Listening Impression - Shanti's System

6moons industryfeatures: Siltech's Pantheon 25

6moons industryfeatures: Siltech's Pantheon XXV

Siltech Pantheons (aka XXV, aka SC1)

OK, got the connection! Siltech is partly owned by Cadence. Hence the use of the electrostat panel. But I had always known Siltech as ONLY a cable Co!

OT: is Spendor also partly owned by Cadence? Or is Cadence just the Spendor D&D for India?
OK, got the connection! Siltech is partly owned by Cadence. Hence the use of the electrostat panel. But I had always known Siltech as ONLY a cable Co!

OT: is Spendor also partly owned by Cadence? Or is Cadence just the Spendor D&D for India?

Is Shanti the co-founder of Cadence?
The third founders name is also Shanti :D
Is Shanti the co-founder of Cadence?
The third founders name is also Shanti :D

Swami Shanti was from Austria - Ex Decca & Ex Phillips.
Technical Consultant & Development Director @ Cadence.
Never 'owned' Cadence.
Cadence is 'holding' company of Siltech & Spendor.

I am some one who has no connection with any of the above;
I wanted my 'regular' handel = 'bhagwan' but it was 'taken' so I chose this handel - shanti [peace] - that is all.......

p.s. Can the Mods get me my handel ? I write on all forums as bhagwan.
I wonder who has that name here on this forum - never seen a post with that name.....:sad:

p.s.s. I cannot comment on the SP XXV Speaker - It is not my set up & I do not have 'clearance' to write about it - kindly understand.
If the 'owner' writes on this thread - I will surely add my comments....
He was a very welcoming and warm host, eager to let a greenhorn in on what the big boys play with.

And that folks, is what "Shanti" is all about. I have learnt a lot about this hobby thanks to him and a couple of others.

True passion is shared. And believe me, this gentleman exemplifies that like very few in this hobby.
And that folks, is what "Shanti" is all about. I have learnt a lot about this hobby thanks to him and a couple of others.

True passion is shared. And believe me, this gentleman exemplifies that like very few in this hobby.


Thanks for those kind words;
A 'visit' is 'due'
When do we meet ?
A few changes have been made - since you last visited.
Do spare some time - you met Manbir [bombaywalla] @ DC's place & never came to my house... Do come - will be great to catch up.




Thanks for those kind words;
A 'visit' is 'due'
When do we meet ?
A few changes have been made - since you last visited.
Do spare some time - you met Manbir [bombaywalla] @ DC's place & never came to my house... Do come - will be great to catch up.




A visit is definitely due. Needed to talk to you about some stuff too. Your perspective on things. Will definitely plan a Saturday soon.
No harm or not connected with anything.:) I have not had a drink now it is noon time:p

Just had a thought on balanced / unbalanced cabling or output.. Everywhere it is there in real life too one end balanced / unbalanced:D

People out here are asking for suggestion for buying systems worth less than $1K and wondering cable alone of Shanti costing $9k...Sometime back I am talking to kittu and he told he is putting extra efforts in his ofice itself to buy an DAC itself.. If so how much efforts he has to put to buy an complete system like Shanti's. :)
No harm or not connected with anything.:) I have not had a drink now it is noon time:p

Just had a thought on balanced / unbalanced cabling or output.. Everywhere it is there in real life too one end balanced / unbalanced:D

People out here are asking for suggestion for buying systems worth less than $1K and wondering cable alone of Shanti costing $9k...Sometime back I am talking to kittu and he told he is putting extra efforts in his ofice itself to buy an DAC itself.. If so how much efforts he has to put to buy an complete system like Shanti's. :)

:lol: srini, even if I sell few kidneys of mine and friends, I will still be falling short for cables or interconnects. ;)
:lol: srini, even if I sell few kidneys of mine and friends, I will still be falling short for cables or interconnects. ;)

If you sell your kidneys your interconnect and cable inside your body will loose itz strength, then what is the use of going for cable and interconnect for your System:p So best advice any of friends ready go with that...
If you sell your kidneys your interconnect and cable inside your body will loose itz strength, then what is the use of going for cable and interconnect for your System:p So best advice any of friends ready go with that...

