HiFi Amp with digital input

there are amps from marantz , pioneer and onkyo which have digital in but they wont fit your budget.

the only digital stereo amp with good SQ that i know of is the Sharp SM-SX100 .
Is there any good HiFi amp with digital input? Like Marantz...
budget is 25 - 30 K

Onkyo CS-515 has Optical input. This should fall in your budget (15k for amp and 15k for BS models like 9.1 or F1) But if flexible, you can also try the Peachtree Nova.

Check out this link maintained by member zzgavin from a similar forum. Although relatively expensive, all these got digital inputs.

If amps start doing digital to analog conversions, then the DACs will have be given pink slips!
I have optical digital output disc player and planning to change my worldspace receiver and to get one with digital out.

Dont want a AVR which will have a lot of inputs and outputs, even radio...etc. This will increase the cost. I want to look for a very good speaker system as well. So thought a good amp will do now. But Marantz amps dont have digital inputs I think (form their site).
what u need is a DAC that takes digital inputs from various sources and feeds the amp.

No hi-fi amp has a digital input. Only AV amps have them. But those digital signals are different. They are DD, DTS, etc (5.1) audio multiplexed into one digital signal. This digital signal is different from a 2-channel digital signal.

But a Cambridge DacMagic for 20K (?!) and any amp and your problem will be solved.
you can buy a stereo receiver 3490 OR 3390 from harman kardon.
they have digital input, radio,and 120wpc on 3490 and slightly lower power on 3390.

I have optical digital output disc player and planning to change my worldspace receiver and to get one with digital out.

Dont want a AVR which will have a lot of inputs and outputs, even radio...etc. This will increase the cost. I want to look for a very good speaker system as well. So thought a good amp will do now. But Marantz amps dont have digital inputs I think (form their site).
No hi-fi amp has a digital input. Only AV amps have them. But those digital signals are different. They are DD, DTS, etc (5.1) audio multiplexed into one digital signal. This digital signal is different from a 2-channel digital signal.
u mean the amplifiers(not AVRs) from Onkyo and sharp are not hi-fi amps? Their digital inputs wont be useful?
Please explain. :sad:
Anand, it would be very helfpul if you told us what source you have. Instead of hunting for an amp with a digital input, it may just make more sense for your to replace your souce, and get a regular amplifier.
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It might be easier to buy a separate external DAC since you plan to use digital source. will greatly increase the options for the amplifier.
My sources: computer sound card (digital out)
worldspace:digital out
dvd player :digital out

(both optical and co-axial digital inputs)

I can have my source with analogue inputs. But want to use the digital out capability.

listening area : small- medium size room.

dont want any disc player.
Planned to use HiFi stereo speaker system ( may be with subwoofer later).
OH okay, so then a DAC + amp is probably going to work out cheaper for you than an amp with a built-in DAC (ie digital input). Try and get your hands on one of the beresford DACs, and pair it with a budget amplifier frmo Marantz or CA or NAD.

The Harman Kardon HK 3490 retails for approx 30k in India. If discounts are possible then probably it ll come down to somewhere between 25k-27k. A budget amp from Marantz would work out to somewhere around 18k ( correct me if i am wrong) + an external DAC (DACMagic - 20-22K or Bersford 150 pounds which is around 12 K) works out to be 30K plus. What would be a better deal considering Digital Inputs are a major attraction
one more thing. This won't help with your worldspace, but you can replace your DVD player for sure, why don't you swap out the sound card you have on your comp with something like an Asus Xonar card? that comes in with some reasonably good DACs as far as i have read, and then you can hook it straight to a regular amplifier.

hmmmm.. since DAC will eatup my budget,
now I plan to buy a very good amp + speakers...
So I can save now and will buy DAC later.
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