Demonstration DVD


New Member
Nov 3, 2007

I want to know where in mumbai can i get demo dvd, which generally has 4/6 theatrical trailers.

On this site at the home page, in blogs, i have the pictures of my red mini theatre, and you can see the
article which appeared in the magazine about my theatre., these details are in forums, community centre, My Audio/Video Setup.

please tell me your views and suggestions, etc.

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I saw your outstanding theatre before too.

I am not sure about demo dvds. But, few days before I bought a movie NOMAD. It can be used for Demo, if you like. Fantastic sound effects of each and every little pin, its a war movie kind. I generally use this for demo to my friends.


I want to know where in mumbai can i get demo dvd, which generally has 4/6theatrical trailers.

On this site, i have the pictures of my red mini theatre, and the article which appeared in the magazine about my theatre., please tell me your views and suggestions, etc.

I thank you very much for your reply.

I am having a collection of around 190 dvd's, there are many of them which have the effect on the lines of nomad, my problem is there are a lot of visitors, who are visiting me, by getting the address of mine from the magazines who have written about my article, then there are routine contacts, so if i have a proper demo dvd, than life becomes much simpler to show them the demo.

I tried searching the demo dvd frm planet m, crossword, rhythm house, etc, but non of them are having it, maybe someone from this forum will tell me from where i can get the demo dvd.

Did you see the magazine's article which i have loaded on this site, which has a link to take you. BY the way there is a article in one more magazine about my theatre that too i will put it on this site, for you'll to have a look at it so that you'll can give me your views,etc.

Thank you very much

If you search Ebay India (eBay India - Online Shopping Mall: Free Auctions, Shop/Buy/Sell Mobiles, Cameras, Apparel, Computers, Bollywood Clothes & Indian Products) for "demo dvd" then you always find a few people selling some discs with trailers like you mentioned as well as music, scenes, etc. But I have never bought it myself so I don't know how good it is.

You can find a guide to many demo discs here:
DTS THX Dolby Demo DVD HD-DVD Blu-Ray Discs

Second source would be your Denon dealer (or any other dealer you know) - Denon has good demo discs so maybe he could help you out with the same. Each brand usually has a good demo disc comprising scenes from movies, 3d animations and others.

I thank you very much for what you wrote, i am being lazy to do this hunting around, i wish someone gave me the name of the shop where i could just go and get it.

I spoke to denon, profix, but they do not have it, they are saying try this and that place.

I must tell you that i am very happy with the efforts by which you wrote to me, you are very helpfull.

Did you see the link to the article in av max, which i put on this site? Did you see the magazine man's world, which had the article on my mini theatre?

Thank you again.

Where are you located? If you had been to ProFX-Blore, speak with Rajavarma. He will be able to help you out with demo dvds. Not directly but he will give you the contact of some videophiles and get it made through them at a nominal cost. Again, its not a service, its more of a help. So kindly dont demant, request would be fine!

I had been running around for this for some time. Now am a proud owner of more than a dozen original Demo DVDs ranging from DTS to Dobly to THX. Ofcourse, thanks to the nature of my work, I get to travel a lot:cool:

A quick fix would be to dig out from your collection the titles FightClub and U571; am sure you wouldn't have to look out for more!

I thank you very much for writing to me at length.

I am in Mumbai, i had spoken to profix mumbai, but they could not give it to me, i am not comfortable in contacting banglore and i am not a technical guy and related, i do not understand videophiles.

Indeed you are a happy man to have a dozen demo dvd's, you require them for what use?

I require them because i am having a lot of visitors and contacts coming over to see my new theatre, as my theatre's article is there in 2 magazine's people are contacting the magazine office and getting my contact details so the demo dvd's are the best to show them.

I am having a collection of around 195 DVD's, but to show the demo from them will be not practical, as i am using the projector, what happens is there are so many penny trailers, advertisments, too much time goes, to show them a good scene.

So i am looking for some place where i just pay and pick it up.

I am into trading with stocks and commodities, what about you?

I thank you again.
Vinay, looks like you are a lucky person. Just came across this link.

eBay India: DEMO DVDS, THX, DTS, DTS-9, DENON, ONKYO,DOLBY DIGITAL (item 220177743536 end time 05-Dec-2007 11:29:37 IST)

You can trust this guy as I had delt with him sometime back for some Demo stuff.

You asked me what do i need the demo dvds for. Interesting question. Answer is simple. Just to get the feel good factor of getting to experience real theater experience in the comfort of my couch! Its a high- am sure you know it the best!

As for what I do for a living, well, I'm an ERP Functional Consultant working with SAP (if that makes any sence to you) or you can just call me an "IT guy" :rolleyes:


My problem is that i do no want to go into the cycle of downloading etc, i am not good with the computers and moreover i need to buy the original with cover, all i need is the shop's name, i just pay and get it, i do not have the inclination to download etc.

I am actually surprised that you enjoy watchind demo dvd's, i belive one should watch the full movies, watching a mere demo does not appeal me, indeed everyone things differently, so if you enjoy watchind demo's, is interesting for me to know. I require the demo dvd's because of the visitors every know and then due to my 2 articles in the magazine, moreover i am staying in a tower 18 storeys, people come from within the building also.

I must tell you that one more magazine has done my interview, it should be available in jan issue.

