Completely agree with OP

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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Have been a lurker here for long and joined recently.
OP is so, so right. The only good thing is that none of it happened to me personally, but I do see the deterioration on many threads.

If I had to hazard a guess, lockdowns and WFH have brought a whole new bunch of users here, who don't really know - to be fair to them - how a forum or even a message board, to hark back even further, is different from this new scourge of society called social media.

(Full disclaimer: I was new to it as well, but have always been conscious to be not disrespectful of fellow members nor have faced any bad behaviour from others, thankfully.)

I think it will pass, as things open up and people get on with life.

PS: Wonder why OP shows as deleted account, though.

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Just to add my two cents, always be nice to people around here. They are all doing a great service because nobody needs to go out of the way to help others like it happens here.

It really is an oasis of helpfulness, niceness and calm out in today's WWW.
I, for one, am really glad I found this place. It has enlightened me, helped me, and made me understand so many things that I could never glean from the six months of reading I did elsewhere on the web before coming here.
It really gives a person a first-hand feel, and it is all so well-meaning.

I do know they have Forum Rules

But the only thing that I read in it were the first eight words:
We take the "Be Polite" rule very seriously

It told me everything I needed to know about this forum. And the more I get into it, the more amazed I am.

I personally am a bit of a potty-mouthed person myself -- both in a well-meaning, good-natured way, and equally when I am in a foul mood -- but when I read those eight words, I really told myself that this is a great place and I will never use certain words here even for fun.

And the best part is that we are all typing things here, nobody is speaking. So, all it takes is a minute to go over what we typed and look for tone and correct anything that sounds off to our own self on second reading.

I really hope and wish all the abrasiveness soon dies down.
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