LED or Plasma - which way to go?


New Member
Aug 31, 2010
The Truth: I am really confused about the TV I need to buy. (What I want is a projector, but this proposal has been ruled out by my dear wifey). :sad:

Anyways, let me explain you my current setup and dilemma:

Living Room is of size 14ft x 18ft where I have a 40 inch Sammy LED installed (6 series model, bought 2 years back). The viewing distance is roughly 12-15 ft. On the other hand, the bedroom (Here the viewing distance is around 10-12 ft) has an old BPL CRT TV which I now want to replace with a panel.

Now the wifey wants to replace this CRT with 32 inch LED but I am thinking of getting a bigger panel instead. I plan to shift the existing LED to my bedroom and planning a 50 / 55 inch TV in the living room. I am confused as to what to buy LED or Plasma. I have been a LCD and then LED guy and have never thought of plasma till now. But price difference in LED & Plasma (of the same size) is very encouraging.

I need advice on:
1. Should I buy Plasma instead of LED? 60% normal TV via HD STB & 40% movies via PS3 (Blu-rays & 1080P rips), audio is not a deciding factor as have AVR in place
2. What size should I look at? The 40 incher now feels like a 32 incher; so bigger must be better!
3. Which brand to look for in case of Plasma any specific model?
4. I stay in Pune so any advice on best-buy location would help. I am open to buying from grey market as well (if savings are greater than say 30-35%).

Thanks in advance!!
oh you are very lucky being in pune....contact member just4kix...he will help you.
anyway a plasma has undoudbetly the best picture.however they need some extra care like first 200 hours burn in....avoiding static logo/image etc etc....if you are open to those hassles,plasma is the king regarding picture...
also very very cheap...a 50 inch premium plasma panasonic GT/ST series will be within 1.2 lakh or 1 lakh...compared to 55 inch sony 750 led at 1.5 lakh(definitly less better picture than the 1 lakher plasma)....
UT will be more cheaper around 80k 50 inch....
anyway please demo multiple times and take which picture is suited to your chioce whether led-lcd/plasma...with high quality file or blu ray disk....

lastly you are right as presently you are felling 40 incher as 32....after some months you will feel the same way and feel 50 incher a 32 inch.....as all tvs how big they are just tvs...nothing can match the projector experience..wow factor....
so try to convince ministry of internal affairs and get a projector...you will get real good projectors around 1.2 lakh-1.5 lakh....example epson TW 6000/8000 model...
The Truth: I am really confused about the TV I need to buy. (What I want is a projector, but this proposal has been ruled out by my dear wifey). :sad:

Anyways, let me explain you my current setup and dilemma:

Living Room is of size 14ft x 18ft where I have a 40 inch Sammy LED installed (6 series model, bought 2 years back). The viewing distance is roughly 12-15 ft. On the other hand, the bedroom (Here the viewing distance is around 10-12 ft) has an old BPL CRT TV which I now want to replace with a panel.
Your wife is right in a way. Projector, though a bang for the buck, is not convenient for watching TV. Want to watch movies and with HT? A projector definitely. But it is a big hassle with ordinary TV. I own one and hence can say this with some degree of authority. Also, projector needs a complete, near pitch black dark room.

Now the wifey wants to replace this CRT with 32 inch LED but I am thinking of getting a bigger panel instead. I plan to shift the existing LED to my bedroom and planning a 50 / 55 inch TV in the living room. I am confused as to what to buy LED or Plasma. I have been a LCD and then LED guy and have never thought of plasma till now. But price difference in LED & Plasma (of the same size) is very encouraging.
It really depends upon the money that you are willing to spend. I could concur with both options, viz., replace BPL CRT with 32" or move Samsung to bedroom and buy a larger model in living.

I need advice on:
1. Should I buy Plasma instead of LED? 60% normal TV via HD STB & 40% movies via PS3 (Blu-rays & 1080P rips), audio is not a deciding factor as have AVR in place
Where is the HT/AVR installed? Presumably in living. What are the ambient light conditions there? Can you control the light? If yes (and since your choice is 40% movies), I will recommend plasma. But you should also be aware that plasma is susceptible to image retention issue if not careful. Plasma models, whether Panasonic or Samsung seem to be in short supply. If not plasma, you can go with LED.

2. What size should I look at? The 40 incher now feels like a 32 incher; so bigger must be better!
For movies and at large viewing distance, the bigger the better.
3. Which brand to look for in case of Plasma any specific model?
Panasonic/Samsung for plasma, Sony/Samsung/LG for LED. Suggested models in order of choice:

1. Panasonic 50GT50
2. Panasonic 50ST50 or Sony 46HX850
3. Panasonic 50UT50 or Samsung 51E550 or Sony 46HX750 or Samsung 46 7 Series

If going for 32", there is no need for full-HD LED. A 32" 720p LCD is more than sufficient.

