Listening Impression - Shanti's System

This Saturday, I took a little audio break and flew down to Mumbai. The idea was to listen to Bhagwan/Shanti's Resurrection speakers.

I have been meaning to change my B&W 801 Matrix S3 speakers as i don't have enough room to play them to their true potential. And the Resurrection seemed like a good idea. Hence the special visit!

Also, since Bhagwan himself listens in a very small space, I feel that he is the forum's resident expert on audio in small rooms (after spending time with him and auditioning a few other set-ups that he helped put together, I think he is THE resident expert on all things audio! more later!)

So, as soon as I landed, another FM (and dear friend) - JLS (Joshua) picked me up and took me to Bhagwan's place. We heard a few tracks on his TAD set up and I can say I was floored. In my mind I was hoping that the Resurrection is at least 50% as good as what I'd heard....

A short drive later, we reached skljesus's place. This is where the Resurrection was set up. The Power amp was the Cadence Canasya Mono blocks and the front end was a Qsonic media player.

For the next 3 hours I was mesmerized. The Resurrection turned out to be one of the best speakers I have EVER heard. Up until then, my heart was set on buying a Harbeth or ATC. Both speakers that I have heard. In fact, I have had the pleasure of listening to one of the Harbeth's at my place with my Accuphase and was very pleased.... but this Speaker here was totally something else!

The hi's and mids were detailed and smooth. The resolution was something that is unmatched... the only other speaker that had as good detail and resolution was Bhagwan's own TAD...

Coming to the LF... I cannot imagine how the ATD's 6" woofer can produce so much of bass... I suspect that the TL design gives it immense LF capability.... Superb low end and tight too!

All in all I was floored! These speakers will soon be mine!

After the audition, we decided to go back to Bhagwan's listening pad. As I really wanted to get a feel of his current speakers.

Now, before I begin talking about his set-up, let me be clear on one thing. A few other FM's have mentioned his small space. IT IS TRULY VERY SMALL. all in all he has about 200 sam of space. this in itself is not small by any standards, but due to a beam in the centre of the room, Bhagwan gets a very obtuse shaped small space for his set-up.

If I were to plan audio here, i'd give up! but what he has achieved is SPECTACULAR - kudos to you sir!

As I move on to my listening impression, (note, i am not going to describe his set-up, as it has already been done so!) I must also tell you about the excellent chai that Mrs Bhagwan served us!

On this listening session, I was more attentive... the set-up has been set up with pure ingenuity... it doesn't conform to any norms of speaker placement. Truly, all rules have been thrown out of the window and have been replaced with common sense and a keen ear.

I abhorr the audiophile terminology of describing the sound and so will desist from using it as much as possible. To me the sound was completely life-like. one could hear deep into the recorded material. I look for detail and it pleased me! Most setups sound bright and shrill when there is too much of detail, the TAD's aren't like that at all... In fact even the Resurrection had the same quality!

The subwoofers have been beautifully integrated here as well... I have never ever liked sub's in any system as they tend to do their own thing. Not so here!

I wonder what the system would sound like, if it were given a little more room and better dimensions???

Later, Bhagwan took us all to another friends' place that was playing a speaker called Kaiser (??)... again, superb!

All in all it was a wonderful weekend, because the next day, I spent another evening with the Resurrection at skljesus's place. heard a lot of jazz! And truly made up my mind about buying them!

skljesus is another great person to know. He is an encyclopedia on jazz. a true music lover. And a superb host as well!

He has put up a considerable amount of very rare jazz cd's on sale (on audiophile labels that are hard and very expensive to find, guys! grab 'em before they go!)

Bhagwan, i salute you and also thank you for giving all so much of your time. You were a wonderful host and it was true pleasure to meet you. Hopefully, as more work comes in from mumbai, you will find me coming over more often!

skljesus, thank god for the forum! it connected two like souls! And JLS, thanks for everything mate! you are a true friend!
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I want to add a little thing to my post...

