Glossary of abbreviations used in the forum


Staff member
Oct 18, 2009
Mumbai/ Hyderabad
I'm in the forum since November but am not able to understand some abbreviations that members use. So this thread would be useful for guys like me & also the newbies. I'll start by listing some. Members can & should add to the list. I'll be happy to see it grow:)

BTW - By the way
IMO - In my opinion
AFAIK - As far as I know
LOL - Laughing out aloud
ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing

I initially had this problem, but whenever I encounter such, I will try to google it! A few from my side:

1. IMHO - In my humble opinion.
2. FS- Floorstanders/Towers
3. BS - Bookshelves.
4. OTOH - on the other hand
5. LOTR - Lord of the rings
6. TT - Turntable
7. WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get
8. OP - ???
9. PJ - Projector
10. MPs - media players
11. BDP- Blu-ray Disc Player
12. BD - Blu-ray Disc

Last edited:
YAD - You are a Dealer
IAUAL - I am upset and leaving
MIB - Member is banned
MRB - Member Requested Ban
OMRB - Other Members Requested Ban
TIC - Thread Is Closed
YHRW - You Have Received Warning
It should actually be Original Poster referring to the person who made the first post in the thread.

YAD - You are a Dealer
IAUAL - I am upset and leaving
MIB - Member is banned
MRB - Member Requested Ban
OMRB - Other Members Requested Ban
TIC - Thread Is Closed
YHRW - You Have Received Warning

Ramanujam, are these real or you just made them up? :)

CDP = CD Player
DVDP = DVD Player

OP- Original poster
TS- Thread starter
AFAIK-As far as I know
IIRC-If I remember correctly
YMMV-Your mileage may vary.
Nice thread captain. There is a variation of ROTFL
@ROTFLMAO = Rolling on the Floor Laughing My A$$ out

Idlebrain was almost right, OP = Original Poster

Here are a few that I can think of now. More as I remember:

IIRC = If I remember correct
ICE = In Car Entertainment
NMT = Network Media Tank For Eg: Xtreamer, WD Live etc
NMP = Network Media Player same as above
HTPC = Home Theater Personal Computer
SC = Sound Card
DIY = Do It Yourself
PR = Passive Radiator (used in speaker designs, mostly subwoofers)
CAP = Capacitors
SS = Solid State (used in Amplifiers)
RMS = Root Mean Square (unit of measuring power/wattage)
PMPO = Peak Music Power Output (unit of measuring power/wattage)
AFAIK - As far as I know
AM - Amplitude Modulation
BR - BluRay
BTW - By The Way
DAC - Digital to Analogue Converter
FM - Frequency Modulation
IOW - In Other Words
KISS - Keep It Simple Smartypants
LMT - Let Me Think
OTS - Off The Shelf
RTFM - Read The Fine (F*&+^g) manual
WTF - What the F**k

come to mind so far
YAD - You are a Dealer
IAUAL - I am upset and leaving
MIB - Member is banned
MRB - Member Requested Ban
OMRB - Other Members Requested Ban
TIC - Thread Is Closed
YHRW - You Have Received Warning


IMOOAOTBINRTTA --- I missed out on all of this because I never read that thread anyway!

TGFM --- thank god for moderators

TGIF --- thank god it's Friday!

But hey, do lets try and talk in full words; it's so much easier to read. Worst of all is SMS speak, which I don't like even in SMS messages!
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