4. I stay in Pune so any advice on best-buy location would help. I am open to buying from grey market as well (if savings are greater than say 30-35%).

Thanks in advance!!
Not much grey options in Pune. Check from Mumbai. Contact aks316 for Sony without bill. In Pune, you can check with Panasnoic brand rooms, Sony brand rooms, Reliance Digital, etc. Sony does not do much bargain - expect only a 5-8k reduction on MRP.
GO for LED, Plasma sets have image burn-in problem which is not covered under warranty by any plasma company, also plasma suffers from massive reflections which kills its contrast ratio and black levels, check out these threads for proof of image burn in by plasma owners:

^^ You seems to be a plasma hater posting the same message everywhere were plasma is mentioned. I hope you are speaking out of experience.
image burn in will definitly happen if you take a challenge/bet and really try hard to get a image burn.
play video games for 24 hours
use as a desktop.
keep a picture for 2 days...

dont worry about that image burn in...no static images....bas...thats it..
and reflection is just a wrong conception.
simple funda---you demo in a showroom where there are much lights etc...if there you like the plasma picture onviously in home you will love it...since our homes dont have such lighting like a showroom...

yes demoing is very imp...since you own a led..you can easily comapre plasma picture with it.
yes..now.. if you dont like the picture palatte.. no point buying a plasma...simple.
but didnt happen to anyone...well jokes apart...cant say anyone..maximum people..
^^ You seems to be a plasma hater posting the same message everywhere were plasma is mentioned. I hope you are speaking out of experience.

^baiju...you noticed it very correctly.
I already asked in the dedicated thread about it whether he really got a image burn and how...
to help members to prevent image burn....
no answer...from him..:rolleyes:
anyway statements make really sense if some real experience has occured...
^^ You seems to be a plasma hater posting the same message everywhere were plasma is mentioned. I hope you are speaking out of experience.

To be honest , he seems to be speaking out of his exhaust part rather than experience. Don't feed the LED troll plz haha

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If you're judging a member on basis that he hates plasma...people also need to note that there are a lot of members here who go into every post whether user wanted led/plasma recommend plasma over led explaining some weird reason that led colors are crap and also if any member is choosing plasma at first there are also a bunch of members who started congratulating them for choosing a plasma.
Point is every one here is talking in same price plasma colors are better than leds..did they even check color in showroom by carrying some "device" to measure correct color.

Most of the leds have correct color gamut shown in many review sites. Also every one is hell bent on criticising led contrast and blacks...if plasma have 95% black level..a same priced led will have 90% black level..but with higher peak white value many leds have higher contrast ratio than same priced plasmas.

When some one here want any suggestion on buying tv people will recommend various plasma models but no one gonna tell the cons of plasmas..
If anyone can make a person aware about the issue there is nothing wrong.
^^ You seems to be a plasma hater posting the same message everywhere were plasma is mentioned. I hope you are speaking out of experience.

I am stating facts backed by real proofs and links instead of attacking other forum members like you just did.

^baiju...you noticed it very correctly.
I already asked in the dedicated thread about it whether he really got a image burn and how...
to help members to prevent image burn....
no answer...from him..:rolleyes:
anyway statements make really sense if some real experience has occured...

You lost all your credibility when you forced your friend to buy an 450x800 resolution plasma set just to satisfy your blind plasma love and ego :indifferent14:
Also you were forcing another member to get a projector when he was looking for an LED TV even though he repeatedly posted that he didnt want a projector, that thread was hilarious, here are the links to both the threads:

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you are stating links....how funny is this if you have not actually experienced a image burn....or experienced...if so its okay,then whats wrong sharing the experience...

that tv is highly VFM for the friend...forget blu ray and 720p...he is not going to play original dvds even...and was clearly told about burn in issue....plus we tested side by side...and found this tv very good at 6 ft distance...
we thought it was 470...after asking the price and knowing low resolution...he just bought it.
even that 33.5k lowest end plasma has zero anguler view problem...and very nice blacks..
so on what basis you can say that I lost my credibility....anyway who are you to judge my credibility anyway......:yahoo:

let the person decide who stared this thread and asking for help....

"forcing another member"....you sound like a child....if I force you something will you obey me??....I didnt know I do have that much forcing power..thanks for acknowledgement

and about a TV and a projector...I say...everyone should read the story of the frog who lived in a well......
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I use lcd myself and a very dear friend of mine have plasma since 2yrs. His is like my 2nd home. Watch movies together in the weekend for hours. There was never any burn in problem.

Everything have its own advantages and disadvantages. When we know the problem and also know how to cope with it why not buy something which has better picture quality at lower price- A combination that doesn't come too often!
I wanted to share a couple of points from my personal experience. I moved from Pune to the US, and carried my TV with me (a run of the mill LG 42" full HD model).

