Looking for stereo amplifier for Jamo e875

I am not talking about amps ability to drive a speaker

On another note
I wonder why Biamping exists ?? It should have been redundant by now

If you end up with two 50w amps, one great for midrange and tweeters and one great in bass, you can biamp them beause, low bass is unidirectional and only quantity matters.

Atleast I was trying out the above. Did not succeed because of the reasons mentioned.

The amps in question were musichall which was great in midrange and highs and NAD 2400 which was great in bass.
If you end up with two 50w amps, one great for midrange and tweeters and one great in bass, you can biamp them beause, low bass is unidirectional and only quantity matters.

Atleast I was trying out the above. Did not succeed because of the reasons mentioned.

The amps in question were musichall which was great in midrange and highs and NAD 2400 which was great in bass.

Let me explain in as simple a way as possible without too many terminologies

You are talking about passive biamping. the crossover is already set by the manufacturer, In most 3 way FS speakers the lowest woofer is not crossed at under 80hz, it is usually at 150 hz or 200 hz. at this high a wavelength bass is directional.
Unless offcourse you have one hell of a behemoth FS speaker which actually houses a Passive Subwoofer Driver - In that case the story is entirely different as the manufacturer would set the crossover of the subwoofer driver at 80hz or lower
Anyway when the speakers we are talking about is the front channels it does not make a difference if the bass is directional or not. Since it is in the front of the listening position. Quantity is not everything unless offcourse you want to drown all the other freq with Bass. In that case its better to just add a subwoofer and be done with it.

Lers take for example a 3 way generic brand speaker run without biamping /biwring

(Example) 2* 6.5 woofers and a tweeter FS speaker

The 2 woofers would have different crossover points.

First woofer (the lowest one) crossover is at 200hz, so any freq 200 hz and below that the amp sends will go to this driver
Second woofer ( the middle one) crossover is usually at 1000-1500 hz so any freq that the amp sends under 1500hz right up to 200hz will go to this driver.
Tweeter anything above 1500hz fq the amp sends will go to the tweeter.

Now when you biamp the speaker, most manufactures have designed the crossover inside the speaker that it will segregate the bass and mid bass freq drivers as one unit and the tweeter as a second unit. ( Also called Passive Biamping)
And this is the case probably with your speakers
So with 2 amps running in tandem biamp to your speaker.
The 2 woofers in the example above will take the load from one AMP ( 40hz to 1500hz) and the tweeter (1500hz to 20khz will take the load from the second amp.
And this is probably what happened in your case. that's why the NAD played the entire bass as well as midrange and the music hall probably only played the Treble freq
Ideally you should not be using 2 different amps to biamp - because gains have to be matched - however if your preamp does it, its a different story. Or else you would have bass

Anyway to overcome this what is actually required is an active crossover connected to each of your drivers in the loudspeaker and if you know the Parameters of each driver you can then use the active crossover to segregate frequencies going into each speaker driver from each amp. (It is complicated but very much doable) This is Active Biamping

That is why in my post to corelement, I asked to him to try biamping and the result would be dependent on the crossover network in the speaker.
I knew that I was attempting passive biamping. :)
The NAD 2400 (if you check fotos) has a input control, which is like a volume control (yes in a power amp!!)
Idea was to connect the preout of the musichall to NAD and use it to power the woofers with precise control over the bass and directly connect tweeter and midrange to the musichall. It is a two channel power amp and so directional or not does not matter (IMO, not sure).

Well, that was theory. The crossover setup in the jamos screwed it anyway.
@Core, why don't you checkout emotiva pre-power?
Iam waiting for the day when it will be available for group-buy in hfv. :D
Blasto you had e875's?

What are the exact model numbers for the emotiva you guys are talking about?
Also any idea of price in india?

Also The stated crossover in manual is
Cross-over frequency (Hz) ..................... 200 / 2200

Even though the bass drivers are at 200 it's not boomy at all.

BTW, what do you guys think of equalizers for my situation?
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AudioEnz - $4000 systems

On this website they've used cambridge audio azur 640 v2 and recommended the combination.

I was actually a little keen on looking for an azur 650 myself if I can find one under 20k. What do you guys think?

I wonder what the difference between the Azur 650 and 651 is.
Blasto you had e875's?

No. Have the C405. But the DNA is same.

What are the exact model numbers for the emotiva you guys are talking about?
Also any idea of price in india?

I was talking about USP1 and power. Looks like they are replaced. Emotiva is a internet only company.

BTW, what do you guys think of equalizers for my situation?

I think, the lesser the components the better but thats only me.
Marantz PM15S2 reference brought nirvana with the C607s. With source direct.
No. Have the C405. But the DNA is same.

