
After living with the ODAC for a couple of days.. few things are getting clearer..

I like the flexibility of making playlists and playing what i want.
I still think - the marantz SA7001 bests the ODAC in terms of presentation..

How to combine the two ?

If i stick to the ODAC or any DAC for that matter..the CDP will have to go.

Do sher.. ek jungle.. is impossible

Am grappling with the dilemma.. that as soon as i start making playlists.. i will deviate from listening to entire albums and appreciating what the artist wants to convey..

anyone in Mumbai with an USB to SPDiF converter to lend me for a few days ? please let me know. That would be a big help as i want to hear a DAC which has SPDiF inputs only.

any responses / comments .. welcome..

@mpw: I disagree with the "do sher" theory. Sometimes one has enough time and energy to re-read a classic and an album in its entirety played on the system you primarily appreciate (CDP->the chain) is what you really want. At other times one tends to be lazy and wants to enjoy that particular track playing in the head since morning, those call for the slightly inferior but easy enough solution (Remote->PC+DAC->the Chain). I'd say live with the nice CDP, no need to throw/sell it away. Add the DAC setup.

I am sure the NAD accepts more than one input ;) and so should you. :D
I kind of agree as well. I like to have two alternative choices for listening to my music and switch between the two either for fun, critical listening or with regards to the choice of music. (Just OT, my system is the opposite of the above where I prefer my digital files primarily, but switch to the DAC in my CD player (or play the CD player directly) for a second choice). Choices can be part of the fun of being an audiophile with endless new hours of analysis available :)
thanks ruenigma and staxx,

the question is of time.

I find myself starved of time to listen to music, late night sessions lead to groggy mornings and lack of exercise which is taking a toll of my tummy :)).

Daytime - is a near impossible task. Have to listen to music"despite" it rather than having some time on my own.

have to find a solution to this.. and thats why the "Do sher" theory.

I wish i had endless hours staxx ..but i dont..

google baba tells me..

The Marantz SA7001 incorporates engineering lessons learnt during the construction of the companys flagship SA-11 and SA-15 components. In fact, the SA7001 uses the same 24-bit/192kHz, CS4397 Super DAC, from respected manufacturer Cirrus Logic, as found in the Marantz SA-15. This multi-bit, Delta Sigma D/A converter incorporates DSD as well as PCM conversion, meaning the SA7001 can play not only conventional compact discs, but also Super Audio CDs. And this isnt the only audiophile-grade component the SA7001 uses.

just posting it for reference..

was looking at audioquest dragonfly too.. wonder if any FM's have it..

I hear you! If time is an issue then going the music server (for all its benefits) is NOT the route to go IMO. It takes a lot of patience to rip CDs to files and then a lot of dedication to get the metadata checked and edited. I don't know when I will ever get around to the latter. It would be a good idea then to keep it simple - you have a good source, get a great 2 channel amp and good speakers. Please believe me after many years of living on and off in our place in Goa that the sea air plays hell with electronics and nothing lasts very long. Be economical or try and seal off your room in some way.
In fact, the SA7001 uses the same 24-bit/192kHz, CS4397 Super DAC, from respected manufacturer Cirrus Logic, as found in the Marantz SA-15.

@mpw: don't read too much into the CS4397. Even their entry level CDP like the CD6003 uses the CS4398 chip which is also DSD capable (though there is no SACD capability in CD6003). Most of these DAC chips are really good. What differentiates them in different boxes (say, on an SA-11 and something lesser) is usually the implementation of the output analog stage, and use of other better passive and active components.

"Do Sher" can co-habit and co-exist provided they are complimentary (e.g.: you like the DAC's presentation of certain materials more). And also on whether one is clearly superior/inferior to the other (and therefore there is not much of a choice to make).
I use a high end DAC (the Shigaraki) in a pretty budgety chain. I am eventually planning to upgrade the transport of course - because there is only so much a high end component can do when the rest of the chain is budgety.

The one high-end component in my chain gives me a mental frame of reference, an axis around which all my upgrade planning rotates. and the peace of mind that at least one component is taken care of for good and any flaws that exist need to be weeded out of the rest of the system. In other words one less flea to worry about for the neurotic audiophile's mind.

My earlier cd6002 was not bad I am sure the CD7001 must be better. I am not sure how you arrived at the dac as the reason for your unhappiness. Perhaps you can look at other components in the chain to see where the emotion and involvement can be added?

Edit: Pardon me, ok you want a PC DAC for playing FLACs, I missed the point of your search.

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I use a high end DAC (the Shigaraki) in a pretty budgety chain. I am eventually planning to upgrade the transport of course - because there is only so much a high end component can do when the rest of the chain is budgety.

It's been quite a while since I last visited you. Have you moved on from the My Ref?
I hear you! If time is an issue then going the music server (for all its benefits) is NOT the route to go IMO. It takes a lot of patience to rip CDs to files and then a lot of dedication to get the metadata checked and edited...
Well, I don't know if I will get around to it, either :eek: but not having a working CDP at the moment ought to spur me on :rolleyes: .

On the other hand, it is not really such a big deal. Most modern recordings will have the track names picked up from the CD itself or from on-line databases. Ripping is a process that can go on in the background while we surf hifivision.com.

The media does not at all dictate the listening. Even way back with vinyl, I might have sometimes wanted to listen to individual tracks. CD made that easier; PC playing makes it easier still. Who used to make up their cassettes of favourites? Actually I didn't, but many regarded it as a labour of love; perhaps the PC has made things too easy!