One thing is that most cities in India have routine power cuts. If you are running on an inverter like I used to, please consider the power consumption of your TV. Most inverters have limited battery life, and TV power consumption ranges wildly from 40W to 400W. In practice, this could mean you can watch your TV on an inverter for 8-9 hrs vs 2-3 hrs. At least you won't have to worry about your inverter running out of power if you are watching TV for an extended period of time.

Another thing - I personally believe that the quality of the broadcast and set top box is far more important than the quality of the panel. In my case, I switched from SD quality Tata Sky to HD quality in Comcast and Roku HD over HDMI. The difference was night and day for me.

While a lot of people say that there isn't much difference between SD and HD for small screens, my personal experience has been completely the opposite. Perhaps it was also because my SD setup was not good - especially since I wasn't using an HDMI cable - I don't know.

And yes, my TV doesn't have really deep black levels but I see that problem only rarely when I'm watching a movie with really dark scenes and even then it is not too big of a deal for me.
My search landed me in Skydeelz Pune franchise showroom (the shop owner is seem to a very genuine guy - explained me in detail how exactly the refurb / catg deals work). Skydeelz deals only in factor second products across India.

There were 3 big panel tvs kept in display Samy & LG LEDs in 55 inch & a 60 in LG plasma (60PZ55). I am very much into this 60 in plasma but could not get much details / reviews on internet. Downloaded the manual and went thru and specification wise it seems to be very good TV though its a passive TV.

I was tempted by both - the price (MRP was around 1.7 lacs & offer price 96K) and the awesome picture quality and details. The colors were so natural that, the other two LEDs looked second grade. The dealer told me that this is an imported piece and company (LG) will take care of installation and will give warranty of 1 yr. The only downside seems to be the scratches at the bottom of the TV (not on screen but on the plastic border).

Though I am very very tempted by this one, will it be wise in investing 96k an unknown model (a plasma in particular)? Can the experts shed some light on the capabilities of this set?
At first, I thought I shouldn't post any in this thread, but changed my mind to share my experience/thoughts in a hope that someone might see this as an useful information. It is not right to simply say that Plasma lovers are very much blinded and don't talk about the cons. Of course any technology will have some pros and cons and enough information is available in the Internet for an individual to judge. I am a plasma lover and so it is obvious that I would be always be recommending a Plasma TV and finally it is up to the other individual to decide on his own. So if someone recommends a particular technology, let's not abuse them since that is their opinion.

Leaving aside all these things, here is my simple recommendation to decide on LCD vs Plasma.
Point#1: If you are an videophile, simply go for Plasma without any second thought. I am not saying LEDs are completely bad for all videophiles, but to get a Picture-Quality (PQ) on par with a midrange Plasma, then you need to invest 1.5 times more for getting an LED of similar performance. To put in simple words, an high end LED TV is equivalent to a mid-range Plasma. This is the fact.

Point#2: As I mentioned above, if you are an videophile and not prepared to compromise on the PQ, plasma is the way to go but with a rider. The rider is - you need to take care of Plasma just like you take care of your kid. This may sound bit exaggerated, but that's how I handle my Plasma TV. Of course - this is a call you need to make if you want no compromise on the PQ. When I say about taking care of Plasma, few precautions need to taken for the few 150 to 200 hours, watching in the bright rooms, etc. Just like if you buy a Ferrari, you should take care of driving it only on express highways and not on other roads.

Point#3: If you are not an videophile, then never go for a Plasma. Again this is just my opinion. LEDs are catching up with the Plasmas these days and so they becoming better day-by-day. Again, I am not saying that LED's PQ is bad. In fact, LEDs too have an excellent PQ, but when compared with the Plasmas, there will be some "if's and but's".

Rest of the points on Plasma vs LED can be found in the Internet and I am not going to write here. Finally, you are the one who is going to decide on what works best for you.
Though I am very very tempted by this one, will it be wise in investing 96k an unknown model (a plasma in particular)? Can the experts shed some light on the capabilities of this set?

Please check the audio on the LG plasma TV before you buy as well. I have both LG and Panasonic plasma TVs and the Panasonic is much better. LG has a decent picture quality but the sound level is very poor. The Panasonic plays loud and clear.

After you buy, make sure the TV is mounted well if you are putting it on a wall. The wall rack should be sturdy and even though the company does the installation - LG installed a wall rack that vibrated a lot when the TV was played. It was replaced but again the Panasonic installation was done much better for me.
Please check the audio on the LG plasma TV before you buy as well. I have both LG and Panasonic plasma TVs and the Panasonic is much better. LG has a decent picture quality but the sound level is very poor. The Panasonic plays loud and clear.

After you buy, make sure the TV is mounted well if you are putting it on a wall. The wall rack should be sturdy and even though the company does the installation - LG installed a wall rack that vibrated a lot when the TV was played. It was replaced but again the Panasonic installation was done much better for me.

As I have Onkyo HT the TV audio is not much of a concern. But have checked that and in comparison to the samy LED which I own, this set is also able to produce crisp sound.
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