Hi Indiangunner
You have a really big room to fill. But you did right by choosing speakers with a 90db sensitivity, which will be easy to drive. I just checked up the prices of the possible amplification choices you mentioned, and they are honestly crazy steep. I would never buy them at the prices I just saw online, if it was my money. Absolutely no way

If you are keen on the speakers, please buy them. And then I would advise patience... Please keep a check on the classifieds in our forum. And some great integrated amplification keeps cropping up from time to time. The asking price of the yamaha As 301 was 1.39L online, , I sold my parasound halo integrated with a great inbuilt dac for 1.1 L a few years back. So patience is the name of the game

. But if you immediately need to have something to spin some tunes, the bluesound powernode might be a good bet ( it is still 1.32L, and way over what I would spend). But I had the first gen powernode in 2012, with Qacoustics concept 40 speakers and it did sound great.
The only reason why iam suggesting bluesound is because bluesound is a spin off of NAD, and uses NAD direct digital amplification. And both NAD and PSB are owned by Lenbrook industries of Canada. So I would expect some synergy within products under the same umbrella. But nothing like waiting for a good used deal if you can. All the best