I have heard enuff live sound... as in no microphones etc... and what the resurrection did right was the tonality.. it came very very close to the tonal quality of the instruments when heard live... and so did the TAD bs...

even the kaiser spacer did... it just wasn't as open sounding as these two... maybe it as the room... i dunno... but the resurrection and the TAD SHONE!
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even the kaiser spacer did... it just wasn't as open sounding as these two... maybe it as the room... i dunno... but the resurrection and the TAD SHONE!
What you heard was the Kaiser Kaweru from Germany with a Music First Audio - Ref Pre [passive] - Playback Design DAC - Cadence Canasya Power Amplifier - Cables a mix of Argento Flow + Bertram Model 8 + Echole Obsession etc.
This Saturday, I took a little audio break and flew down to Mumbai. The idea was to listen to Bhagwan/Shanti's Resurrection speakers.

I have been meaning to change my B&W 801 Matrix S3 speakers as i don't have enough room to play them to their true potential. And the Resurrection seemed like a good idea. Hence the special visit!

Also, since Bhagwan himself listens in a very small space, I feel that he is the forum's resident expert on audio in small rooms (after spending time with him and auditioning a few other set-ups that he helped put together, I think he is THE resident expert on all things audio! more later!)

So, as soon as I landed, another FM (and dear friend) - JLS (Joshua) picked me up and took me to Bhagwan's place. We heard a few tracks on his TAD set up and I can say I was floored. In my mind I was hoping that the Resurrection is at least 50% as good as what I'd heard....

A short drive later, we reached skljesus's place. This is where the Resurrection was set up. The Power amp was the Cadence Canasya Mono blocks and the front end was a Qsonic media player.

For the next 3 hours I was mesmerized. The Resurrection turned out to be one of the best speakers I have EVER heard. Up until then, my heart was set on buying a Harbeth or ATC. Both speakers that I have heard. In fact, I have had the pleasure of listening to one of the Harbeth's at my place with my Accuphase and was very pleased.... but this Speaker here was totally something else!

The hi's and mids were detailed and smooth. The resolution was something that is unmatched... the only other speaker that had as good detail and resolution was Bhagwan's own TAD...

Coming to the LF... I cannot imagine how the ATD's 6" woofer can produce so much of bass... I suspect that the TL design gives it immense LF capability.... Superb low end and tight too!

All in all I was floored! These speakers will soon be mine!

After the audition, we decided to go back to Bhagwan's listening pad. As I really wanted to get a feel of his current speakers.

Now, before I begin talking about his set-up, let me be clear on one thing. A few other FM's have mentioned his small space. IT IS TRULY VERY SMALL. all in all he has about 200 sam of space. this in itself is not small by any standards, but due to a beam in the centre of the room, Bhagwan gets a very obtuse shaped small space for his set-up.

If I were to plan audio here, i'd give up! but what he has achieved is SPECTACULAR - kudos to you sir!

As I move on to my listening impression, (note, i am not going to describe his set-up, as it has already been done so!) I must also tell you about the excellent chai that Mrs Bhagwan served us!

On this listening session, I was more attentive... the set-up has been set up with pure ingenuity... it doesn't conform to any norms of speaker placement. Truly, all rules have been thrown out of the window and have been replaced with common sense and a keen ear.

I abhorr the audiophile terminology of describing the sound and so will desist from using it as much as possible. To me the sound was completely life-like. one could hear deep into the recorded material. I look for detail and it pleased me! Most setups sound bright and shrill when there is too much of detail, the TAD's aren't like that at all... In fact even the Resurrection had the same quality!

The subwoofers have been beautifully integrated here as well... I have never ever liked sub's in any system as they tend to do their own thing. Not so here!

I wonder what the system would sound like, if it were given a little more room and better dimensions???

Later, Bhagwan took us all to another friends' place that was playing a speaker called Kaiser (??)... again, superb!

All in all it was a wonderful weekend, because the next day, I spent another evening with the Resurrection at skljesus's place. heard a lot of jazz! And truly made up my mind about buying them!

skljesus is another great person to know. He is an encyclopedia on jazz. a true music lover. And a superb host as well!

He has put up a considerable amount of very rare jazz cd's on sale (on audiophile labels that are hard and very expensive to find, guys! grab 'em before they go!)

