Matching Speakers for Onkyo Tx-Sr 875 Receiver


New Member
Oct 30, 2007
I have bought Onkyo Tx-Sr 875 receiver and is looking for a matching 7.1 speakers.

Does any body has idea of what could be the matching speakers?

I went to ProFx in Hyderabad and looked at various Speakers. Not at all satisfied with Polk monitor series but a kind of Ok with Rti series. Kef iq series was really nice but bit expensive. The complete speakers package is near to 2 lakhs.

I even looked at Jamo but even that good matching tower spears are 1.2 lakhs.

I am planning to spend around 1 lakh.

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If you want to buy the entire 7 speaker + subwoofer set at once for under 1 lakh, look at the Wharfedale Diamond 9 family (2x9.5 for fronts, 4x9.1 for side+rear, 9CS for centre, SW250 sub-woofer). Should add up to well under 1 lakh. But these are entry-level speakers and may not do your receiver justice.

However if you don't mind starting off with only a good stereo pair then I would suggest you audition the Monitor Audio RS6 floorstanders (or RS8 if you have a large space). Then add whatever you feel is necessary right away from the RS (Reference Silver) family - such as a sub or a center channel. The RS6 should cost about 55,000 a pair (around 78 for RS8), and the center LCR about 28,000. Please check with your Monitor Audio dealer if your receiver can drive the speakers properly. Granted its a powerful receiver but these are demanding speakers.

The PSB Image series is also good for both movies and music. Something like B55 floorstanders and B25 bookshelf speakers.

If you prefer a warmer sound look at the Quad L2 series - 22L's for stereo front and the L-center speaker. Also consider the B&W 600 series. Like the Quad it uses kevlar cones. Take your receiver to the showroom and listen for yourself on your own equipment.
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Thanks particleman for quick reply :).

Do we have Monitor Audio showroom in India? I live in Hyderabad, India.

If I don't get right combination, I may not buy complete configuration in one go. I am still investigating on the right combination. I looked at B&W but the cost of 5.1 package is 2+lakhs.
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I would also strongly recommend Elac and Dali. Explore them I am sure you'll go with either of them. Monitor Audio Silver range may also be considered.

You have a hulk of a receiver. Make sure you don't pair it up with speakers not worthy of that baby.
Thanks fountainhead82:)..

I actually saw a demo of Elac 50 series and I am very impressed with the Sound quality.. But I am quiet unsure if the speakers can take the output from 875 since the speakers are arround 80-90 watts per channel @8ohms where as 875 is 140 watts @8ohms.

Any idea of Dali showroom in Hyderabad?
Thanks fountainhead82:)..

I actually saw a demo of Elac 50 series and I am very impressed with the Sound quality.. But I am quiet unsure if the speakers can take the output from 875 since the speakers are arround 80-90 watts per channel @8ohms where as 875 is 140 watts @8ohms.

Any idea of Dali showroom in Hyderabad?

Hi Robin,
I think there is no harm in driving 90watts speaker with a 140W receiver. Vice versa is more of a problem. Consult an expert, I don't think thats a cause for concern.
Alternatively you could go with the higher range of Elac if it fits your budget. Also try proAC, they retail for about 1.10 lacs i believe.
If I may ask you, can you please tell me the amount you paid for the 875 ( i love that baby and have been following it since april this year).. longing to own it if i cobble up that amount by this new year.
if you are uncomfortable disclosing the price to the forum, you can private message me.
Hi ParticleMan,

I am also looking for MA BR 5's.. has anyone heard these? Heard quite a lot about them. Have a room size of about 13X20 feet. Love base, listen to a lot of Jazz, Blues, Blues Guitar. I plan to team it up with Marantz AVR 5001... any thoughts/suggestions on this combination?

I am also looking for MA BR 5's.. has anyone heard these? Heard quite a lot about them. Have a room size of about 13X20 feet. Love base, listen to a lot of Jazz, Blues, Blues Guitar. I plan to team it up with Marantz AVR 5001... any thoughts/suggestions on this combination?

Sorry I am not very familiar with Marantz. For the music you have described I think Monitor Audio RS6 is the best choice. You have not mentioned a budget but this would be a more than worthwhile investment. I listen to Jazz & Blues a lot as well and was highly impressed by its performance. I was told an Arcam Solo would be the ideal partner for it. I have heard the old Bronze line and it was quite good in its own right and hope the improvements have made it better.
Thanks for your inputs. I would love to buy RS6's but they are a tad expensive in India - around 55-60 K/pair. ANd my room size is not that big. Thats why I was thinking of BR5's (Around 35 K) and if the base aint heavy then maybe I will team them up with a Sub. Another option could be Wharfdale 9.5... will auditon them over the weekend as there's a dealer in Delhi.
Hi mate

I have the same amp and i would suggest to go for jbl escape series,klipsch rf82, or b&w they all are very nice . i am buying klipsch , they are too good.
hey I finally bought Klipsch Reference series RF82, and sorround jbl ES30 and 2 subs : velodyn 10" and 12" and centre RC 62
hi,,i own the onkyo 875 too,it took me a lot of time to get the best speakers for it(took me abt a mnth) finally settled in for the jamos C809 sereies,i got the main towers and the centres ,but bought the velodyne CHT12R subwoofer and retained my old pandam for the rears,,,,but let me tell u the jamo C809 really ROCK!!! u will never ever listen to another speaker again for a long time!!! i too heard a lot of other speakers before buying these but these were real beauties u cud blindly go for the JAMO c809s,,,,,,,recently i heard a new speaker called the EMERALD PHYSICS (OPEN BAFFLE)and another one called the USHER both these sound awesome too and cost abt the same (1.5) u cud listen to these before u decide ,rt now am freakn out with my 875 and c809s (i hav bi-amped my mains)
Thanks fountainhead82:)..

I actually saw a demo of Elac 50 series and I am very impressed with the Sound quality.. But I am quiet unsure if the speakers can take the output from 875 since the speakers are arround 80-90 watts per channel @8ohms where as 875 is 140 watts @8ohms.

Any idea of Dali showroom in Hyderabad?

The specs say that the speakers of Elac 50 series are at 4 ohms. I just wanted to be sure if you had seen some other series of Elac at 8 ohms.

A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.