The marantz SA7001 is a very capable player. More than the budget stuff in the market.

I was looking for a device which i could just plug and play with my Laptop ( making playlists and things like that ). Sometimes it is cumbersome to change CD's when you want to listen to different artists one after the other.

Something that brings more "fun" to the table. Every listening session cannot be a "critical" listening session - if you know ahat i mean.

Sometimes too many critical listening sessions get boring.

Just heard the Mav Audio D2 DAC.

I may plump in for the ODAC PCB ( $99 only ) and use it. At the present it seems to be the best option. That will justify me retaining the Marantz CDP too.... for the times i am alone and want "pure" music.

This week i plan to do an A-B with the D2 and ODAC and that will tell me lots..

I get the logic about a high quality component being the reference point and i think in that respect the SA7001 serves me well.

Its not that i am unhappy.. just looking for more flexibility without breaking the bank.


What is your take on Mav audio D2 in comparison with the other dacs you listened to ?
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kittu.. thats why i want to do an A-B comparo with ODAC. I liked the ODAC thus far.
For me the decision tree is like this :-

a. I am not going to use the digital inputs on the M2 from my DVDP since the very reason i am planning a DAC is to eliminate physical insertion of CD's etc..

b. The ODAC costs $99 plus $5 postage Vs D2 at $289 ( plus shipping $ 60 )

c. I will know more about the effect of using Tubes in the D2 Vs plain ODAC

d. The fun factor.. not just an expensive DAC for serious listening. For that i already have the SA7001.

will get back this week on it.

Oh looong back! I thought you already heard my tubes. Here is a pic of my current setup: http://www.hifivision.com/diy/24596-my-latest-build-elekit-tu879s-4.html#post399838

Drop by next time ... I know the last time we missed converging together :)

Edit: Of course you did! Just saw the chickenshop comments again! Well ... Welcome to ChickenShop Audio ... anytime :)


nice peacuful setup you have there gobble..

mine is pretty complicated with the AVR and stuff..

someday i will chuck out all the stuff i dont use and clean up.. MCGM style !!

I have that question, which pops up every second day probably in the life of a person growing into the world of Audio.
Before that- i need to share my background on audio. I love music but have never been an audiophile. All this while never had a decent set up for audio, the car or a hifi music system would suffice. Every time used to hear about those who spent lacs on audio, always wondered- why?
Well now i got myself a set up which is basically used for movies but i knew my weakness for music hence took something that could be good for music too. I have a denon 1912 and BR6 from monitor audio. I got a philips blu ray and a laptop connected via HDMI.
The quality i get for my Mp3's and Flacs( of which i have few as i never knew they existed :)), is decent. That said, the desire for "more" and "better" led me to read up and i am now contemplating putting a DAC.
1. Since i get a very decent output from my denon 1912, i think an amplifier is an overkill.( or its needed)
2. What can i expect from a DAC and how does the set up go then? Any suggested ones those are good and not above 15K?
My music is mixed- Hindi a little, heavy metal a lot and rock too. That said even instrumental, jazz can find its way in my collection( which i am building up as so far had tapes!!). Will appreciate those who read this patiently and share their expertise
Hello Freedom. It is hard to say that one component in your quest will yield disproportionate results and therefore must be prioritized. That is that the system should always be looked at as a whole when you climb the audiophile ladder. Although due to budget constraints one must advance in steps, it is hard to say if you need a good DAC unless you are feeding it good jitter-free (or as near as) bits. In addition, compressed files like MP3 are not likely to yield you the true presentation of what the studio engineer has achieved. I think you are on the right track in sticking with the Denon amplifier, personally, but perhaps you need to look at a good ripping software first? Others may chip in differently. As you are looking at a music system that will be PC based you may need a good USB converter too, depending on the DAC you choose. Some HT systems have good DACs built in (like the Oppo) and do quite well with music. But otherwise I think it is fair to warn you that using a basic HT system as a transport to feed any DAC may not yield the results you are looking for.
Nadaan Parindey and The Dichotomy of fame are 2 tracks i like from Rockstar and i did a A-B of the Marantz SA7001 and the ODAC. ( unlikely comparo at the spur of a moment )

The ODAC comes across as having a fatter bass and a little recessed highs ( but not unpleasant ) while the marantz is more expressive with leaner bass - atleast in these 2 songs.

Then i switched over to Scorpions - Holiday - and maybe i got my first reason to stick with the Marantz and have the DAC too. On relatively poorly recorded CD's.. the Marantz won hands down while the DAC was a convenient option.

I also realize ripping to FLAC.. doesnt produce uniformly recorded FLAC's ( obviously ) and it is there that a nice CDP does a better job.

The poor recording converted into FLAC would mean a poorer FLAC and that doesnt feed into the ODAC well ( or any DAC for that matter.. i assume ).

maybe i would like to test downloading high res music files and see the results.

All things said.. how satisfied am i withe the ODAC ??

i dont know yet..

The Mav Audio guys were stressing the need to have an independent power supply ( vis a vis the ODAC ) but i am not yet convinced.

I am sad to say that I can no longer contribute in practical terms to how-does-it-soud debate. My hearing has become too poor. Never realised it had changed so much in a couple of years, and how much I was missing.

Now my experimentation is with EQ on the PC --- but a good DAC, as part of a sound card or stand alone, is always going to be a part of that as long as I can hear music at all, and that includes the forseeable future.
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