so? Mumbai guys and those who know Baja well? I will be (hopefullY) starting to audition of Craftel's new amp and speakers.

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You can always jump straight to the NAD 472 and be happy for the rest of your life. :)

I heard this amp recently, and it got some obscene power. It drove a pair of Dynaudio speakers so easily.

I am very tempted to do a detailed audition of the Norge amp. Will Mr. Bajaj give me a demo piece for two weeks or so? Mumbai guys and those who know Baja well? I will be (hopefullY) starting to audition of Craftel's new amp and speakers.


Well,Mr.Bajaj reads forum sometimes.He may not send demo piece ,you need to purchase.If you are taking dealorship,then he may consider.

Dynaudio has very high Damping factor.
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