That is precisely why I train my ears to like the system ,which I can afford to buy. :)
That is precisely why I train my ears to like the system ,which I can afford to buy. :)

Respected Sir,
Do you like art ?
Do you visit museums ?
Have you been to an 'art gallery'

[Yes, I do understand these questions sound 'wierd' but I will connect & make sense out of it - in a bit] - mods - do bear with me....

Respected Sir,
Do you like art ?
Do you visit museums ?
Have you been to an 'art gallery'

[Yes, I do understand these questions sound 'wierd' but I will connect & make sense out of it - in a bit] - mods - do bear with me....


Heh Bhagwan:) Happy to write this Handle "Bhagwan" this morning and thanks for keeping it.

Yes please go ahead and connect it..We can learn a lot from this and hope OP will not object it.. "But request members to maintain sanity of this thread" and comments can be for fun not for sarcastic.

I do slightly understand what you are going to come, regarding art absolutely every individual have different thought and expressions and comments on seeing one type of art or object. Typically musical is also like that, no end for imagination.
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Respected Sir,
Do you like art ?
Do you visit museums ?
Have you been to an 'art gallery'

[Yes, I do understand these questions sound 'wierd' but I will connect & make sense out of it - in a bit] - mods - do bear with me....


Bhagwan aka Shanti,

Congratulations on getting your handle renamed, its about time.;)

I say "Yes" to all of the above.

Well I shall try;

I will start with the assumption that we like art & that we have some art works in our house; This is a pretext we need to start with.....
So, every day we get up & see / look / admire the art that we have on our walls.
This is 'ours' & so we see it - hopefully like it [relate this to out own audio set up @ our house]

Then we do go to art exhibitions / shows / galleries etc. Some times - at least I do.
Here we see art that does not belong to us - yet, some of it we like, some we do not, some is good to see & some is absurd.
This I relate to as an audio show room - dealer place.
Commercial - for sale - i.e.

Then there are 'museums'
These are places we do visit - some times.
Here we see art works by Raza / Sabawalla / Anjolie Ela Menon / Hussain / Souza etc.
These we cannot [at least I cannot buy] buy, but I still do try and go [visit] so that I can see. Try to appreciate - widen my horizon etc.
This I relate to 'esoteric' audio systems.
We can listen & try to understand & appreciate.
We may never own this - but the pleasure of listening can always be had.

Thereafter, I come home & see the art on my walls & appreciate it for what it is - I cannot buy any of the esoteric art works, but that does not mean that I should not experience it......

This is all I want to put across.

Live in a 1BHK Flat, but do visit a palace / mansion etc.
Appreciate what you see.
Take it in your senses.
Learn from it.
Aspire for it - some day - if God wills it - may come your way.
If it does not, you still have your 1BHK Flat to revert to - I know I do [I live in a 400 sq. ft. house - just to let you know] !!!

So as far as possible, 'experience' what ever comes your way;
That is the only way to 'grow' in life.
See / Listen / Touch etc. what ever you can - ownership is not important - experience the good things - that way you will grow an an individual...

Sorry for the long post, but this is a philosophy I live by....

p.s. I too started my audio 1.5 decades back with a 2 in 1 panasonic & when I purchased my 1st Bose, I was under the impression that I had 'arrived' !!
Had to unlearn so much - before I started my quest to 're-learn' !!
Still on that ladder & hope to keep climbing.....God willing;;
actually analogy of an audio system with art is good, in fact it is perfect. One can definitely appreciate an art/audio system regardless of affordability.
Hi Bhagwan/Hiten

Music is a form of art, not hardware. Hardware to me is not a piece of art. Its science and engineering.
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