Bhagwan, i salute you and also thank you for giving all so much of your time. You were a wonderful host and it was true pleasure to meet you. Hopefully, as more work comes in from mumbai, you will find me coming over more often!

skljesus, thank god for the forum! it connected two like souls! And JLS, thanks for everything mate! you are a true friend!

Malvai, looks like a super trip. I too was in Mumbai few months back but had only 6-7 hours in hand. Though I had planned to cover 2-3 high end system but somehow did not materialize, in the end it was super shanti who made my day. The whole of 6 hours were spent in his company along with another senior audiophile "KJ". Some serious music, serious discussion and serious food:eek:hyeah: happened in those 6-7 hours. Yea, but the ressurection and Kaiser did not happen so it remains on the wish list.

Interesting to know you are getting the Ressurection, it will be nice to hear a comparison between a high end B&W and the boutique Ressurection;).
He has put up a considerable amount of very rare jazz cd's on sale (on audiophile labels that are hard and very expensive to find, guys! grab 'em before they go!)

well i did. thanks to this information i managed to grab a whole lot of quality cds before somebody else snapped them up.
it was a real pleasure to deal with mr. lalwani.
the packaging was superb and the quality of the cds was as promised. besides the ones that was paid for he had painstakingly recorded a number of others too. some of these were on my request and others were his recommendations. cats like eddie higgins, archie shepp, spheres, metheny etc.
opening the package was like unravelling a musical hamper.
and there were other surprises too like jazz dvds and jazziz collection volumes that i had never ordered in the first place.
all in all a wonderful experience. thanks to this offer i have a respectable collection of jazz cds. the icing on the cake is that some of them are from labels that i didn't have a icicles chance in hell of procuring.
thanks to messrs. malvai and lalwani my cup of music now overfloweth.

I read Mr. Lalwani's Jazz CD's thread with great interest when it first came up on Global Audiophile. The fact that the cd's went unsold for so many days was a pity. A pity for folks who like jazz but did not pounce on the offer. So many great recordings of jazz would be hard to find even after spending substantial time and money on Amazon/CD Universe/Rhythm House/Landmark.

I would have bought many of them on Day 1 of the sale, but I decided last year, that I would only listen to western classical in the future. The stand out CD's for me (one's that I have always wanted but never owned) were Study In Brown and More Study In Brown by Clifford Brown and Max Roach. I would have bought them, but I felt it would not be worthwhile for Mr. Lalwani to pack and ship two CD's.

Those whom the gods love, die young. Clifford Brown died at the age of 26. He may have been around for a short time. But his trumpet ventured into regions never explored by any other jazzman. I like Miles Davis. I adore Clifford Brown. And with Max Roach for company there is serious magic at work in Study In Brown and At Basin Street.

Clifford Brown & Max Roach - Cherokee - YouTube
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I read Mr. Lalwani's Jazz CD's for sale thread with great interest when it first came up on Global Audiophile. The fact that the cd's went unsold for so many days was a pity. A pity for folks who like jazz but did not pounce on the offer. So many great recordings of jazz would be hard to find even after spending substantial time and money on Amazon/CD Universe/Rhythm House/Landmark.

I would have bought many of them on Day 1 of the sale but last year I decided that I would only listen to only western classical. The stand out CD's for me (one's that I have always wanted but never owned) were Study In Brown and More Study In Brown by Clifford Brown and Max Roach. I wanted them but I felt it would not be worthwhile for Mr. Lalwani to pack and ship two CD's.

Those whom the gods like die young. Clifford Brown died at the age of 26. He may have been around for a short time. But his trumpet ventured into regions never explored by any other jazzman. I like Miles Davis. I adore Clifford Brown. And with Max Roach for company there is serious magic at work in Study In Brown and At Basin Street.

