Does anybody has a spare 6c33c Russian tube in Calcutta


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
Hello Guys,
I am having a very descent share of misfortune with my recently aquired Lyrita 6c33c SET amp. It arrived almost two weeks ago but when I opened the box I found one 6c33c tube was broken and the other although looked ok but doesn't work. Viren has sent me one tube which works ok and is trying his best to send a pair but for some unknown reasons it is not reaching me. Since next three days are holiday in calcutta so I can't expect anything before monday.So I am wondering if anybody in Calcutta has any spare 6c33c russian tube which I want to put in my amp to check if it works. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.
that's terrible news, mahiruha, i really wish i could help.
the only suggestion i can offer is to get in touch with cranky.
from what little i know of HFV, he's the numero uno hifi ustad in cal who might be able to assist you. why not send him a pm?
sincerely hope you find a solution. good luck!
Hello Vasu,
thanks for the information. Actually I did sent a person on a reconnaissance mission to look for tubes in chandni and a guy told him that he might have these in the godown.but a thorough search of his godown is still pending.I will try and look for the shops you mentioned. The thing I am bit confused about that he says these tubes cost around Rs 500-600 but the website you mentioned they cost around $80 a piece. Is there any specific reason for this huge price difference.
Hello Vasu,
thanks for the information. Actually I did sent a person on a reconnaissance mission to look for tubes in chandni and a guy told him that he might have these in the godown.but a thorough search of his godown is still pending.I will try and look for the shops you mentioned. The thing I am bit confused about that he says these tubes cost around Rs 500-600 but the website you mentioned they cost around $80 a piece. Is there any specific reason for this huge price difference.

The tubes available in Chandni market are all old stock. They were procured at dirt cheap when all the cinemas around country turned from tube gear to solid state. You are not sure whether they are NOS or USED. There is always an element of risk involved buying from there. I once bought a quad of Philips EL34 @ Rs.750/- each which turned out flat in sound, without any bass. I am sure they had run their time before being sold to me. Hope this helps.
Hello Vasu,
I get your point and it makes sense. It might not be a very good idea to try some tubes in the amp where I am not at all sure what to expect. In that case I just have to wait for the eternal journey for the tubes from Delhi to calcutta to finish at some point in near future.
[QUOTE" In that case I just have to wait for the eternal journey for the tubes from Delhi to calcutta to finish at some point in near future.
Sad to read of the mishap.
Can understand your frustration after waiting for the gear all this while.
But believe me, it'll be worth the wait-avoid picking up tubes from unknown sources.
Do post your impressions when the system is up & going.
[QUOTE" In that case I just have to wait for the eternal journey for the tubes from Delhi to calcutta to finish at some point in near future.
Sad to read of the mishap.
Can understand your frustration after waiting for the gear all this while.
But believe me, it'll be worth the wait-avoid picking up tubes from unknown sources.
Do post your impressions when the system is up & going.[/QUOTE]

Hello Kamal,
I appreciate that you understood my frustration. I have no doubt in my mind about the quality of the goods produced by Viren. I already have the pre amp in my place and I am very much satsified with its performence.My problem is with this ondot courier people. They are just miserable. Last thursday the ondot guy in delhi told me that I will receive the tubes on friday. On friday he is telling me the package hasn't left delhi and they have no idea where it is.I really don't know what to do with this people.
Let's see how it shapes up in future. I will definitely post my impression when I have everything in place.
My problem is with this ondot courier people. They are just miserable.
I am in a similar situation waiting for an automobile spare from Kolkata. All activity had come to a stand still recently because of the Durga Puja celebration. I am pretty confident your courier has reached Kolkata and is sitting there without moving an inch. I can understand your frustration as you would have loved to spend some time listening to the new tube during your holidays. Give it a couple of days and you should have the tube with you:). In my case, tracking says it hasn't left Kolkata yet and it was dispatched alteast 10 days back:o
Hi Mahiruha,

I can fully understand your situation and feelings. When you buy something new, and for some reason, you cannot operate it, it's one of the worst feelings.

However, instead of buying the same tubes locally, I would suggest you to wait till Viren's tubes arrive. If you buy new tubes, do it for the sake of tube rolling. People like Viren, Rajiv and Stevie can help you with existing possibilities and rolling.

Call Viren to put pressure on the courier service. Usually they provide you a tracking number and you can track online. What does the tracking say?

Hi Mahiruha,

I can fully understand your situation and feelings. When you buy something new, and for some reason, you cannot operate it, it's one of the worst feelings.

However, instead of buying the same tubes locally, I would suggest you to wait till Viren's tubes arrive. If you buy new tubes, do it for the sake of tube rolling. People like Viren, Rajiv and Stevie can help you with existing possibilities and rolling.

Call Viren to put pressure on the courier service. Usually they provide you a tracking number and you can track online. What does the tracking say?


Hello Asit,
well they do provide a tracking number and they have a place in their website to track online. But the problem is their IT backbone is only good enough to track the movement in delhi once it leaves delhi they don't have a clue about the location. I tried my method of human tracking to find out what is going on in Calcutta. It revealed a very interesting story that it is stuck with the sales tax people. The courier guys are willing to bribe and release the product but the sales tax guy is so rich that he doesn't bother to attend office to collect the bribe and release the product. Don't know if it is true or it is another nice piece of imagination. The courier guys have stopped picking up phone. I guess we are living in the wrong State our dearest West Bengal. Hope is the only solution to this problem.
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