I have seen some very good movies, the kind of effect and related which we get in an english movie, with hindi films it is quite low.

Indeed i do not understand your profession, so for me you are an IT consultant.


The above mentioned link is from ebay. You dont have to download it. Just pay online and get the DVDs delived at your doorsteps.

About watching Demo DVDs, I agree, no one like to watch just the demo clips. But just like any starter with a newly acquired priced pocession (not any more), I was also very excited to "test" my equipments and "tweak" it with my Radioshack SPL meter. Plus, the demo dvds serve the very purpose it is intented for - Demostration. Don't all of us like a lil show-off?! Having the demo disks, help you save time in scanning thru chapters and waiting or "the moment" you want to showcase.

You are right about indian dvds, they somehow ignore the need for right mixing and ambiance. More stress is often given only to the vocal part. Having said that, recently i happen to watch the new SRK-DON dvd. It was quite impressive, i must say, with the sound effects.

best regards!
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You are so helping, thanks.

I will try the way you told me from ebay.

The original don's one portion of amitabh bachan was shot in my friend's house, and i had seen the original don, around 2 months before the release at sunil dut's trial room, which was underground., which was around 15/20 years ago, at this time i had told myself that i also will make my own theatre, and today it is there.

I fully agree with the point you said on the demo dvd's.

Around an hour ago, i had sent you a long message, did you get it?

Thank you very much


I like the way you write to me, thanks a lot.

I will make one more theatre after a few years.

Indeed it is rare that one goes to such a extent to make the theatre, a lot of guts were required to take several bold decissions, the details of which one can see in av max magazine, the more you will read the magazine you will realize, the power of guts and related, i have gone through a lot of pain to make it, av max guys say that officaly my theatre is among the top 5 in india, when it comes to a dedicated theatre, accoustic treatment, and what not.

I agree with you on the gear, there are a few other issues also, if opportunity permits, then in my next theatre, i will be much more perfect, i am going to rock to the core, i will just tell you one point, from there you can realize the fire in me, when i amke the next theatre, i will book a flat under construction and get it made, the way theatre requires, like the length of the room should be atleast 35 feet.

As you have circulated to your friends, this is exactly what i want, i want the people to know what you can do with money if you belive in movies and music, that is why my article is there in 2 magazines, the third magazine will hit the stand in january, guess what? I am in talks with two more magazines, you can see the fire in me, should i tell you something more, you will not belive it, i am online through out the day, the moment someone comes on line, i send him a private message, asking them did they see the theatre?

Indeed we must regularly chat and exchange our views.

Super Regards
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Well i went to the link, it does not live up to my expectations, they are talking about demo dvd, of audio and video, i want only video, for nothing at all i do not want to get into audio, than they are talking about onkya dvd, i hate this brand, then they are not saying, the dvd has which theatrical trailers, and so on, so it is a dead end for me.

I thank you again for your respective efforts.

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Glad I could be of some help.

DTS do not sell their Demo disks to individuals. They do it only for dealers and distributers.

Dolby Labs do sell a demo disk for individual customers. It is just about OK; more of a set up disk with some documentary on Dobly Labs. Its around $5 but will cost you $40 through FedEx. Not worth it, actually.

So you are basically left with Onkyo (unfortunately for you) who gives a demo DVD with its HT-S990 package. I can understand you not having any special preference for any particular brand, but why leave them out for something like this. All we want is a well mastered and engineered demo disk and Voila!, you get it from, say, an Onkyo! See if you can source it from somewhere and have a look.

best regards.
You are a great person, thanks for all this.

Quite a knoweldge you gave me, forget onkya and related, so i am still stuck in a tunnel.

I thought that through this forum someone will give me the name of the shop from where i can get it, but nothing happens, there are others also who told me to do this and do that, and than look up, etc, i can not digest these paths, all i understand is, here is the money, give me what i want.

To sum it up, one guy gave me some site's name, guess what the contents of the site are not english, some weird language, spanish, german, etc.

Someitmes the smallest things, are difficult to get, maybe i will buy a torch and do the hunting.

Best Regards
Thank you again man
I finally managed 3 good demo dvd's, which were aranged by a senior staff at av max magazine.


I want to know where in mumbai can i get demo dvd, which generally has 4/6 theatrical trailers.

On this site at the home page, in blogs, i have the pictures of my red mini theatre, and you can see the
article which appeared in the magazine about my theatre., these details are in forums, community centre, My Audio/Video Setup.

please tell me your views and suggestions, etc.


I want to know where in mumbai can i get demo dvd, which generally has 4/6 theatrical trailers.

On this site at the home page, in blogs, i have the pictures of my red mini theatre, and you can see the
article which appeared in the magazine about my theatre., these details are in forums, community centre, My Audio/Video Setup.

please tell me your views and suggestions, etc.



Probably I have exactly what you are looking forward to. A collection of theatrical trailers. Some 30 odd of them on two DVDs.

I spent dozens of hours cutting them from Original DVDs bought in USA and then manipulating them in a way the quality doesn't degrade etc. Its been time consuming but never mind, they are impressive. Lots and lots to showcase what a home theater is capable of. I use it to impress my friends whenever they come over to my place.

Sadly, I haven't come across something exactly like that commercially available. Search google for Demo DVD and you will get more results than you would like, but then none the way you want.

Let me see if I can find out if something similar is available commercially.
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