Hmm, 405's are very very veryyyyyyyyy different from the 875/607's man. c405's were closer to e570's back in the day, fatass mids and somewhat boomy. If I had to compare it'd be like comparing a fat construction worker against a slender chick for e8/c6 vs a muscle hunky man with the c8's and Pavarotti with the concert 11's

I was talking
about USP1 and power. Looks like they are replaced. Emotiva is a internet only company.

Ahhh, not too keen in that case.

I think, the lesser the components the better but thats only me.
Marantz PM15S2 reference brought nirvana with the C607s. With source direct.

Hmm, I really need to go audition, dammit.
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Hmm, 405's are very very veryyyyyyyyy different from the 875/607's man. c405's were closer to e570's back in the day, fatass mids and somewhat boomy. If I had to compare it'd be like comparing a fat construction worker against a slender chick for e8/c6 vs a muscle hunky man with the c8's and Pavarotti with the concert 11's

Hey, I mentioned C405 not for SQ comparison with C607/875.. :D
I mentioned it because you were asking about biamping. Thats where the DNA part comes in. :) Iam sure that your jamos adopted the same useless biamping technique.

And yeah. I know how the 607s sound. Thats what Iam keeping as reference while suggesting marantz. They lack in bass and nothing can be done about it. Maybe get your sub back. ;)

And your comparison is funny.. :clapping:
:D I'm glad you liked it!


I HAVE NEWS!!!!!!!! the setup has just been given new life!

I had never tried out the "short path pure stereo" button on the AVR because it meant going analog but I took the plunge!

The sound quality just went up by 30%!!!!!! It's like someone took a cover off the speakers.

And not only that I've SUCCESSFULLY BI-AMPED the Tweeter+Midrange and lows separately!

Looks like they don't share the same DNA blasto :D

The AVR was not letting me bi amp in digital mode but in analog it's letting me Bi-amp.
I vertical biamped using this model with speaker B on top and speaker A on bottom
with each speaker is getting their individual full range signal (Cant afford to go active crossover)


It has definitely made a difference for the lows and cleaner highs. I might just be happy with this.
The sound has really changed in short pathway pure stereo. And honestly I don't know if I can
notice any further improvement in quality of sound presently as I am right now other than through tube.

Thank you for your help everyone, I'm going to be sticking to this till I further evolve as a stereophile

Really loving the sound now. It does not sound like my system anymore. Can't believe I didn't notice
something like this before. Maybe I couldn't notice it because I wasn't evolved enough.
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: I've SUCCESSFULLY BI-AMPED the Tweeter+Midrange and lows separately!

Excellent - Your Jamo's have a different crossover network. So in the end Biamping did work out

Thank you for your help everyone, I'm going to be sticking to this till I further evolve as a stereophile

Really loving the sound now. It does not sound like my system anymore. Can't believe I didn't notice
something like this before. Maybe I couldn't notice it because I wasn't evolved enough.

Sweet you must be in ecstatic that you have opened up a completely new dimension of SQ using your existing JAMO speakers and AVR.

Congrats :yahoo:
YES I AM! I have fallen in love with my avr all over again even though it's not being used as an AVR. I was sad about having to get rid of it and getting something around the 50-75w at 8ohms range when this ones 120 at 6ohm.

Not only that, because the woofer x2 gets power separarely now I used my soundcard's equalizer to increase 30hz 60hz 120hz by 3 db to push the e875's woofers to pump more lows. The bass on the e8 does not get boomy or hummy no matter what I do, if I push it to 10+db in sub 200hz range the bass wont get boomy but the mids get choked. It depends on the content largely. There's only so much you can do without a proper integrated amp and active crossover.

The only thing I can complain about is that because of gurgaons constant power outages every hour, each time the amp goes off i have to press speaker B and Pure Stereo each time I turn it on.

Maybe another funny issue now is that the sound has opened up so much.... I can make imperfections in almost everything I'm playing...lol.. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing :P
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YNot only that, because the woofer x2 gets power separarely now I used my soundcard to increase 30hz 60hz 120hz up by 3 db to push the e875's woofers to pump more lows.
And that is why I had initially mentioned Biamping dependent on how the Jamo's internal crossover performs. :)

You are now sending 120w rms to x2 drivers and 120wats into your mids. I am sure your Jamo's are sounding much better with the additional power.

Its time to rediscover your music, That is if there is electricity at home :ohyeah::ohyeah:
I'm hearing background instruments and stuff in tracks I could never hear before!


I lowered the soundcards preamp and increased the avr's volume so the speakers get more physical power than base signal. Was too harsh and nerve jarring clean otherwise.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.