Clifford Brown & Max Roach - Cherokee - YouTube

good you mentioned Clifford. And to think that he 'avoided the indignities of substance abuse' had a 'mature off stage demeanour' and was the ideal role model for younger musicians.
unlike charlie parker who started 'dissipating' at 13 and abused his body so much that on his death at the ripe old age of 34, the coroner mistook him for being 60.
and then there is michel petrucianni.
life dealt him a cruel hand but he more than made up for it with his joyous, exuberant genius with the piano...
Michel Petrucciani - Satin Doll - YouTube
Among the splendid and strange delights which Paris offers a tourist, the Pere Lachaise cemetery is one place which is definitely worth visiting. It is the world's most popular cemetery. A place where 'living and healthy' human beings love to go! Among the famous people buried here are: Balzac, Chopin, Proust, Eluard, Rossini, Ingres, Pissaro and J.R.D. Tata. Perhaps the two most visited and bedecked-with-flowers graves are those of Jim Morrison and Michel Petrucciani.

Many years ago I spent several hours at Pere Lachaise with my wife. The cemetery was bathed in gentle sunlight. Everything was still, peaceful and ever so pretty. The benevolent gaze of the famous people whose remains are interred here, fell gently on the 'anonymous' tourists who had come to pay homage or merely satisfy their curiosity. Some of the tourists were taking it easy. Others were hurrying and scurrying to mark their attendance at all the big name graves. I remember an old lady (who guessed what I was looking for) pointing with her walking stick and hollering: Ingres! Over there!

I did not do much grave visiting because I sat down close to the spot where Marcel Proust was buried and fell into a reverie of remembrance of things past.
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"unlike charlie parker who started 'dissipating' at 13 and abused his body so much that on his death at the ripe old age of 34, the coroner mistook him for being 60"

Good old Charlie Parker! A different generation from the current generation y and z who have made the world such a banal and boring place :)

On days when I am feeling totally down and out, at odds with the whole world, I pour myself a stiff shot of Laphroaig, crank up the Brystons to 2-O-Clock (whatever I can get away with) volumes. And play:

NEIL YOUNG & CRAZY HORSE - Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black) - YouTube
hi ajay,

it took me 37 years to put this collection together (in cd form), before that it was vinyl.

i remember buying the new Kenny Burrell each time he released a new album.
Yesterday (yes last night) a young man by the name of Jenson, took away 9 Kenny Burrells in one stroke.

Life has changed.

I dont think any store in India will offer you so many cds at one time of KB.

People are into downloading. The visual and the notes in the notes holds value for a few.
I am surely u r a "big daddy", to come up with the details both you & Moktan have come up with.

You & Moktan have great interest and knowledge. Would be nice to meet up with you two.

Most who have heard Kenny Burrell probably think he is "white".
I had the good fortune of having his company at my table between sets at the Village Vanguard in NY. & that too probably because I was an Indian. Indians were not a common site in jazz clubs in 1970's.

Most jazz musicians are very very humble. No airs & graces.

In my job with Air India I flew down many Indian musicians of different genres. Once I had the 3 Mangeshkar sisters all on the same flight.

God Bless.
suresh lalwani

Most jazz musicians are very very humble. No airs & graces.

And most rock musicians seem to be enveloped in a thick shroud of hubris. Perhaps success and wealth is the enemy of humility and creativity. With the exception of Miles Davis, George Benson, Nat King Cole and Louis Armstrong very few jazz musicians have tasted the popularity and financial success which they deserved. Perhaps this is the reason why they didn't put on any airs.
The Resurrection Speakers arrived on Monday! :):):)

Thank you Bhagwan/Shanti! That was very quick work! And the packing was awesome too! I can see that you really took the pains on sending these -- that too in record time!

I finally opened the crates yesterday and got to listen to the speakers for about an hour, via the Squeezebox... they sound sooooo splended!

I have just come back home... early after a loong loooong time... Spinning my Fav Fleetwood Mac LP - Rumours....

It sounds fantastic. The speakers are so 'alive'.

Earlier, after listening to them in Mumbai, I thought that the Accuphase E460 integarted of mine would need to be upgraded.... but, not so!

The Accuphase is doing everything that the Canasya's did.... really!

So, i guess it will stay for the time being!

The R's have a resolution that is amazing... the amount of detail, esp in the hi's and mids is spectacular! The ribbon module is just plain incredible!
Congratulations Manav, I'm so happy for you. Now make us happy by sharing pics of those pretty babies.


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